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"Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article (1 Viewer)


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Jun 7, 2020
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"Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Trump opposes Postal Service funding to undercut mail voting - Los Angeles Times

It's funny because several weeks ago, all the leftists here were trying to tell me that the federal government doesn't fund the postal service. And the LA Times is hardly a right-wing source. Plus this article is actually attacking Trump. If you google this topic, you can see SEVERAL left-leaning sources saying something similar to this article, such as NPR. So the US apparently does fund the USPS.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

A president who admits to trying to prevent people from voting is a criminal who must be immediately impeached...... at the very least.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

republicans are ok with giving 750 billion in tax dollars to the useless military, but wont fund the postal service because minorities might vote. haha

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

they don't even feel like they have to lie about it anymore.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

at least he admits to being unAmerican.

and his supporters support him being unAmerican.

don't forget who his supporters are. they caused his entire mess (along with Rush and Sean).
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

A president who admits to trying to prevent people from voting is a criminal who must be immediately impeached...... at the very least.

Who won't be able to vote if they don't get a ballot mailed to them without even asking for it?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Trump opposes Postal Service funding to undercut mail voting - Los Angeles Times

It's funny because several weeks ago, all the leftists here were trying to tell me that the federal government doesn't fund the postal service. And the LA Times is hardly a right-wing source. Plus this article is actually attacking Trump. If you google this topic, you can see SEVERAL left-leaning sources saying something similar to this article, such as NPR. So the US apparently does fund the USPS.

Do you have any sources that aren't behind pay walls?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Trump opposes Postal Service funding to undercut mail voting - Los Angeles Times

It's funny because several weeks ago, all the leftists here were trying to tell me that the federal government doesn't fund the postal service. And the LA Times is hardly a right-wing source. Plus this article is actually attacking Trump. If you google this topic, you can see SEVERAL left-leaning sources saying something similar to this article, such as NPR. So the US apparently does fund the USPS.

You just cannot make this stuff up. He cheats and doesn't care if anyone sees it.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Do you have any sources that aren't behind pay walls?

Turn on your TV. Everyone and their brother are discussing it. Besides we have Trump's own words on Fox and Friends admitting he's withholding money to ruin mail in voting.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Turn on your TV. Everyone and their brother are discussing it. Besides we have Trump's own words on Fox and Friends admitting he's withholding money to ruin mail in voting.

I don't watch TV, and therefore don't subscribe to cable. Is it that hard to find a written source?

By withholding, do you mean "not giving them additional money that they're not entitled to receive in the first place?"
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Who won't be able to vote if they don't get a ballot mailed to them without even asking for it?

The key question is will their vote - in whatever form it takes - be counted?
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Trump opposes Postal Service funding to undercut mail voting - Los Angeles Times

It's funny because several weeks ago, all the leftists here were trying to tell me that the federal government doesn't fund the postal service. And the LA Times is hardly a right-wing source. Plus this article is actually attacking Trump. If you google this topic, you can see SEVERAL left-leaning sources saying something similar to this article, such as NPR. So the US apparently does fund the USPS.

They don't. This is basically a bailout because COVID-19 has adversely affected USPS as well.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

The key question is will their vote - in whatever form it takes - be counted?

Why does the Post Office need billions of extra money to deliver bags-full of ballots to a single central location? You seem to be conflating "mail-in voting" with "UNIVERSAL" mail-in voting.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Do you have any sources that aren't behind pay walls?

Just click “I am not interested” and you can still read it.

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

They don't. This is basically a bailout because COVID-19 has adversely affected USPS as well.

Care to post a link or are you just making crap up?

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

republicans are ok with giving 750 billion in tax dollars to the useless military, but wont fund the postal service because minorities might vote. haha

View attachment 67291392

Do you have any evidence of your claim or are you just parroting sources like CNN?

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

A president who admits to trying to prevent people from voting is a criminal who must be immediately impeached...... at the very least.

And a person who votes multiple times in an election should get life in prison. And you guys just lie and say it doesn’t happen to cover it up.

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Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Just click “I am not interested” and you can still read it.

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Not an option for me.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Care to post a link or are you just making crap up?

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The Postal Service Deserves a Permanent Bailout

Congressional Democrats would like to help the Postal Service through this troubled time by providing it with a federal bailout. The Trump administration would like to use the agency’s financial crisis to both force through cuts to postal workers’ compensation and (for God knows what reason) screw over its own rural base by allowing the agency to charge low-density parts of the country higher rates. The president, meanwhile, ostensibly wants the USPS to bilk Jeff Bezos until he stops funding journalism critical of Republicans (this might be sound policy for punishing Trump’s personal enemies, but it would not actually solve the Postal Service’s funding woes).
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

Is this supposed to mean something?

You're no libertarian if you think a major government monopoly like the postal service shouldn't go private. The video is a few years old, before the COVID scare, showing that the government funds them.
Re: "Trump admits to blocking Postal Service funding to undercut voting by mail"-LA Times article

You're no libertarian if you think a major government monopoly like the postal service shouldn't go private. The video is a few years old, before the COVID scare, showing that the government funds them.

Um, did you see me saying anything of the sort?

As much as I don't like government waste, the thing is that alot of poor people want to mail stuff. Have you bothered to check rates that UPS and FedEx charge for the smallest of packages?

If I want to ship the smallest of packages (aka, a letter) from my location to say, San Francisco, care to guess how much it would cost?

$9.25. Ground (4 days). And I'd have to drop my package off at a UPS drop location.


Good luck!

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