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The United Way - Charity & Donations (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
What are your thoughts on The United Way?
Does your work participate in a UW program where they match your contributions?

Do you donate? Why or why not?

Wouldn't your donation to a specific charity of your choice go farther than a UW donation?

Isn't the UW sort of a middle-man that requires funds to operate?

What do you do when people come to you for donations to the United Way?
Of the charitable organizations, The United Way tends to have high scores in Finances and Accountability. I think (last I checked) they were in the low 90% range in money in going back out to actual listed intentions. The two things in the negative column is William Aramony (back in the 90s, his questionable accounting and treatment of women,) and their current CEO makes somewhere in the neighborhood of $700K per year.

Could be better, could be worse.

That said I tend to donate more locally, in money and time for a given reason.

When the United Way asks I tell them as much saying "I donate locally."
For me, the biggest benefit is the "matching" that my company does. I donate $25, they match with $25.

So unless UW requires 50% of all donations to operate I think the charities probably make out better.

I know a few people who won't give based on thinking UW is far too large and requires far too much of the donations they get to just operate.
They prefer to give directly to their own charities of choice.
UW is good, but I give directly to my church because it's local and I can actually see what is being done if I care to.
What are your thoughts on The United Way?
Does your work participate in a UW program where they match your contributions?

Do you donate? Why or why not?

Wouldn't your donation to a specific charity of your choice go farther than a UW donation?

Isn't the UW sort of a middle-man that requires funds to operate?

What do you do when people come to you for donations to the United Way?

this $1.2 Million local UW CEO compensation example is dated, but it illustrates why i believe the UW is a bloated, politically-connected*, bureaucracy which spends charity dollars less efficiently than you could within your own community:

*i object to their strong-arm tactics of government/military employees to pony up an arbitrarily defined "fair share"
I don't donate money charities. The potential for abuse and misuse is too great for my comfort. I buy lots of food for our local food bank and all of our gently used clothes go to them.
I never like the United Way, because the huge amount that goes to it's administration. Also, I disliked the way we were pressured at work to give to them. I quit giving to them, chose my favorite local children's charity, and gave directly to them.

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