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The SJW - Positive or negative impact on Liberal politics? - THE POLL (2 Viewers)

Is the SJW movement positive or negative to the Liberal cause?

  • Positive

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Negative

    Votes: 37 90.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think it's possible the OP didn't really know it was a "slur". There are SJWs though. They do exist, typically on YouTube.

And Tumblr. And Twitter. And Facebook. And college campuses.
So characterizing people as "alt right" and "snowflakes" are not slurs?

As far as I've seen 'snowflakes' is non-partisan.

But it's derogatory.
X Factor said:
I think it's possible the OP didn't really know it was a "slur". There are SJWs though. They do exist, typically on YouTube.


Gotta say people...I hadn't thought this poll question would produce this debate subject.
"Is the term/acronym SJW a "slur""? Ya, I suppose it is. And so friggin' what? Have you seen the actions of these people and their organizations lately?
It repulses me that so many people could be so easily brought to anti-social, obnoxious, violence...in the name of opposing...anti-social, obnoxious, ideas.

Violent reaction to silly ideas. So ya...its a slur. So friggin' what?
Last edited:
What's the difference between a 'slur' and an 'insult' or 'derogatory term?'
What's the difference between a 'slur' and an 'insult' or 'derogatory term?'

There's no difference, really. In fact, the definition uses both "insult" and "derogatory". I believe the word "slur" was only ever used in this thread to make insulting certain people (SJW types) sound like it's a much bigger deal than it is.

Gotta say people...I hadn't thought this poll question would produce this debate subject.
"Is the term/acronym SJW a "slur""? Ya, I suppose it is. And so friggin' what? Have you seen the actions of these people and their organizations lately?
It repulses me that so many people could be so easily brought to anti-social, obnoxious, violence...in the name of opposing...anti-social, obnoxious, ideas.

Violent reaction to silly ideas. So ya...its a slur. So friggin' what?

If you edited your post so it would make more sense, I hate to think of what it looked like before. :2razz:
I don't think it's positive or negative overall because there's aspects of both. However, the reason there is any social justice at all is because people fought for it and continue to. I don't think the fight should be given up just because it's unpopular.
There is no question that gay rights issues hurt the Democrats at the polls. Only about 2% of the US population is gay. However, it is correct to stand up for equal rights for all Americans (felons excluded). FOX News and other news outlets make a mockery of the Democrats equal rights views. These outlets don't come right out and speak up against equal rights, but they sensationalize news stories that make it seem like Gays are taking over the moral fabric of society. That 2% number really hasn't changed since the 1970s. Polls show that FOX News watchers thought that an average of 25% of Americans are gay.
SouthernDemocrat said:
This is about as loaded as creating a poll: "Inbred rednecks, positive or negative to the conservative cause?"

It is. And its meant to be. The results from your poll would be similar to this one, and everyone knows that.
Read through these threads. What do you see?
The level of discourse is quite childish.
There's a thread about this 'dossier' thing thats just a mud-sling-fest.

So I think to myself...over a beer...am I opposed to SJW-like actions because I really am some sort of fascist? Some sort of racist? A LARPing neo-nazi?
No...I'm not any of those things...except on Saturday night when Hockey Night In Canada is on...
Do I love Trump? Not really. I get the whole "up the elite's backsides" thing, but let's face it...Donny is what he is.

I have to wonder...do you ever wonder if you come off like the over-bearing morality police that the SJW is accused of? Any of you?
Do you ever think to yourselves...oops, Hillary was a bad choice. Or maybe...wait a minute, I don't care how righteous you think you are, beating people in the streets is not on.

The "alt-right" is an old issue for the Republicans. They know how to "wear it".
This PC/SJW thing is fairly new. And its every bit as ugly as the hard core Billy-Bobs can be.
Hell MORE lately! Do you really think the continuance of this "attitude", is gonna be beneficial in some way?
'cause from where I'm sitting, Donny's looking pretty strong for another term.
Well we have the thread, and someone suggested it would make an interesting poll.

So here's your chance to vote.


I would say a negative definitely these are the people that are the most annoying in the most ridiculous.

There was one sjw she's trans and she was suggesting that if you're a straight dude and you would not date a Burly woman with five shadow and Adam's apple and a big stinking hog between their legs that you're a bigot.

She made YouTube videos she might still and the amount of dislikes was through the roof.

There was another young person I assume that the person is female I don't know she calls herself trans but she doesn't want to be a boy I don't know. She basically called everyone on the planet racist sexist homophobic bigoted blah blah blah blah blah.

That kind of crap doesn't help discourse.
I would say a negative definitely these are the people that are the most annoying in the most ridiculous.

There was one sjw she's trans and she was suggesting that if you're a straight dude and you would not date a Burly woman with five shadow and Adam's apple and a big stinking hog between their legs that you're a bigot.

She made YouTube videos she might still and the amount of dislikes was through the roof.

There was another young person I assume that the person is female I don't know she calls herself trans but she doesn't want to be a boy I don't know. She basically called everyone on the planet racist sexist homophobic bigoted blah blah blah blah blah.

That kind of crap doesn't help discourse.

Yes, Riley Dennis is a complete idiot.
Didn't know who Riley Dennis was, so I checked.
YUCK! This person has no taste or sense of decency.
Didn't know who Riley Dennis was, so I checked.
YUCK! This person has no taste or sense of decency.

You were better off that way. Riley and people like Milo Stewart and Steve Shives were a generation of really clueless SJWs who advocated for some really despicable things. Milo eventually figured it out. Riley and Steve are incapable, I think.
It makes me wonder if she knows what she's saying is absolute b******* or if she really believes that crap.

How cooked does your brain have to be to believe that s***?

I wonder that about pretty much every so-called progressive out there.
You were better off that way. Riley and people like Milo Stewart and Steve Shives were a generation of really clueless SJWs who advocated for some really despicable things. Milo eventually figured it out. Riley and Steve are incapable, I think.

I'm honestly starting to think Steve Shives is a misogynist. Not like a feminist has to win an argument misogynist but an honest-to-god misogynist.

I saw one of his videos where he basically said all men are cruel to women and treat them poorly. That sounds like he's trying to excuse himself by saying we all do it.

New Steve we don't I don't have a problem believing he is a scum bag.
No and I don't want to. I saw enough to know this person has any number of social grace issues...

To be honest I'm fascinated. It's like seeing a motor boat in the top of the tree nowhere near a lake.

I'm scratching my head trying to understand how someone can think this way.
To be honest I'm fascinated. It's like seeing a motor boat in the top of the tree nowhere near a lake.

I'm scratching my head trying to understand how someone can think this way.

Unfortunately the Internet we created, and through the late '80's and '90's, thought we were creating the most incredible thing since sliced bread, has turned out to be a very sharp double-edged sword. An unbelievable tool for learning and communicating, which gets "weaponized". Silly humans...
Unfortunately the Internet we created, and through the late '80's and '90's, thought we were creating the most incredible thing since sliced bread, has turned out to be a very sharp double-edged sword. An unbelievable tool for learning and communicating, which gets "weaponized". Silly humans...

Well it just really means all the kooks have a platform. For whatever reason I like watching Conspiracy Theory videos. Not like the Quasi believable ones where JFK was shot by military but like zany way out there ones. Like the Flat Earth people that's Entertainment.
I'm honestly starting to think Steve Shives is a misogynist. Not like a feminist has to win an argument misogynist but an honest-to-god misogynist.

I saw one of his videos where he basically said all men are cruel to women and treat them poorly. That sounds like he's trying to excuse himself by saying we all do it.

New Steve we don't I don't have a problem believing he is a scum bag.

The problem is, most feminists are misogynists when you think about it. They're racists too. They spend all of their time acting like women and minorities have no agency, that they have to be defended from the world and can't do anything on their own or earn their own way. Clearly they don't think women or minorities because they think they need special treatment and laws passed specifically to get them what they ought to be able to earn on their own. And the second you get a woman or a minority who is successful on their own, they call them names, citing internalized misogyny and "Uncle Tom" sentiments.

These are reprehensible people all around.
I take solace in the fact that it is a maturity thing in most cases

True, it's just unfortunate that maturity doesn't necessarily come with age and some of these people never grow up.

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