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So what are YOU taking to your grave?? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 11, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
It can be anything but explain why.

For me, I'm taking one toy for each of my children that they played with when they were babies..

What about you?

A flashlight, so I can do what Uma Thurman did in Kill Bill.
My journals. I don't want anyone finding and reading that ****.
I'm going to have a tomb filled with my possessions. Like king tut.


Just to throw off those future archaeologists.

...though I'm thinking I might have to settle for a replica.
That's a cool helmet!! :)

In all seriousness though, I've never really though about what I want to be buried with... I have to think about my grave goods. Good thread.
I don't even get the need ot 'take' anything with you . .. so I guess I won't be taking anything. In afct, I doubt I'll opt for burial at all. It's a waste of good earth.
hopefully my friends' and family's well wishes

... and an entrenching tool
I'd like to be buried with my appendix and gall bladder, but that ain't happening. :(
I am going to take all the previous family secrets to the grave, including my grandmothers recipe for New Mexico red chilli. Not to mention the debt I owe to my ex-bitch from my 2nd marriage. She will never get a dime. And just for the hell of it, the keys to the car! LMAO!! I am going to be burnt like a crispy critter, and dumped in the ocean.
I want to be cremated, so nothing.

Did you know you can save thousands on your funeral by buying your own urn now, instead of from the funeral parlor? And this way, you can pick it out yourself. There are a lot of places on the WWW to buy them in all kinds of styles, and for sale on Ebay as well. Be responsible, buy your own.
I don't get it. I'm... so ashamed. :3oops:

Neck Crow Phil Yak = ______________________(I don't to spell it out completely) :mrgreen:
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Neck Crow Phil Yak = ______________________(I don't to spell it out completely) :mrgreen:

OMG, how could I have missed that? Now I'm really ashamed. :3oops:

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