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The Apollo Moon Missions Were Faked in a Studio (1 Viewer)

Let's ask them. What is going on here people, lurkers, posters, please chime in.

Moon mission Cters are like every other kind of Cter, They refuse logic, reason and evidence.
You cannot explain anything to them because they don't want to hear. You can however point out their nuttiness so that others don't fall for their traps
This link from post #2 doesn't work any more.
buzzcreek (dot) com/grade-a/MOON/articles1 (dot) htm

It's important info so I'm going to post the whole article.

Did NASA steal $30 Billion to Fake
The Apollo Moon Landings?
Home Paper Moon Page

By Phylis and James Collier

In the early 1950's, a 35-year-old State University of Iowa physics professor and some of his students were cruising the cold waters ofnorthern Canada and the Atlantic Ocean, sending a series ofrocket-carrying balloons- which they dubbed "rockoons" - 12 to 15 miles into space.

They were trying to measure the nature of low-energy cosmic raysswirling around the earth. The experiments continued for five more years. Then, in 1958,Professor James Van Allen discovered his monster. Suddenly, his instrumentation warned of a giant beast of a thing, spewing enough deadly radiation counts to kill any human who ventured into its domain unprotected.

Van Allen and his students weren't sure of the size, shape and texture of the monster, they just knew they had encountered an incredible phenomenon.

Then, in l958, as part of the International Geophysical Year (a year in which men like James A. Van Allen were praised for exploring the realms of time and space) the young professor asked the U.S. military to send his experiments deeper into space, this time using a Geiger Counter to measure the intensity of the radiation. He further requested the most sophisticated rockets that would penetrate l00,000 miles into space.

That's when the monster grew all encompassing. It appeared to surround the entire earth and extend out some 65,000 miles, maybe even 100,000 miles. The Geiger Counter confirmed that the region above the earth, and in the path of the rocket, was cooking with deadly radiation. That radiation was born from solar flares that would race through the universe and become trapped by the earth's magnetic field. A deadly mixture of protons and electrons.

It was then that Van Allen realized the Aurora Borealis, the northern lights, was actually a visual manifestation of that tremendous energy from the sun. You could actually see the radiation swirling in a magnificent and deadly dance. His eventual finding of two such lethal radiation belts, put his name in the history books as the man who discovered the Van Allen Radiation Belts. There was an inner belt and an outer belt. The inner belt went from 40 degrees north and south of the Equator and was basically a doughnut surrounding the earth. Scientific experiments conducted by Van Allen and the military proved that belt was so deadly that no human could survive in its orbit. The outer belt was equally as destructive, and separated from the inner belt by an area of lesser radiation.

Van Allen's conclusion was delivered in a speech to the Academy of Science in 1959. He warned future space travelers they would have to race through these two zones on their way to outer planets.

"All manned space flight attempts must steer clear of these two belts of radiation until adequate means of safeguarding the astronauts has been developed" he said. Moreover, Van Allen advised they would have to be shielded with some extra layers of protection beyond that of the spacecraft itself. These findings were also published in Scientific American Magazine, March, 1959.

Two years later, Van Allen updated his report in Space World Magazine, December, 1961. In brief, he reported that everything he had found in 1959 was still valid. It was also in that year that President John F. Kennedy told an assembled group of students and dignitaries at Rice University in Houston, that it was America's destiny to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. With that statement, the space race become a political game, worth 30 billion in taxpayer dollars to the winners. National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), which is part of the Department of Defense and the CIA, became the caretaker of Kennedy's dream.

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It was their job to build a spacecraft that would meet Van Allen's scientific requirements of safety through the radiation belts. Van Allen stated that the ship's skin, made of aluminum, would not be enough protection for the astronauts. Extra shielding of lead or another substance that would absorb the radiation would be needed. That, of course, posed the problem of weight. More weight created a booster problem. In other words, they would need a bigger rocket to carry a ship that was properly lined against radiation penetration. One of the most interesting of Van Allen's findings was that once protons and electrons hit the aluminum skin of the spacecraft, they would turn into x-rays. The kind the average dentist protects patients against with two inch lead vests. Those rays would naturally penetrate the astronaut's bodies and create anything from nausea and vomiting to eventual death, depending on the length of the exposure.

All of this scientific data presented a big problem for NASA. How could they build a spacecraft that would meet radiation standards and yet get off the ground?

The National Committee on Radiation Protection (NCRP) and the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) had established low "permissible doses" of radiation at levels that were consistent with living on earth. However, where the critical dosage on earth might be 5 rems of radiation in a year, the astronauts would receive that amount within minutes passing through the lower zone of the radiation belt.

In order to penetrate Van Allen's belt, in l965 NASA requested the two regulatory groups modify the existing standards for space flight. It was simply a matter of "risk over gain" and NASA convinced them to change the standards and allow them to take the risk. Whether or not future astronauts would be advised of these dramatically lowered standards and substantial risk is unknown at this time.

The next problem NASA faced was the shielding of the spacecraft. It was solved in a report NASA issued in Aerospace Medicine Magazine in 1965 and 1969. The report was written prior to the first Apollo mission to the moon.

NASA announced that a simple aluminum skin on the command module was enough to protect astronauts from lethal doses of radiation. This conclusion was based on studies NASA had conducted. Now NASA had ingeniously solved their two basic problems, protection and weight. They had eliminated the danger of radiation penetration, along with the problem of radiation shielding and spacecraft weight. We telephoned North American Rockwell, the builder of the Command Module which carried the astronauts to the moon and back. They verified that the craft was not protected by any additional shielding.

It was at this point in our research that we realized the Van Allen Report had been seriously compromised by NASA. Professor Van Allen had become an icon in the scientific community for warning of radiation dangers. One of his most important tenets was that even if you raced quickly through the 65,000 mile belt, which starts 400 miles above the earth's surface (thus allowing for inner space travel) you would still need considerable additional shielding. Were his findings now bogus? We had to speak to Van Allen.

Professor James A. Van Allen now 83, is Professor Emeritus in Geophysics at the University of Iowa. Our first question was why he did not speak up after NASA's claims and defend his original findings. Astonishingly, he told us that his seminal Scientific American article
in 1959 was merely "popular science."

"Are you refuting your findings?" we asked.

"Absolutely not," he answered, "I stand by them." In the next breath, Van Allen again acquiesced to NASA's point of view. He became positively mercurial in his answers. Basically he defended NASA's position that any material, even aluminum without shielding, was adequate to protect the astronauts from the radiation he once called deadly. When we asked him the point of his original warning about rushing through the Belt, he said, "It must have been a sloppy statement." So there we were, down the rabbit hole, chasing Van Allen through halls of mirrors. Was he taking the line of least resistance to government pressure? Was he trashing his own report in order not to be labeled a whistle blower? Could this renowned scientist actually be capable of a "sloppy statement" and blatant hyperbole published in a scientific journal?


If you don't believe we went to the moon, then you will say that NASA created the perfect cover story. It allowed them to continue receiving funding for a spacecraft they could not build, to enter a region of space they could not penetrate. If you believe we went to the moon, then you have to disregard Van Allen's years of research and published findings. You would also have to believe that aluminum, and not lead, is adequate protection against radiation in the very heart of the Belt. . .exactly the spot where Apollo rocket ships entered from Cape Canaveral in Florida.

This was a long article so it took three posts because of the character limit.
Radiation belt has been discussed. Nothing new from the Apollo missions were faked crowed.

Apollo and the Van Allen Belts
"Based on my analysis of electrons, protons, and bremsstrahlung, the predicted total dose received by the Apollo 11 astronauts as a consequence of their transits of the Van Allen radiation belts was only about 32 mrem, or 0.016 rads (all from protons ≥100 MeV). This shows that the Apollo trajectories though the VARB were not only survivable, but that the radiation doses received were inconsequential. Of course the VARB were not the only source of radiation to which the crews were exposed. To record the actual skin doses, the astronauts worn dosimeters. These dosimeter measurements for all the Apollo missions are summarized in Table 8 (Apollo 7 and 9 were Earth orbit missions)."

simple search provides numerous articles that backs up that the radiation was not a big issue.
Radiation belt has been discussed. Nothing new from the Apollo missions were faked crowed.

Apollo and the Van Allen Belts
"Based on my analysis of electrons, protons, and bremsstrahlung, the predicted total dose received by the Apollo 11 astronauts as a consequence of their transits of the Van Allen radiation belts was only about 32 mrem, or 0.016 rads (all from protons ≥100 MeV). This shows that the Apollo trajectories though the VARB were not only survivable, but that the radiation doses received were inconsequential. Of course the VARB were not the only source of radiation to which the crews were exposed. To record the actual skin doses, the astronauts worn dosimeters. These dosimeter measurements for all the Apollo missions are summarized in Table 8 (Apollo 7 and 9 were Earth orbit missions)."

simple search provides numerous articles that backs up that the radiation was not a big issue.

How do you know the guy who wrote that article wasn't a government sophist?

I haven't taken a firm stand on the space radiation issue as all I have is second-hand info. The clear anomalies in the footage are what prove the hoax. I'm just saying that space radiation is probably why they faked it.
How do you know the guy who wrote that article wasn't a government sophist?

There was not a shred of evidence in your long posts. How do you know the the radiation story is true?
There was not a shred of evidence in your long posts. How do you know the the radiation story is true?
Go back and read post #206 again and respond in a way that shows you understand it.
I haven't taken a firm stand on the space radiation issue as all I have is second-hand info.
How do you know the guy who wrote that article wasn't a government sophist?

I haven't taken a firm stand on the space radiation issue as all I have is second-hand info. The clear anomalies in the footage are what prove the hoax. I'm just saying that space radiation is probably why they faked it.

How do you know he was? If you have information that the article is false, then provide it. Noted your post does not provide a link to the article you copied.
Yes, I could look it up. However, the burden is on your. I provided a source and stated to google for more. Care to disprove any of them.

Come on Scott. You bring up topics that have debated and discussed in the past.

Your firm stand is you believe the Apollo moon landing was faked. That has been pretty much shown not to be true.

To sum this up, your claim of the moon landing was faked. Your proof. So far I am not impressed with your posts. Try stating something and provide sources that back it up.
The evidence that the Apollo moon missions were faked in a studio is crushing. The US government can't censor the evidence that's on the internet but it can bury it with disinformation and obfuscation. If you enter "Apollo hoax" in Google, you'll find about fifteen pro-Apollo sites for every hoax site. I made a collection of some of the hoax evidence the government is trying to bury. I you've probably guessed, I've debated about Apollo before so, in this first post, I addressed all of the explanations that the pro-Apollo people usually come up with in the first ten pages or so of a thread such as the rocks, or the idea that the Russians would have snitched, etc.

Apollo 15 flag waving - YouTube
(If this link doesn't work, do a YouTube search on "Apollo 15 flag waving")

At the 2 minute 35 second mark of the video the flag is still. When the astronaut goes past it, it starts to move.

Lets address the flag waving claim:

The reason why the flag wages is because the astronauts are moving the flag poll back and forth and moving the flag themselves. Remember that an object in motion stays in motion according to Newton's laws so there is no reason a flag would be completely still if acted upon even in an environment without wind. Your other claims are easily deconstructed as well.

Scientists also put a reflector on the moon.


One can aim a laser from the earth to the exact location of the reflector on the moon. The laser will be reflected right back and the return laser light can be seen.


This could not be done beaming a laster on the rock and dirt on the moon. It had to be placed there by astronauts in the 1960s. Today we could have placed a reflector there using a small shuttle and a robot but back in the 1960s they simply didn't have the robotics. They had barely invented computers and computers were still the size of rooms. Plus, any technology that can safely bring a reflector to the moon could have also brought a person there too because of the moon's short distance from earth.

Here is a picture of the laser used to beam the light to the reflector on the moon:

And here is a picture of the experiment itself and the light being beamed back:
The Basics of Lunar Ranging
Apollo 11 Laser Ranging Retroreflector Experiment

These Lunar laser tests are used to better track the change in position of the moon. You might claim that these tests are being faked by NASA and the government but anyone can do this. Anyone can get a laser and with the right equipment get a response back. Also in the below clip the cast of the 'Big Bang Theory' do their own test with a laser.

While this was just a TV show a test like this is easily possible with the right technology.

Also, the moon landing ended the space race between the US and the Soviets. The Soviets would have loved to conduct the laser experiment themselves and find that the NASA claims were all fake. They could then claim that the moon landings were all fake. Funny thing is that the Soviets never made the claims you did about the flag on the moon or the pictures on the moon. They would have had a major win in they showed that the Americans had not beaten them to the moon and in fact tried to lie to the world about it.
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Lets address the flag waving claim:

The reason why the flag wages is because the astronauts are moving the flag poll back and forth and moving the flag themselves. Remember that an object in motion stays in motion according to Newton's laws so there is no reason a flag would be completely still if acted upon even in an environment without wind. Your other claims are easily deconstructed as well.

Scientists also put a reflector on the moon.

View attachment 67190391

One can aim a laser from the earth to the exact location of the reflector on the moon. The laser will be reflected right back and the return laser light can be seen.

View attachment 67190392

This could not be done beaming a laster on the rock and dirt on the moon. It had to be placed there by astronauts in the 1960s. Today we could have placed a reflector there using a small shuttle and a robot but back in the 1960s they simply didn't have the robotics. They had barely invented computers and computers were still the size of rooms. Plus, any technology that can safely bring a reflector to the moon could have also brought a person there too because of the moon's short distance from earth.

Here is a picture of the laser used to beam the light to the reflector on the moon:
View attachment 67190393

And here is a picture of the experiment itself and the light being beamed back:
View attachment 67190395
The Basics of Lunar Ranging
Apollo 11 Laser Ranging Retroreflector Experiment

These Lunar laser tests are used to better track the change in position of the moon. You might claim that these tests are being faked by NASA and the government but anyone can do this. Anyone can get a laser and with the right equipment get a response back. Also in the below clip the cast of the 'Big Bang Theory' do their own test with a laser.

While this was just a TV show a test like this is easily possible with the right technology.

Also, the moon landing ended the space race between the US and the Soviets. The Soviets would have loved to conduct the laser experiment themselves and find that the NASA claims were all fake. They could then claim that the moon landings were all fake. Funny thing is that the Soviets never made the claims you did about the flag on the moon or the pictures on the moon. They would have had a major win in they showed that the Americans had not beaten them to the moon and in fact tried to lie to the world about it.

No no, NASA put a huge mirror up in orbit in order to trick everyone. ;)
The clear anomalies in the footage are what prove the hoax. I'm just saying that space radiation is probably why they faked it.

Don't you believe it's possible to go around obstacles? Besides. 1/8" aluminum does block quite a bit of what remains.

As for your so-called "clear anomalies." Every one of them has been explained with actually reasons, or probable reasons. Just because you don't understand things like static electricity, momentum in a frictionless environment, etc. doesn't mean it's fake.

Start reviewing some of the videos in the link I posted. Tell us they were all fakes.
Lets address the flag waving claim:

The reason why the flag wages is because the astronauts are moving the flag poll back and forth and moving the flag themselves. Remember that an object in motion stays in motion according to Newton's laws so there is no reason a flag would be completely still if acted upon even in an environment without wind. Your other claims are easily deconstructed as well.

Scientists also put a reflector on the moon.

View attachment 67190391

One can aim a laser from the earth to the exact location of the reflector on the moon. The laser will be reflected right back and the return laser light can be seen.

View attachment 67190392

This could not be done beaming a laster on the rock and dirt on the moon. It had to be placed there by astronauts in the 1960s. Today we could have placed a reflector there using a small shuttle and a robot but back in the 1960s they simply didn't have the robotics. They had barely invented computers and computers were still the size of rooms. Plus, any technology that can safely bring a reflector to the moon could have also brought a person there too because of the moon's short distance from earth.

Here is a picture of the laser used to beam the light to the reflector on the moon:
View attachment 67190393

And here is a picture of the experiment itself and the light being beamed back:
View attachment 67190395
The Basics of Lunar Ranging
Apollo 11 Laser Ranging Retroreflector Experiment

These Lunar laser tests are used to better track the change in position of the moon. You might claim that these tests are being faked by NASA and the government but anyone can do this. Anyone can get a laser and with the right equipment get a response back. Also in the below clip the cast of the 'Big Bang Theory' do their own test with a laser.

While this was just a TV show a test like this is easily possible with the right technology.

Also, the moon landing ended the space race between the US and the Soviets. The Soviets would have loved to conduct the laser experiment themselves and find that the NASA claims were all fake. They could then claim that the moon landings were all fake. Funny thing is that the Soviets never made the claims you did about the flag on the moon or the pictures on the moon. They would have had a major win in they showed that the Americans had not beaten them to the moon and in fact tried to lie to the world about it.

You're not addressing the right flag anomaly. The one I cited can be seen at the 2:35 time mark of this video.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.

This video shows the flag had already started moving before he got close enough to touch it.

Initial Apollo 15 Flag Movement

These videos show that the movement is consistent with earth gravity.


Physics of the Moon Flag

Physics of the Moon Flag - part 2

Reflectors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon as they could have been put there by unmanned robotic craft.

What Happened on the Moon
(3:26:02 time mark)
You're not addressing the right flag anomaly. The one I cited can be seen at the 2:35 time mark of this video.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.

This video shows the flag had already started moving before he got close enough to touch it.

Initial Apollo 15 Flag Movement

These videos show that the movement is consistent with earth gravity.


Physics of the Moon Flag

Physics of the Moon Flag - part 2

Reflectors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon as they could have been put there by unmanned robotic craft.

What Happened on the Moon
(3:26:02 time mark)

Troll alert!!!!
The questions and this topic has been discussed before.

Scott. Do you have any new evidence that the moon landing was faked? Why rehash the same old questions / statements?
The questions and this topic has been discussed before.

Scott. Do you have any new evidence that the moon landing was faked? Why rehash the same old questions / statements?
Trolls love the taste of Spam.
You're not addressing the right flag anomaly. The one I cited can be seen at the 2:35 time mark of this video.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.

This video shows the flag had already started moving before he got close enough to touch it.

Initial Apollo 15 Flag Movement

These videos show that the movement is consistent with earth gravity.


Physics of the Moon Flag

Physics of the Moon Flag - part 2

Reflectors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon as they could have been put there by unmanned robotic craft.

What Happened on the Moon
(3:26:02 time mark)

Maybe you should find those videos in the links I posted, and look at them. There were usually two cameras on the flags. look at the other angle.
The evidence that the Apollo moon missions were faked in a studio is crushing....
I believe the evidence that the Apollo Moon missions were real
but, the idea that the US government could have or might have or would have faked the Moon missions is not ridiculous nor nonsense, etc.
The US needed to win the space race. The US needed to win the Cold War. We could not, would not, allow the USSR to win.
I can see the US government misleading, lying to and faking to achieve their goal.
Yet, I think we have enough evidence to show the Apollo moon missions were real.
I believe the evidence that the Apollo Moon missions were real
but, the idea that the US government could have or might have or would have faked the Moon missions is not ridiculous nor nonsense, etc.
The US needed to win the space race. The US needed to win the Cold War. We could not, would not, allow the USSR to win.
I can see the US government misleading, lying to and faking to achieve their goal.
Yet, I think we have enough evidence to show the Apollo moon missions were real.

If Apollo 11 didn't put a retroflector on the moon, the Russians would have pointed that out!
If Apollo 11 didn't put a retroflector on the moon, the Russians would have pointed that out!

According to Scott that was done by a robot vehicle. Nobody noticed it at the time. NASA was very busy building giant rockets to carry robot vehicles to the Moon so it's no surprise that they weren't concentrating on the fake films with glaring mistakes in them. So glaring that anyone with no scientific education can spot them.
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According to Scott that was done by a robot vehicle. Nobody noticed it at the time. NASA was very busy building giant rockets to carry robot vehicles to the Moon so it's no surprise that they weren't concentrating on the fake films with glaring mistakes in them. So glaring that anyone with no scientific education can spot them.

Has he explained this:


Can you imagine the monumental task of building a vacuum chamber large enough to film this scene in?

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