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the breakfast thread (2 Viewers)

Raisin Bran Crunch w/extra raisins and sliced banana, 2 cuppa joe, half e-muff w/butter, oj
Hot dog gravy served over toast. I had a cup of coffee while I was making it.
What’s your gravy recipe?
1. Chop hot dogs. I used 4 this time. That made about two servings.
2. Get a large skillet and spray it with non-stick spray.
3. Fry the chopped hot dogs until they are slightly browned on both sides.
4. Fill the pan with milk (leaving the chopped hot dogs in,) and raise the heat until there's a low boil.
5. Reduce heat to medium, and sprinkle in a tablespoon or less of flour. Stir it in slowly so that it doesn't clump. Add a pinch or two of salt.
6. Stir constantly. If you stop stirring, it forms a skin. That's not the end of the world, but it works better if you don't walk away.
7. Keep stirring. It's done when you move the spoon across the bottom of the pan and you can see the gravy filling it back in behind the spoon. When it cools, it will thicken more, so don't overcook it. I think today's batch took about a half hour or so from start to finish. It might have been more than that, though, as I was listening to a book while I cooked.
8. Serve over bread or toast. Add pepper to taste.

I used to think that this was purely a family recipe, but I found out that it goes back to the Depression or possibly long before that. It makes sense when you think about it. It's delicious, and the ingredients are cheap. We used to make it as a treat when I was a kid. I remember requesting it on Christmas morning.
1. Chop hot dogs. I used 4 this time. That made about two servings.
2. Get a large skillet and spray it with non-stick spray.
3. Fry the chopped hot dogs until they are slightly browned on both sides.
4. Fill the pan with milk (leaving the chopped hot dogs in,) and raise the heat until there's a low boil.
5. Reduce heat to medium, and sprinkle in a tablespoon or less of flour. Stir it in slowly so that it doesn't clump. Add a pinch or two of salt.
6. Stir constantly. If you stop stirring, it forms a skin. That's not the end of the world, but it works better if you don't walk away.
7. Keep stirring. It's done when you move the spoon across the bottom of the pan and you can see the gravy filling it back in behind the spoon. When it cools, it will thicken more, so don't overcook it. I think today's batch took about a half hour or so from start to finish. It might have been more than that, though, as I was listening to a book while I cooked.
8. Serve over bread or toast. Add pepper to taste.

I used to think that this was purely a family recipe, but I found out that it goes back to the Depression or possibly long before that. It makes sense when you think about it. It's delicious, and the ingredients are cheap. We used to make it as a treat when I was a kid. I remember requesting it on Christmas morning.

Sounds a lot like chipped beef on toast. I can see why it would go back to the Depression. It's hearty, and as you said for the gourmet on a budget. ;)

Coffee and a slice of Dave's killer whole grain bread toasted this morning.
Sounds a lot like chipped beef on toast. I can see why it would go back to the Depression. It's hearty, and as you said for the gourmet on a budget. ;)

Coffee and a slice of Dave's killer whole grain bread toasted this morning.
Yep. It's basically cream chipped beef using hot dogs. The person who invented it hit a home run.

I enjoy watching this channel sometimes :

She cooks Depression era dishes that look really good. Sadly, she has passed away, but I still enjoy her videos.
This morning I made biscuits and gravy, country style home fries with a cup of Cafe Bustelo expresso grind drip.

A real "sticks to 'ur ribs" breakfast
I had part of the second serving of hot dog gravy that I refrigerated yesterday. Served it over toast. I also had some coffee.
Leftover ham, spinach, bacon quiche, 2 cuppa joe, oj.
Black Russian bagel w/vegetable cream cheese, big cuppa joe and oj.
Raisin Bran Crunch w/extra raisins and sliced banana, 2 cuppa joe, half e-muff w/butter, oj
Yesterday was Pancakes... Canadian Maple Syrup.
Bacon, egg, and cheese on a toasted e-muff, cuppa joe and oj.
Frosted mini wheats w/raisins and sliced banana, cuppa joe, oj.
E-muff w/butter and strawberry preserves, cuppa joe.
I had an Instant Ramen Noodle pack...
Scrambled eggs, biscuit, cuppa joe, and oj.
English muffin with peanut butter
Coffee ☕️.
Raisin brand crunch. Typically I eat cereal on Friday mornings.
Sat mornings my wife makes me eggs/toast/bacon and even better on Sunday's - pancakes.
I don't work most Friday's, here by myself... so cereal it is.
Tomorrow morning I will have bagel with cream cheese and avocado.
French toast, sausage patty, maple syrupal, cuppa joe.
My appetite has been fairly low lately, but when I woke up today, it was at a solid ten. I made a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich on toast. I'm having coffee on the side. It was pretty good. If I opened Cafe Helix, I would have added butter to the eggs and better bread, but it didn't really need that.
The bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich was so good yesterday that I made the same thing again. Coffee on the side.
The bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich was so good yesterday that I made the same thing again. Coffee on the side.
Walking on the wild side, eh?😂
SOS, biscuits, 2 big boy cuppa joe, and oj.
Walking on the wild side, eh?😂
Yep. Yesterday especially. I had quite a bit of caffeine during our errand day. Tomorrow, I'll be back to half caff or less. I have to keep an eye on my intake.

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