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Trump’s Request of an Ambassador: Get the British Open for Me (1 Viewer)

Gee, that's a really bad guess.
And did you know that Trump would have to pay US taxes on that lucrative tournament?

No idea on that
Who knows what taxes he has paid
Who cares. It's a stupid game of knocking little balls into little holes; "a good walk, spoiled". Harry Leon Wilson, 1904.

So, in spite of your obvious lack of knowledge, you post a lie about an event that is obviously fictitious, about a game you don't seem to care about with no evidence outside of the lying butt holes that we all know are lying continuously.
So, in spite of your obvious lack of knowledge, you post a lie about an event that is obviously fictitious, about a game you don't seem to care about with no evidence outside of the lying butt holes that we all know are lying continuously.

What have I lied about?
Gee, that's a really bad guess.
From the article, "President Trump had asked him to see if the British government could help steer the world-famous and lucrative British Open golf tournament to the Trump Turnberry resort in Scotland,"

Moving the Open to Trump's property in Scotland doesn't do anything positive for us Americans. The move was designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to enrich Trump. This is a clear violation of the Emolument Clause of the Constitution. If those "law and order" Republicans had any balls, they'd impeach him.
And did you know that Trump would have to pay US taxes on that lucrative tournament?
You originally said:
Fred C Dobbs II said:
Why shouldn't an American want the Open to take place on an American property? It's more money for Trump, perhaps, but over the long term it's also revenue for the American people. Leftists should get over their destructive pettiness.
So now you are just doubling down defending Trump's profiteering on his office and violating the Emoluments Clause.

Trump's resort still isn't "American property" and who knows if the U.S. would get tax revenue from this venture, since Trump never seems to pay taxes. In any case, your argument is analogous to, "we should feed the horses well, because eventually the sparrows will get something to eat."
Trumpster thinking!

If you just pretend you didn’t see it because the Times has a paywall, it won’t exist (at least not in your mind).

That’s the way Trump has “managed” the Corona virus crisis!

Here we are in 2020 and this story is just now leaking out?

C'mon, man!

Do you EVER use any critical thinking in analyzing the world around you?
Why shouldn't an American want the Open to take place on an American property? It's more money for Trump, perhaps, but over the long term it's also revenue for the American people. Leftists should get over their destructive pettiness.

You make an interesting point. Since Trump acts exclusively in his own interest, for the rare moments that his interests coincide with the country's interest, we should jump on board.

Hard pass.
Here we are in 2020 and this story is just now leaking out?

C'mon, man!

Do you EVER use any critical thinking in analyzing the world around you?

Yes. Why did nobody in the state department report this before now? Why was nothing done at the time? Where were the media? Lots of questions around how Trump's fabled vindictiveness has chilled the normal checks and balances.
Why shouldn't an American want the Open to take place on an American property? It's more money for Trump, perhaps, but over the long term it's also revenue for the American people. Leftists should get over their destructive pettiness.
No its not revenue for the American people. Its revenue for one American, the grifter, narcissist in the White House. It has zero to do with the rest of us. And he barely helps those in the community that course is in.

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I guess you think Scotland is American property. From the article, "President Trump had asked him to see if the British government could help steer the world-famous and lucrative British Open golf tournament to the Trump Turnberry resort in Scotland,"

Moving the Open to Trump's property in Scotland doesn't do anything positive for us Americans. The move was designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to enrich Trump. This is a clear violation of the Emolument Clause of the Constitution. If those "law and order" Republicans had any balls, they'd impeach him.

If Trump didnt own the Turnberry, would it be considered for the Open, yes or no

Has it played host to the British Open previously? yes or no

Did Trump just spend a boatload of money on the course and amenities upgrading in hopes of landing another Open? yes or no

And if he had sent his GM requesting the same thing, it still would be in violation of the emoluments according to all of you, wouldnt it? yes or no

So because he is a businessman who owns and runs real estate.....he is supposed to let is just run to ground while he is President

The emoluments clause was written in a time way before we had businessmen like Trump....it like so many other clauses needs to be revised

Maybe you all never want a businessman or woman running for office again....if this is the crap they will deal with, they wont run....and we will be left with the career politicians that never have ran anything other than a election campaign....

maybe that is what you all want....
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If Trump didnt own the Turnberry, would it be considered for the Open, yes or no

Has it played host to the British Open previously? yes or no

Did Trump just spend a boatload of money on the course and amenities upgrading in hopes of landing another Open? yes or no

And if he had sent his GM requesting the same thing, it still would be in violation of the emoluments according to all of you, wouldnt it? yes or no

So because he is a businessman who owns and runs real estate.....he is supposed to let is just run to ground while he is President

The emoluments clause was written in a time way before we had businessmen like Trump....it like so many other clauses needs to be revised

Maybe you all never want a businessman or woman running for office again....if this is the crap they will deal with, they wont run....and we will be left with the career politicians that never have ran anything other than a election campaign....

maybe that is what you all want....

The right answer is for a person who has conflicting business interests with the office of the President of the United States, is to have that person distance themselves from said businesses as greatly as possible and to remove themselves from operations of those businesses entirely for the duration of their presidency. Trump absolutely has the most complex business entanglements of any president in history, to an almost unprecedented level, but that should mean he makes an unprecedented effort to be removed from them, and not an excuse for his continual flouting of his position.
If Trump didnt own the Turnberry, would it be considered for the Open, yes or no

Has it played host to the British Open previously? yes or no

Did Trump just spend a boatload of money on the course and amenities upgrading in hopes of landing another Open? yes or no

And if he had sent his GM requesting the same thing, it still would be in violation of the emoluments according to all of you, wouldnt it? yes or no

So because he is a businessman who owns and runs real estate.....he is supposed to let is just run to ground while he is President

The emoluments clause was written in a time way before we had businessmen like Trump....it like so many other clauses needs to be revised

Maybe you all never want a businessman or woman running for office again....if this is the crap they will deal with, they wont run....and we will be left with the career politicians that never have ran anything other than a election campaign....

maybe that is what you all want....

I can remember way, way, way back to 2016, when Trump said he wouldn't be involved in his businesses. Clearly, he lied to get votes.

On all the other things that you said, it still is improper for Trump to pressure an ambassador, who works for the federal government that Trump runs, to lobby the British to move the Open to a property owned by Trump personally, so that he can make money. If Trump wanted to run his businesses, he shouldn't have run for president. We hired him to be president, not to use his position to profiteer. It's highly improper and violates the constitution.

Moreover, for people who had their hair on fire claiming (falsely) that Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to get donations to her charity, the Clinton Foundation, I find the hypocrisy amusing.
Yup...thought you wouldn't be able to defend Trump because this is so obviously egregious. You have to know this is wrong but your unwavering devotion to anything Trump gets exposed in threads like this. No worries, in late January he'll be a civilian and then he can go grovel in Scotland to save Turnberry which is losing big money every year.

Not just Turnberry but his Aberdeen one and Ireland too. He's been pouring money into them for years.
Incidentally Turnberry faces the potential closure of the underused Prestwick airport, which is Trump's main gateway to international clients. Since Trump took office, USAF stopovers on flights to Germany have increased exponentially, bringing in much-needed revenue to the failing airport he needs for his business to have any chance of viability.
Not just Turnberry but his Aberdeen one and Ireland too. He's been pouring money into them for years.
Incidentally Turnberry faces the potential closure of the underused Prestwick airport, which is Trump's main gateway to international clients. Since Trump took office, USAF stopovers on flights to Germany have increased exponentially, bringing in much-needed revenue to the failing airport he needs for his business to have any chance of viability.

Once again, Trumpests praise Trump for not taking a salary (we really don't know if that's even true) but ignore the flagrant profiteering.
The right answer is for a person who has conflicting business interests with the office of the President of the United States, is to have that person distance themselves from said businesses as greatly as possible and to remove themselves from operations of those businesses entirely for the duration of their presidency. Trump absolutely has the most complex business entanglements of any president in history, to an almost unprecedented level, but that should mean he makes an unprecedented effort to be removed from them, and not an excuse for his continual flouting of his position.

selling them was an impossibility

the loss would have been extraordinary

so he should have managers, and be more hands off during his presidency (that i agree)

not sure if i was in the same boat as Trump regarding Turnberry, if i could leave it be

i understand him wanting to land the prestigious Open, and he probably should have had someone else call....

But i do understand his situation
I can remember way, way, way back to 2016, when Trump said he wouldn't be involved in his businesses. Clearly, he lied to get votes.

On all the other things that you said, it still is improper for Trump to pressure an ambassador, who works for the federal government that Trump runs, to lobby the British to move the Open to a property owned by Trump personally, so that he can make money. If Trump wanted to run his businesses, he shouldn't have run for president. We hired him to be president, not to use his position to profiteer. It's highly improper and violates the constitution.

Moreover, for people who had their hair on fire claiming (falsely) that Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to get donations to her charity, the Clinton Foundation, I find the hypocrisy amusing.

there were a LOT of things i didnt like about Hillary....

cant ever remember posting about her charities

Did some people...no doubt....these are my personal opinions....

In some cases i am lock step with the GOP, and in others i am not....

I am posting about Turnberry and what Trump did right and wrong....

take it for what you may
Yes. Why did nobody in the state department report this before now? Why was nothing done at the time? Where were the media? Lots of questions around how Trump's fabled vindictiveness has chilled the normal checks and balances.

What have been the consequences delivered against whomever it is in your fantasies that the President would have sanctioned as a result of being snubbed in this fanciful episode.

You need to ask this question: "If this is true, what else must be true?".
Once again, Trumpests praise Trump for not taking a salary (we really don't know if that's even true) but ignore the flagrant profiteering.
It's widely known that Trump takes a salary as POTUS. Why would you even think that that might not be true?

He does donate an equivalent amount to government departments though. That's also a fact. (Or was as of Q2-3 2019, last time I checked.)
selling them was an impossibility

the loss would have been extraordinary

so he should have managers, and be more hands off during his presidency (that i agree)

not sure if i was in the same boat as Trump regarding Turnberry, if i could leave it be

i understand him wanting to land the prestigious Open, and he probably should have had someone else call....

But i do understand his situation

And I think that is where the legitimacy of the criticism comes from. No reasonable person expects Trump to sell all of his properties and licenses for massive losses, and at some level Trump would always be entangled with his complex international business footprint, but had he made a serious effort, he may have been forgiven. But his habit of using his position to push his business interests is not relegated to a single incident or even a single aspect of his business. It is widespread and habitual, and incidents like this are just another reminder of his refusal to even make a good faith effort to remain distanced from his businesses.

We accept politicians are humans; Trump's DC hotel being booked by foreign government employees who may not even be using the rooms? - probably not something he could control. Sending an ambassador to discuss hosting tournaments at his golf course? An unforced error that clearly crosses the line.

Of course some people treat both incidents with equal breathless hyperbole.
And I think that is where the legitimacy of the criticism comes from. No reasonable person expects Trump to sell all of his properties and licenses for massive losses, and at some level Trump would always be entangled with his complex international business footprint, but had he made a serious effort, he may have been forgiven. But his habit of using his position to push his business interests is not relegated to a single incident or even a single aspect of his business. It is widespread and habitual, and incidents like this are just another reminder of his refusal to even make a good faith effort to remain distanced from his businesses.

We accept politicians are humans; Trump's DC hotel being booked by foreign government employees who may not even be using the rooms? - probably not something he could control. Sending an ambassador to discuss hosting tournaments at his golf course? An unforced error that clearly crosses the line.

Of course some people treat both incidents with equal breathless hyperbole.

cant disagree with one word

well thought out and reasoned

cant disagree with one word

well thought out and reasoned


All previous presidents have divested their business or placed it at arms length in a blind trust to emphasise their distancing themselves. Trump retains day to day control of businesses he criminally diverts taxpayer monies into.

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