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South Carolina Primary 21Jan2012 Thread (1 Viewer)

Oh ****, there he goes again! :lol:

Perry flubbed his three departments once again, NBC’s Carrie Dann reports. During a radio interview this morning, he was asked which federal departments he would shut down. Perry listed: “Three right off the bat: Commerce, Interior, and Energy are the three that you think of.” Problem: Those are NOT the three he had previously not been able to name. He swapped Interior for Education. He has not previously said he would eliminate Interior.
Oh ****, there he goes again! :lol:

Ohhhhh, Obama is sooo smart! And if he is, that means he is HATES the USA, hates the constitution, and hates our Founding Fathers. Either he's stupid, or he's smart. But whatever he is, he is BAD.
The 40% of Americans who mistakenly think that Obama makes a lot of gaffes?

You really don't want to see a list of a few of Obama's gaffes do you ??

It's a l-o-n-g list.
You really don't want to see a list of a few of Obama's gaffes do you ??

It's a l-o-n-g list.

Yeah, I do. Bring it on.
Interesting. Recent polling from Rasmussen (16%) & ARG (20%) show him growing rapidly. Also SC google the poo out of him after his NH primary speech. It benefits Paul that it is also a OPEN primary. I except him to make third (previously fourth), anything else would be a plus.

From what im hearing their is a lot of Newt signs. I think the social conservative wing is going to abandon Sant and rally behind Newt in SC.

Not sure ARG is, they are not listed at RCP. All the polls listed at RCP have Paul in third or fourth.
Moderator's Warning:
Please take the gaffe stuff to another thread. Thank you.
Supposedly South Carolina State Senator Tom Davis will announce his endorsement on Sunday. I believe it is for Paul...Is he popular/carry weight in South Carolina to anybody who is familiar?
Supposedly South Carolina State Senator Tom Davis will announce his endorsement on Sunday. I believe it is for Paul...Is he popular/carry weight in South Carolina to anybody who is familiar?

I don't really know(or care) about most state senators, I am just wondering who Tim Scott, and Joe Wilson will endorse.
Couple interesting stories, for different reasons:

Elite social conservatives vote to give Rick Santorum consensus support | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

A group of 170 socially conservative Christian leaders representing various politically active organizations emerged from a weekend meeting near Houston with consensus support for the presidential candidacy of Rick Santorum.
"There emerged a strong consensus around Rick Santorum as the preferred candidate of this group," Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, told reporters during a conference call after the vote.
There were three rounds of balloting, Perkins said. In the first round there was "measurable support" for Santorum, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich. The second round of balloting came down to Gingrich and Santorum. And in the final ballot, many Gingrich supporters moved to Santorum in a desire to emerge from the meeting with a strong consensus candidate.

Whether this translates to increased support for Santorum remains to be sen, but it certainly could and it's an interesting strategy.

Romney opens 21-point lead in South Carolina: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Yahoo! News

WARNING! WARNING! This story is going to get brought up sooner or later, so I figured I would point it out and show the flaw right off:

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online from January 10-13 with a sample of 995 South Carolina registered voters. It included 398 Republicans and 380 Democrats.
Statistical margins of error are not applicable to online surveys but this poll has a credibility interval of plus or minus 5 percentage points for Republicans and 3.4 percentage points for all voters.

Don't give any portion of this poll much credence.
Mitt and Paul are going to be in the town just below where I am in SC on Weds. Romney being from BC might mean I have to wear my BU jersey.
I think if I lived in South Carolina, at this point I'd cast my vote for Herman Cain
I think if I lived in South Carolina, at this point I'd cast my vote for Herman Cain

For the primary maybe. But when it comes to the general election, I am voting for South Carolina's Son.
Oh god there were TWO black people at the Ronmey event...
With Iowa and NH over and done with, and with such a commanding lead in the polls in Florida, SC really doesn't matter that much- other than that the SC GOP primary winner has been the GOP nominee for the last, oh, who the hell knows how long... but I think SC will be the toughest of these first few primaries for Romney due to the liberal media intent on showing him as a "vulture capitalist" as Perry called him. And some fault can be found, I'm sure, in his business dealings.

My biggest problem with Romney is that I feel he is the conduit to an Obama re-election. I don't think he can beat the president. If he can't beat Obama, he shouldn't be the nominee. (And what does it say about him as a candidate when people think that he doesn't stand a chance against the President with poorer popularity than Jimmy Carter?)

This race will come down to the independent voters as usual. The nutty leftists will vote on the left; the nutty righties will vote on the right. The libertarians, moderates, and independents will split between the two. Romney won't be able to command the swing of these more moderate voters that will be necessary for him to win against Obama.

For now, if the political pundits had any brains in their heads, they would be pumping up their listening audiences- telling them how wonderful Romney is, helping to get them fired up. Instead they say pretty much what I just said. That he doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning in the general election. Combined with the concentrated attacks from the liberal media, this attitude basically constitutes a concession of the general election to Obama before the third primary is completed. Ridiculous

You've pretty much summed up why SC going "conservative" is so important to the Republican party. If Romney were to win three consecutive Republican caucuses - Iowa, NH and SC - it will all but end any chance of a Right-wing Conservative candidate winning the GOP primary nomination. We've already seen atleast 2 GOP candidates who called themselves "true conservatives" bow out - Cain and Bachmann, and word is Perry will effectively end his presidential bid today. What this should illustrate to those who have been paying close attention to the GOP field is that hardline conservatism isn't as popular as the Republican party once thought. Moreover, Conservatism itself as espoused by the GOP presidential field mostly by Newt Gingrich has placed extreme capitalism on trial! This has caused anger and a sense of panic among the Republican leadership because the one person they said was explosive has exposed the party's greed.

Newt, Perry, Ron Paul and even Santorum have all attacked Mitt Romney not only for being a moderate Republican AND a flip-flopper on the issues, but also for being a greedy "vulture capitalist". Not a venture capitalist, but a preditor! Think about that for a second...

Not only has Mitt himself recently confirmed that he hasn't held a "real job" in the last 10-years working a regular 9-5 job doing any "real labor", his income primarily has come from investment capital (with alittle from his speaking engagements). And most people are keenly aware that the federal tax rate on capital gains is only at 15% not matter how much money you make from investments. While some people might not begrude him of that, many will see him as being completely out of touch with mainstream America and by default see him as "one of them, not one of us". His own tax plan would not benefit the lower or middle-class, but instead give more tax breaks to the "investor-class". Remember: FINANCIAL SERVICES has been the backbone of our nation's economy for the last 30 years! If you have doubts, read the book, "Bad Money" by Kevin Phillips. And if you still have doubts as to how bad conservative economic policies can get without any oversight, just read the book "Too Big to Fail," by Andrew Sorkin. And just to be clear, one of the wealthiest philantropers and hedge-fund investors out there - Warren Buffet - told us all that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary who makes peanuts by comparison! Do you really think Mitt Romney can win the election now after not only being exposed by his GOP running mates but also by his own admission? OPEN MOUTH, INSERT FOOT!!

The reason conservatives are starting to insist that SC is so vital for them to win is because they know that if Mitt wins he'll all but secure the GOP primary vote. But there's another something more calculating at play that most people to this point have ignored: Right-wing conservatives aren't lining up behind Ron Paul or Santurom but instead are pushing Newt out front. Why?

Here's a clue: ORATORY

Look it up, listen to Conservative talking heads, try to filter out the white noise of politics and really think about it.
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I predict that Gingrich is going to win by a hair, Romney a close second, Paul a close third, and Santorum a close fourth.

I reserve the right to change my predition until 48 hours after the end of the election.
A Gingrich SC Win would make this race VERY interesting going forward as it could easily establish 2 legitimate contenders and a third with the resources and infastructure to continue the process and interject chaos into the convention process.

On the flip side, if Romney can stave off Newt in both South Carolina AND Florida he could very well already be close to rounding 3rd base come Super Tuesday.

However I still want Herman Cain to finish in the top 4
A Gingrich SC Win would make this race VERY interesting going forward as it could easily establish 2 legitimate contenders and a third with the resources and infastructure to continue the process and interject chaos into the convention process.

On the flip side, if Romney can stave off Newt in both South Carolina AND Florida he could very well already be close to rounding 3rd base come Super Tuesday.

However I still want Herman Cain to finish in the top 4

There are alot of things going on now that I am free to look around the web. Romney came in second in Iowa according to the final vote, which takes away his "unprecedented" win in the first two contests. If Gingrich can pull off a win in SC, and win or come in a close second in Florida, it makes things very interesting going forward. We could very possibly see 3 candidates left going into super Tuesday(March 6th), which I was not expecting at all. Tonights debate Romney and Gingrich both have to be on their game bigtime. Will be interesting to see if Romney might go more on the offensive than he has.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary

Three polls came out today, and all three of them show Gingrich in the lead in SC.

Rasmussen: Gingrich 33, Romney 31
Insider advantage: Gingrich 32 Romney 29
PPP: Gingrich 34 Romney 28

The debate tonight could be very interesting.

Thats why I predicted Gingrich to win. The youth vote here is going to vote for Paul at just over 20% of the vote, and the Bible thumpers will vote for Santorum probably right at 20%. The only reason that Mit will get as many votes as he will is because of the endorsment by our beloved governor.

The Ron Paul supporters have been very active today coating most every light pole in our town with a bumper sticker or three.

This will be a lot closer race between these 4 candidates than the first to primaries were.
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Newt or Romney will win but neither will sweep to take all the delegates in SC. I think Paul can win 1 or at most 2 major districts to get 2 or 4 delegates.

It's almost certain Sant will drop out after SC. Newt will drop out after FL/within feb.
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