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Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince's phones, computer (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is digging deeper into Trump ally and Blackwater founder Erik Prince, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the matter.

Prince, America’s most famous private military contractor, acknowledged last week that he “cooperated” with Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election after falling under scrutiny amid questions about an alleged effort to establish a backchannel between the Trump administration and the Kremlin, something Prince has vehemently denied.

However, witnesses who have been given limited immunity to prosecution have testified that they helped set up the meeting for Prince regarding a back channel to the Russians, and have given Mueller a paper trail of evidence to tie Prince to it.

Stay tuned to next week's episode of "Indictment of the Week".

However, witnesses who have been given limited immunity to prosecution have testified that they helped set up the meeting for Prince regarding a back channel to the Russians, and have given Mueller a paper trail of evidence to tie Prince to it.

Stay tuned to next week's episode of "Indictment of the Week".


From your link:

“As Mr. Prince told the Daily Beast he has spoken voluntarily with Congress and also cooperated completely with the Special Counsel’s investigation, including by providing them total access to his phones and computer,” the spokesperson said. “Mr. Prince has a lot of opinions about the various investigations, but there is no question that they are important and serious, and so Mr. Prince will keep his opinions to himself for now and to let the investigators do their work. All we will add is that much of the reporting and speculation about Mr. Prince in the media is inaccurate, and we are confident that when the investigators have finished their work, we will be able to put these distractions to the side.”

I suggest y'all don't read too much into this and, for sure, don't go popping champagne corks yet.
From your link:

I suggest y'all don't read too much into this and, for sure, don't go popping champagne corks yet.

Yeah all these people are talking to the FBI willingly and get immunity from the agency because they have nothing to hide. hehe. Remember when you said Cohen broke no laws?? That was funny too. If the FBI is doing such a horrible job then why is Mr. Swampy acting like a caged animal lashing out at everything as being unfair??? Wouldn't you think that if the people that talked to Mueller really had nothing to tell him, then he wouldn't care what they said to Mueller in the first place????
This thing just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

My list
Mueller- Charges-plea deal upcoming

Felix Sater- Cooperating -felony -plea deal – Note his contacts ME- Eric Prince

Allen Weisselberg – Immunity- cooperating witness on Trump Corp inner workings- loans - funds

Jared Kushner - Felonies – No deal

Donnie Jnr- Felonies – No deal

Roger Stone?? Cooperating -felony -plea deal

George Nader- Cooperating -felony -plea deal

Sam Clovis -felony -plea deal

Eric Prince – Felony(s) – Possible plea deal.

Rhona Graff -Senior VP to Trump?? Cooperating witness

Mark Corallo - Cooperating witness no felonies

Carter Page - Cooperating witness -felony -plea deal

KT McFarland- Cooperating witness -felony -plea deal

Steve Bannon- Cooperating witness

Reince Priebus- Cooperating witness

Tom Bossert- Cooperating witness

Hope Hicks-Cooperating witness

Elliot Broidy- Cooperating -felony -plea deal

Corey Lewandowski - Cooperating -felony -plea deal
He is screaming no collusion and trying to blame Democrats for Russia...all over twitter today...good grief...
Wake me when all your hysteria actually gets somewhere.

Until then, it's just another Fast and Furious or Benghazi investigation spinning it's wheels.
Yeah all these people are talking to the FBI willingly and get immunity from the agency because they have nothing to hide. hehe. Remember when you said Cohen broke no laws?? That was funny too. If the FBI is doing such a horrible job then why is Mr. Swampy acting like a caged animal lashing out at everything as being unfair??? Wouldn't you think that if the people that talked to Mueller really had nothing to tell him, then he wouldn't care what they said to Mueller in the first place????

First of all, this isn't the "FBI" we are talking about here. It's the Special Counsel. Second of all, I didn't see anything in that article that says Prince is getting immunity for anything. This is simply a case of Mueller wanting information and Prince giving it. And tell me...what has Trump said about Prince cooperating with Mueller?

Remember what I said...don't read too much into this.
From your link:
I suggest y'all don't read too much into this and, for sure, don't go popping champagne corks yet.

Blackwater and Prince are War Criminals and Traitors to the USA 🇺🇸. The same Blackwater that #45 wants to take over for our Armed Forces.

And now, Prince’s Sister, Education Secretary Devos — wants to make Rape Great Again on College Campuses.
Wake me when all your hysteria actually gets somewhere.
Until then, it's just another Fast and Furious or Benghazi investigation spinning it's wheels.

Get Acquainted with the 25th Amendment.
Wake me when all your hysteria actually gets somewhere.

Until then, it's just another Fast and Furious or Benghazi investigation spinning it's wheels.

Sleep tight.....................
Yeah all these people are talking to the FBI willingly and get immunity from the agency because they have nothing to hide. hehe. Remember when you said Cohen broke no laws?? That was funny too. If the FBI is doing such a horrible job then why is Mr. Swampy acting like a caged animal lashing out at everything as being unfair??? Wouldn't you think that if the people that talked to Mueller really had nothing to tell him, then he wouldn't care what they said to Mueller in the first place????

He wasn't given or offered immunity. He voluntarily talked to them and voluntarily let them have his phone. Doesn't sound like someone with something to hide at all.
However, witnesses who have been given limited immunity to prosecution have testified that they helped set up the meeting for Prince regarding a back channel to the Russians, and have given Mueller a paper trail of evidence to tie Prince to it.

Stay tuned to next week's episode of "Indictment of the Week".


Regardless of the outcome of this investigation, this guy is a horrible, horrible PoS.

This guy runs his mouth about Christianity while simultaneously being a war profiteer killing people.
He wasn't given or offered immunity. He voluntarily talked to them and voluntarily let them have his phone. Doesn't sound like someone with something to hide at all.

Then why did he lie to congress?

From the OP...

".....Prince testified before the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in November that he hadn’t made the trip "to meet any Russian guy” and described his meeting with Kirill Dmitriev, the Putin-appointed head of Russia's sovereign wealth fund, as a chance encounter “over a beer.”

ABC News reported earlier this year that Mueller has obtained evidence that calls that testimony into question. Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, a key witness given limited immunity by Mueller, told investigators that he set up the meeting in the Seychelles between Prince and Dmitriev, sources familiar with the investigation told ABC News. Documents obtained by Mueller also suggest that before and after Prince met Nader in New York a week before the trip, Nader shared information with Prince about Dmitriev..."​


"...And that’s not the only potential inconsistency in Prince’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee that appears to have caught the attention of investigators.

Prince had a simple answer when asked by Rep. Eric Swalwell, a Democrat from California, whether he ever had any "investments" or "business partnerships with Russian nationals."

"Zero," Prince replied....

One former business associate, who has worked with Prince since the 1990s, recounted a recent conversation with FBI agents from Mueller's office....

The associate said he told the agents about Prince's previously undisclosed alliance with Dimitriy Streshinskiy, a former Russian special forces soldier turned arms dealer and manufacturer...."​

I doubt Erik Prince was offered or will get immunity. The best he can hope for is a presidential pardon.
From your link:

I suggest y'all don't read too much into this and, for sure, don't go popping champagne corks yet.

Ah yes, just cherry pick what Prince said, and that's the end of it. Right? Wrong.

ABC News reported earlier this year that Mueller has obtained evidence that calls that testimony into question. Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, a key witness given limited immunity by Mueller, told investigators that he set up the meeting in the Seychelles between Prince and Dmitriev, sources familiar with the investigation told ABC News. Documents obtained by Mueller also suggest that before and after Prince met Nader in New York a week before the trip, Nader shared information with Prince about Dmitriev.

People are testifying under oath that Prince lied.
First of all, this isn't the "FBI" we are talking about here. It's the Special Counsel. Second of all, I didn't see anything in that article that says Prince is getting immunity for anything. This is simply a case of Mueller wanting information and Prince giving it. And tell me...what has Trump said about Prince cooperating with Mueller?
Remember what I said...don't read too much into this.

The Two Bobs — Mueller and Woodward
Ah yes, just cherry pick what Prince said, and that's the end of it. Right? Wrong.

People are testifying under oath that Prince lied.


People can testify what they want. It doesn't appear Prince is hiding anything when he tells Mueller to have at all of his communications and computers.
It will if Trump is indicted

That won't happen from the DOJ unless he is removed from office, or after he leaves office.
He wasn't given or offered immunity. He voluntarily talked to them and voluntarily let them have his phone. Doesn't sound like someone with something to hide at all.

I wouldn't have anything to hide if I cleaned my phone and computer either. Doesn't get rid of the evidence that is being supplied by others, though.

For the record, if Prince hasn't been singing like a canary already, he will be soon. I also predict that he will walk for giving up more information to Mueller.
Yeah all these people are talking to the FBI willingly and get immunity from the agency because they have nothing to hide. hehe. Remember when you said Cohen broke no laws?? That was funny too. If the FBI is doing such a horrible job then why is Mr. Swampy acting like a caged animal lashing out at everything as being unfair??? Wouldn't you think that if the people that talked to Mueller really had nothing to tell him, then he wouldn't care what they said to Mueller in the first place????
Because it appears to be an unfair investigation.

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