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"The Looting of America" - Vox (1 Viewer)


Wading Through Bull****
DP Veteran
Jun 28, 2013
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Rhode Island
Political Leaning
The article is a bit partisan and hyperbolic (I don't frequent Vox), to be fair.


The strange death of tax reform
It’s poised to pass Congress this week, and the swamp is overflowing with perks.
Somewhere in its murky origins, “tax reform,” as conceived by is Republican authors, was supposed to be a policy-driven bill aimed at creating a simpler and fairer tax code that would generate broadly superior economic outcomes for most people

But along the way, virtually all of the high-minded aspirations were dropped and all of the normal aspects of congressional process broken — to the point where the bill’s leading architects won’t even mention the policy changes that are at the heart of the bill. In the end, instead of taking on the special interests as promised, it gives away the store to almost every lobby shop in town — with last-minute additions that personally enrich the Trump family and a decent chunk of the members of Congress voting for it.

The New Political Dishonesty - Reasonable people can disagree, for example, on whether it’s a good idea to cut Medicaid spending. But the GOP wrote a series of bills that entailed large cuts in Medicaid spending and then sent the secretary of health and human services out on television to say they weren’t proposing to cut Medicaid spending.

Not every member of the party was as brazen as that. But Trump and Ryan have completely dissolved the norm against dishonesty to the point where there are no longer any whistleblowers in the Republican caucus or the world of conservative media. You just say whatever you want, and dole out favors to your friends — moving at such a rapid pace that the country’s ability to process what’s happening gets overwhelmed.

It takes a lot more than Donald Trump to orchestrate the kind of feeding frenzy that’s currently playing out in Washington. Nothing about this would work if not for the fact that hundreds of Republican Party members of Congress wake up each morning and decide anew that they are indifferent to the myriad financial conflicts of interest in which Trump and his family are enmeshed. Moral and political responsibility for the looting ultimately rests on the shoulders of the GOP members of Congress who decided that the appropriate reaction to Trump’s inauguration was to start smashing and grabbing as much as possible for themselves and their donors

I've said a few times in the last week or so that I think the Republican party has all but given up on 2018, and they're just shamelessly pushing whatever they can, while they can. It's a sad state American Politics has found itself in, and it's sad that less than a year into Trumps presidency that line is already old, tired, and worn out. I also recently stated that corporate America owns our government. I was wrong. Corporate America runs our government. It costs them less that way, and they don't have to worry about going down with the ship. They just need enough time to loot it. They know time is running out , and now don't even seem to be worried about repercussions, political or otherwise. A biggly section of the Republican party seem to be shamelessly cashing in at the cost of the parties future. The voices of reason in the party are few enough that they're basically throwing sand against the tide.
The article is a bit partisan and hyperbolic (I don't frequent Vox), to be fair.


I've said a few times in the last week or so that I think the Republican party has all but given up on 2018, and they're just shamelessly pushing whatever they can, while they can. It's a sad state American Politics has found itself in, and it's sad that less than a year into Trumps presidency that line is already old, tired, and worn out. I also recently stated that corporate America owns our government. I was wrong. Corporate America runs our government. It costs them less that way, and they don't have to worry about going down with the ship. They just need enough time to loot it. They know time is running out , and now don't even seem to be worried about repercussions, political or otherwise. A biggly section of the Republican party seem to be shamelessly cashing in at the cost of the parties future. The voices of reason in the party are few enough that they're basically throwing sand against the tide.

Hold on ... the VOX piece was a bit partisan & hyperbolic but your commentary was straight analysis?
The article is a bit partisan and hyperbolic (I don't frequent Vox), to be fair. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/12/19/16786006/looting-of-americaI've said a few times in the last week or so that I think the Republican party has all but given up on 2018, and they're just shamelessly pushing whatever they can, while they can. It's a sad state American Politics has found itself in, and it's sad that less than a year into Trumps presidency that line is already old, tired, and worn out. I also recently stated that corporate America owns our government. I was wrong. Corporate America runs our government. It costs them less that way, and they don't have to worry about going down with the ship. They just need enough time to loot it. They know time is running out , and now don't even seem to be worried about repercussions, political or otherwise. A biggly section of the Republican party seem to be shamelessly cashing in at the cost of the parties future. The voices of reason in the party are few enough that they're basically throwing sand against the tide.
I think the 20+ trillion dollar deficit threatens the US Fiat Dollar. It has already dropped 14-18% since Trump took office. I attribute that to collusion/currency manipulation covertly by the Federal Reserve/gov't. It's great for exports but increases the costs of all imports. Holders of USD denominated assets have lost 14-18% on those assets. The Upper level financial Service Economy moves paper around to make huge profits with no production of goods. Monies loosened up by this recent tax giveaway to the Wealthy will go into more of that paper. A paper shuffling economy, don't ya' know? It lowered the cost of OIL by 14-18% to all Nations, except the USA. We'll recieve payment in a devalued USDollar and others will pay with devalued USDollars they purchase at a 18% discount. Saudi Arabia will be getting devalued USDollars ergo I suspect they will negotiate with China to sell OIL discreetly in RNB. With the huge third world level debt of the USA, the dollar should probably drop another 18% or more. The .001% will be looking to invest in assets not susceptible to USDollar weakness. That's the threat that I see and have quoted actual numbers for clarity.
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Hold on ... the VOX piece was a bit partisan & hyperbolic but your commentary was straight analysis?

Vox is another liberal rag site like daily kos or media matters.
The source is bunk and crap.

I love how liberals rail against drudge or breitbart but have no problem
Posting liberal hacks sites like vox or motherjones.
Hold on ... the VOX piece was a bit partisan & hyperbolic but your commentary was straight analysis?

It's my opinion, and yeah, I'm not very happy with the current administration. Was there something you wanted to discuss?
Vox is another liberal rag site like daily kos or media matters.
The source is bunk and crap.

I love how liberals rail against drudge or breitbart but have no problem
Posting liberal hacks sites like vox or motherjones.

So you openly admit you cannot find fault w/any of the elements of the reporting, and you're compelled to defame the source.

And in no rational universe are BB and Vox comparable.
I've said a few times in the last week or so that I think the Republican party has all but given up on 2018, and they're just shamelessly pushing whatever they can, while they can. It's a sad state American Politics has found itself in, and it's sad that less than a year into Trumps presidency that line is already old, tired, and worn out. I also recently stated that corporate America owns our government. I was wrong. Corporate America runs our government. It costs them less that way, and they don't have to worry about going down with the ship. They just need enough time to loot it. They know time is running out , and now don't even seem to be worried about repercussions, political or otherwise. A biggly section of the Republican party seem to be shamelessly cashing in at the cost of the parties future. The voices of reason in the party are few enough that they're basically throwing sand against the tide.
I think you're right about 2018. Republicans see that Democrats are under the gun in the amount of races, and so if they are going to pass donor bills they should just get it out of the way now while the amount of potential losses are relatively low. I also agree with you on the Corporate America line. I think that the destruction of the middle class, over the past 4 decades or so, has a lot to do with the tightening grip of corporate influence on our political system. The transfer of wealth from the bottom up isn't just due to technology. My fear is that both parties are too deep in this to actually pull us out.
It's my opinion, and yeah, I'm not very happy with the current administration. Was there something you wanted to discuss?

Each "prediction" by Vox, should be preceded by "The media would have you believe".

Vox started out with the idea of "explaining". But that didn't sell, so they became a democrat rag. I read articles in it a few times, and I considered it partisan "Junk mail".
It's my opinion, and yeah, I'm not very happy with the current administration. Was there something you wanted to discuss?

I dunno.
If you want, we can discuss what looked to be an attempt at balance by calling VOX partisan & hyperbolic right before you went off the same deep end.
It's probably not worth distracting from the rant with a discussion about that aspect but it was noticeable.
I dunno.
If you want, we can discuss what looked to be an attempt at balance by calling VOX partisan & hyperbolic right before you went off the same deep end.
It's probably not worth distracting from the rant with a discussion about that aspect but it was noticeable.

If you bothered to read the article, you'd realize I went off a different deep end.
So you openly admit you cannot find fault w/any of the elements of the reporting, and you're compelled to defame the source.

And in no rational universe are BB and Vox comparable.

Did you say something? As usual no you didn't have a nice day.
Each "prediction" by Vox, should be preceded by "The media would have you believe".

Vox started out with the idea of "explaining". But that didn't sell, so they became a democrat rag. I read articles in it a few times, and I considered it partisan "Junk mail".

As do most other people.
If you bothered to read the article, you'd realize I went off a different deep end.

no no ... I read it. Same deep end.
VOX took longer to get there because it put details to what you hinted would be balanced commentary but it said the same thing.
What you did to try to establish a patina of balance was like Lawrence O'Donnell saying Joy Reid uses hyperbolic language.

If you think the VOX piece had nothing to do with your point there was no need to post it.
no no ... I read it. Same deep end.
VOX took longer to get there because it put details to what you hinted would be balanced commentary but it said the same thing.
What you did to try to establish a patina of balance was like Lawrence O'Donnell saying Joy Reid uses hyperbolic language.

If you think the VOX piece had nothing to do with your point there was no need to post it.

But, but I really can make prime rib out of noodles.
no no ... I read it. Same deep end.
VOX took longer to get there because it put details to what you hinted would be balanced commentary but it said the same thing.
What you did to try to establish a patina of balance was like Lawrence O'Donnell saying Joy Reid uses hyperbolic language.

If you think the VOX piece had nothing to do with your point there was no need to post it.

Ok, I admit it. I put that opening line in there to throw you off so my own rant would catch you unawares and you'd start agreeing with me without realizing it. I assumed you couldn't think for yourself and would just take my tacit implication that my own rant would be a neutral and impartial analysis, and that you would take it at face value and believe every word of it. You may not have fallen for it, but rest assured others have. You can't stop my evil liberal plans. Do you know anyone interested in being a paid protester by any chance? ....Wait, my new orders from Soros are coming in, I have to go start a new thread.
Vox is another liberal rag site like daily kos or media matters.
The source is bunk and crap.

I love how liberals rail against drudge or breitbart but have no problem
Posting liberal hacks sites like vox or motherjones.
Please point out what was untrue...
The article is a bit partisan and hyperbolic (I don't frequent Vox), to be fair.


I've said a few times in the last week or so that I think the Republican party has all but given up on 2018, and they're just shamelessly pushing whatever they can, while they can. It's a sad state American Politics has found itself in, and it's sad that less than a year into Trumps presidency that line is already old, tired, and worn out. I also recently stated that corporate America owns our government. I was wrong. Corporate America runs our government. It costs them less that way, and they don't have to worry about going down with the ship. They just need enough time to loot it. They know time is running out , and now don't even seem to be worried about repercussions, political or otherwise. A biggly section of the Republican party seem to be shamelessly cashing in at the cost of the parties future. The voices of reason in the party are few enough that they're basically throwing sand against the tide.

Shameless looting sums it up nicely.
Your pathological need to tuck your tail between your legs and run duly noted.

As usual.

You get ignored for good reason, but I suppose that's a good way to view the people who don't see your ****posting as worth addressing, from a mental health standpoint. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
You get ignored for good reason, but I suppose that's a good way to view the people who don't see your ****posting as worth addressing, from a mental health standpoint. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

"You get ignored for a reason" as stated by a poster who's not ignoring me and is addressing my post.

The best bit is you're not bright enough to see what a stupid statement that is.

You can't even troll well.
Please point out what was untrue...

The source itself is not credible pretty much everyone except liberals that read it.
If you think is is credible then so is drudge and breitbart as they are about the same.

Just the title is wrong in general.
From what I scanned just more hyperbolic nonsense drivel which is typical.

So no one isn't looting America that is the first thing wrong.
Making our country more competitive in a global economy is a good hung not a bad thing.

Our corporate rate is now in line with the rest of the world.
You seem to have a problem with that. More job investment into the economy is a good thing.

The article has a problem with that as well.

Not sure why. More business = more jobs more jobs = worker demand = higher pay.

More over blown nonsense on the death tax which is just wealth jealousy.
You get ignored for good reason, but I suppose that's a good way to view the people who don't see your ****posting as worth addressing, from a mental health standpoint. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

That is why I asked if he aspctually said anything. He never does but I enjoy watching what nonsense he will spout next that has nothing to do with the actual topic.

He reminds me of 5 o'clock Charlie from mash.
Ok, I admit it. I put that opening line in there to throw you off so my own rant would catch you unawares and you'd start agreeing with me without realizing it. I assumed you couldn't think for yourself and would just take my tacit implication that my own rant would be a neutral and impartial analysis, and that you would take it at face value and believe every word of it. You may not have fallen for it, but rest assured others have. You can't stop my evil liberal plans. Do you know anyone interested in being a paid protester by any chance? ....Wait, my new orders from Soros are coming in, I have to go start a new thread.

I might.
Perhaps someone with only 1500 posts in 4 years could use some extra cash.

If your point was that the Republican Party has gone to the dark side and they're doomed in 2018 we can talk about that.

Even though 2018 would not be expected to favor them, I think there are a bunch of factors that work in their favor:
1) what they just did will benefit the great majority of voters and as a Party they don't appear to see the need to distance themselves from it, or from the guy who won't stop talking about it.
It's effect will be measurable & positive.
2) House seats are hard to change anyway and letting constituents keep their money makes it harder to switch them. Far more opposition Senate seats are up for grabs.
3) The opposition appears determined to cling to the same tactic they used that failed to stop what just happened ... quizzical looks and eye-rolls by voters will follow when it's employed again and again.
4) The opposition also seems determined to slide even farther Left but they do have support from the media and that can be a factor unless the shagg strategy is misplayed.
5) A wildcard could be the Mueller investigation ... because of the direction it's turning, not because of the way you might be hoping.
6) Hillary says she going to be actively campaigning.
Your pathological need to tuck your tail between your legs and run duly noted.

As usual.

Still nothing typical ol well you had a chance as I said have a nice day.
Vox is another liberal rag site like daily kos or media matters.
The source is bunk and crap.

I love how liberals rail against drudge or breitbart but have no problem
Posting liberal hacks sites like vox or motherjones.

I other words the truth is not true if it comes from a biased source. I notice you don't rebut a single one of the claims.

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