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The "Oh ****" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2013
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Prison Time For Corrupt Wench.........unless you have even a bigger corrupt activist wench running the DOJ. The other 319,999,999 citizens would already be behind bars.

But the low-life dead-beats of America and the MSM are going to put it in the WH.
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Prison Time For Corrupt Wench.........unless you have even a bigger corrupt activist wench running the DOJ. The other 319,999,999 citizens would already be behind bars.

But the low-life dead-beats of America and the MSM are going to put it in the WH.

You linked an invalid url to an alt-right news site. I'm not sure what to take away from this.
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Prison Time For Corrupt Wench.........unless you have even a bigger corrupt activist wench running the DOJ. The other 319,999,999 citizens would already be behind bars.

But the low-life dead-beats of America and the MSM are going to put it in the WH.

You linked an invalid url to an alt-right news site. I'm not sure what to take away from this.

Here is the time-line that will be coming out next week.

Here is a quick summary of the timeline of events:

February 2013 – Hillary resigns from State Department
Spring 2013 – Hillary aide Monica Hanley backs up Pagliano Server to Apple MacBook and a thumb drive
February 2014 – Monica Hanley attempts to upload Hillary email archives to new Platte River Networks (PRN) server but encounters technical issues
Early 2014 – Monica Hanley mails Apple MacBook to Undisclosed PRN Staff Member to upload Hillary email archives to new PRN server. Undisclosed PRN Staff Member then uploads Hillary’s emails to a gmail account and then transfers them over to the new PRN server. The Undisclosed PRN Staff Member deletes most of the emails from gmail but indvertently leaves 940.
Early 2014 – Monica Hanley advises Undisclosed PRN Staff Member to wipe the Apple MacBook clean after uploading Hillary’s emails to the new PRN server but he forgets to do it
Early 2014 - Undisclosed PRN Staff Member mails Apple MacBook back to Clinton and it is promptly lost
December 2014 – Hillary delivers 55,000 emails to State Department
December 2014 / January 2015 – Heather Samuelson and Cheryl Mills request emails be deleted from their computer using BleachBit
December 2014 / January 2015 – “Unknown Clinton staff member” instructs PRN to remove archives of Clinton emails from PRN server
March 2, 2015 - NYT releases an article showing that Hillary used a personal email server in violation of State Department rules
March 4, 2015 – Hillary receives subpoena from House Select Committee on Benghazi instructing her to preserve and deliver all emails from her personal servers
March 25, 2015 – Undisclosed PRN Staff Member has a conference call with “President Clinton’s Staff”
March 25 – 31, 2015 – Undisclosed PRN Staff Member has “oh ****” moment and realizes he forgot to wipe Hillary’s email archive from the PRN server back in December…which he promptly does using BleachBit despite later admitting he "was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server."
June 2016 – FBI discovers that Undisclosed PRN Staff Member forgot to erase 940 emails from the gmail account he created to help with the PRN server upload

And now the details...
Oh hey, look, it's the scandal du jour. Whitewater! Vince Foster! Benghazi! The Clinton Foundation!

But sooner or later, one of these false alarms is gonna be true, amirite? Never mind that Trump has been under investigation for tax evasion, real estate fraud, and child molestation. Because other than that and a few other matters, he's as clean as a whistle!
Oh hey, look, it's the scandal du jour. Whitewater! Vince Foster! Benghazi! The Clinton Foundation!

But sooner or later, one of these false alarms is gonna be true, amirite? Never mind that Trump has been under investigation for tax evasion, real estate fraud, and child molestation. Because other than that and a few other matters, he's as clean as a whistle!

Hey according to the FBI, that stupid wench can't remember what she had for breakfast.
And all the unwashed, tattooed, nipple pierced, burger flipping, shelf stocking, downwardly mobile failures here in America STILL want her to be the leader of the Greatest Nation on the Planet...and she's brain dead. Truly amazing.

They're ignorant, but they sure are arrogant.
And all the unwashed, tattooed, nipple pierced, burger flipping, shelf stocking, downwardly mobile failures here in America STILL want her to be the leader of the Greatest Nation on the Planet...and she's brain dead. Truly amazing.

They're ignorant, but they sure are arrogant.

You just perfectly described the core demo voting block, of course those dead/beat low-society schmuchs want her elected,.......on the promise of more free shtuff.
Really! Is that right. :roll:

Don't take my word for it, and don't take MoveOn's. READ the actual report for yourself..............able?
Oh hey, look, it's the scandal du jour. Whitewater! Vince Foster! Benghazi! The Clinton Foundation!

But sooner or later, one of these false alarms is gonna be true, amirite? Never mind that Trump has been under investigation for tax evasion, real estate fraud, and child molestation. Because other than that and a few other matters, he's as clean as a whistle!

?...All of them are true.
You linked an invalid url to an alt-right news site. I'm not sure what to take away from this.

I think you took away from it exactly what you should have.
Don't take my word for it, and don't take MoveOn's. READ the actual report for yourself..............able?

?...All of them are true.

To tell you the truth, the sensationalist media has sunk to a depth so low that I really can't trust more crap like this unless Snopes or some other reputable fact-checker has investigated.
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Prison Time For Corrupt Wench.........unless you have even a bigger corrupt activist wench running the DOJ. The other 319,999,999 citizens would already be behind bars.

But the low-life dead-beats of America and the MSM are going to put it in the WH.

I'll wait for a more credible source to cover this.
To tell you the truth, the sensationalist media has sunk to a depth so low that I really can't trust more crap like this unless Snopes or some other reputable fact-checker has investigated.

Snopes isn't really reputable on political matters. It's good for random quote attributions and science and such. I can't remember which one it was at the moment but they I remember reading an analysis from them where almost every piece of information was true except for the date (and the date wasn't that important to the point) and they rated it as mostly false.
I'll wait for a more credible source to cover this.

Is that really needed? Whatever particular program that was used isn't really that important. We already know she deleted stuff so the main fact has already been established.
Snopes isn't really reputable on political matters. It's good for random quote attributions and science and such. I can't remember which one it was at the moment but they I remember reading an analysis from them where almost every piece of information was true except for the date (and the date wasn't that important to the point) and they rated it as mostly false.

Snopes is good for quick fact-checking. I can't count how many times people have posted fake polks from fake news websites, and false claims about Hillary and Trump alike that Snopes has proven to be false.
Is that really needed? Whatever particular program that was used isn't really that important. We already know she deleted stuff so the main fact has already been established.

Yes. It's really needed.

I'm not going to use some questionable source as a reference.
Snopes is good for quick fact-checking. I can't count how many times people have posted fake polks from fake news websites, and false claims about Hillary and Trump alike that Snopes has proven to be false.

For some things, yes. They do like to do a runaround with their analysis and their left-bias comes out.
For some things, yes. They do like to do a runaround with their analysis and their left-bias comes out.

I've seen lots of those accusations being thrown at Snopes, but I've seen no real proof of that.

But that's a subject for another time, I guess.

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