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Salem Communications Pressured Beck To Address Reform Judaism Firestorm (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 6, 2010
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Glenn Beck never misses an opportunity for self-aggrandizement, and when he apologized last week for slandering the largest religious denomination of American Jews, Beck used the occasion to boast of his own "honor" and "integrity," and said: "I lead with my mistakes, because I think it's important as a human being to demonstrate to other human beings that we can be stronger if we correct our mistakes and flaws and move on."

But it turns out that Beck's apology came only after Salem Communications -- a company that owns major stations that broadcast Beck's show -- asked him to address the controversy. ...​

EXCLUSIVE: Major Radio Company Pressured Beck To Address Reform Judaism Firestorm | Media Matters for America

I wonder how many of his devoted fans bought his line of garbage. :lamo
Glenn Beck never misses an opportunity for self-aggrandizement, and when he apologized last week for slandering the largest religious denomination of American Jews, Beck used the occasion to boast of his own "honor" and "integrity," and said: "I lead with my mistakes, because I think it's important as a human being to demonstrate to other human beings that we can be stronger if we correct our mistakes and flaws and move on."

But it turns out that Beck's apology came only after Salem Communications -- a company that owns major stations that broadcast Beck's show -- asked him to address the controversy. ...​

EXCLUSIVE: Major Radio Company Pressured Beck To Address Reform Judaism Firestorm | Media Matters for America

I wonder how many of his devoted fans bought his line of garbage. :lamo
Who cares? Besides you Boo and Hazednut? I wonder how many devoted Media Matters fans buy their line of garbage? And make a new post a day on a message board about it? Aside from the obvious fact that Media Matters is no more honest or less biased than Beck is, so what? I mean seriously, you really seem to have a completely hypocritical problem on your hands. I don't know if it is a OCD thing or something worse! Either way anyone parroting MM repeatedly but whining about Beck repeatedly can't see the forest through the trees. Namely there does not seem to be much difference between the two groups of wingnuts.

Really and I mean this as nice as I can say it, but you might need some help of the professional variety ASAP.:doh
Glenn Beck never misses an opportunity for self-aggrandizement, and when he apologized last week for slandering the largest religious denomination of American Jews, Beck used the occasion to boast of his own "honor" and "integrity," and said: "I lead with my mistakes, because I think it's important as a human being to demonstrate to other human beings that we can be stronger if we correct our mistakes and flaws and move on."

But it turns out that Beck's apology came only after Salem Communications -- a company that owns major stations that broadcast Beck's show -- asked him to address the controversy. ...​

EXCLUSIVE: Major Radio Company Pressured Beck To Address Reform Judaism Firestorm | Media Matters for America

I wonder how many of his devoted fans bought his line of garbage. :lamo

Ahhhhh.....poor Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC. This comes after he took credit for Beck's apology. I wonder if he'll apologize now. :)
I get annoyed with people who cannot see the good in people they disagree with. EVERYTHING has to be a negative even when it's clearly a positive.

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I get annoyed with people who cannot see the good in people they disagree with. EVERYTHING has to be a negative even when it's clearly a positive.

Do you think Beck would have lead to his "mistakes" if Salem Communications didn't put pressure on him to address the issue???
Do you think Beck would have lead to his "mistakes" if Salem Communications didn't put pressure on him to address the issue???

Yes. It was a friend who came to him and told him he was wrong.

The difference between us, pb, is that you only see negative when it comes to Beck. Anything he does is negative in your mind. Everything he does is for money, show, selfish reasons, etc. Right?

I get annoyed with Beck sometimes. I stop listening to him sometimes because he speaks in extremes a lot, cries too much (used to anyway) and whines. However, I believe he absolutely without a doubt believes what he's saying.

Just out of curiosity....why did you choose that signature?
How does this demonstrate bias in the media? Oh! Media matters. Gotcha!
How does this demonstrate bias in the media? Oh! Media matters. Gotcha!

It demonstrates the loon bias in the right wing mainstream media.

From Beck to Rush, the bias for lunacy is overwhelming. Sanity is rarely presented in the rightwing mainstream news media
It demonstrates the loon bias in the right wing mainstream media.

From Beck to Rush, the bias for lunacy is overwhelming. Sanity is rarely presented in the rightwing mainstream news media

MSNBC no bias here....move along

MSNBC no bias here....move along

MSNBC is not mainstream it has by far lower ratings then Fox

Fox is mainstream, and is populated by loons like Beck. The rightwing mainstream media is populated by loons for loons.

The mainstream rightwing media has the largest radio audience, cable news audience, and has a significant presence in national newspapers (WSJ which thankfully is not infected by the loons yet)
(WSJ which thankfully is not infected by the loons yet)

I dont know about that one. I run into links posted on occasionally and it really strikes me as rightist windbaggery on and off. :shrug: As I perceive it anyways.
It demonstrates the loon bias in the right wing mainstream media.

From Beck to Rush, the bias for lunacy is overwhelming. Sanity is rarely presented in the rightwing mainstream news media

Beck's radio program is mainstream media now? Goodness gracious!
Beck's radio program is mainstream media now? Goodness gracious!

Glen Beck is on Fox and Fox is mainstream (being the highest rated cable news network)

Rush and other conservative talk radio stations/hosts are mainstream being they dominate talk radio
Glen Beck is on Fox and Fox is mainstream (being the highest rated cable news network)

Rush and other conservative talk radio stations/hosts are mainstream being they dominate talk radio

They also aren't news programs. It's conservative talk radio for crying out loud. Not a newspaper or hard news that's supposed to have some kind of objectivity.

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