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"Russian" bots debate US gun control laws (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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When USA Finlay stops Muscovite intrusions? or not under this administration of Trump?

"witter accounts suspected of links to Russia have turned their attention to the contentious issue of US gun control in the wake of the mass shooting in Florida, researchers suggest.

Two companies which track online disinformation have found that bots began tweeting about the Parkland shooting shortly after the tragedy.


Experts from New Knowledge - which tracks disinformation campaigns - said that suspected Russian bots are increasingly picking up on controversial issues.

"The bots focus on anything that is divisive for Americans - almost systematically," Jonathon Morgan, chief executive of New Knowledge told the New York Times.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy, in partnership with research group the German Marshall Fund, also spotted similar tweets on its website, which tracks hundreds of Twitter accounts suspected of links to Russia.

It found that some were from human users, while others were suspected bots. It is believed that Russian bots used the hashtag #Parklandshooting to stoke tensions.

They included tweets about the mental health of suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz as well as suggestions that he searched for Arabic phrases before the attack."
Russian bots debate US gun control laws - BBC News
When USA Finlay stops Muscovite intrusions? or not under this administration of Trump?

"witter accounts suspected of links to Russia have turned their attention to the contentious issue of US gun control in the wake of the mass shooting in Florida, researchers suggest.

Two companies which track online disinformation have found that bots began tweeting about the Parkland shooting shortly after the tragedy.


Experts from New Knowledge - which tracks disinformation campaigns - said that suspected Russian bots are increasingly picking up on controversial issues.

"The bots focus on anything that is divisive for Americans - almost systematically," Jonathon Morgan, chief executive of New Knowledge told the New York Times.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy, in partnership with research group the German Marshall Fund, also spotted similar tweets on its website, which tracks hundreds of Twitter accounts suspected of links to Russia.

It found that some were from human users, while others were suspected bots. It is believed that Russian bots used the hashtag #Parklandshooting to stoke tensions.

They included tweets about the mental health of suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz as well as suggestions that he searched for Arabic phrases before the attack."
Russian bots debate US gun control laws - BBC News

If America was not so ill as we are we could not be so easily provoked into harming each other, that is what we need to work on, and is what the establishment is avoiding talking about like the plague because it is them who brought us to this spot, and they dont seem to have a whole lot of interest in getting better.
If America was not so ill as we are we could not be so easily provoked into harming each other, that is what we need to work on, and is what the establishment is avoiding talking about like the plague because it is them who brought us to this spot, and they dont seem to have a whole lot of interest in getting better.

Hey - I've got a really radical idea! Why don't we ENFORCE the sanctions against Russia that Congress almost unanimously passed last year for their meddling in our elections! All we have to do is to convince Trump to allow those sanctions to be enforced....
The most paranoid, propaganda ridden country/people in the world, worrying about others engaging in open discussions about serious USA problems.
Hey - I've got a really radical idea! Why don't we ENFORCE the sanctions against Russia that Congress almost unanimously passed last year for their meddling in our elections! All we have to do is to convince Trump to allow those sanctions to be enforced....

It is seriously time to come off that idiocy, surely we can learn.
Russian bots are increasingly picking up on controversial issues.

I have to wonder if we do this sort of thing to other countries.... Hmmmmmm.. I wonder if our government does this sort of thing to us right now....... Hmmmmmm maybe the Russians are playing copycat.
I have to wonder if we do this sort of thing to other countries.... Hmmmmmm.. I wonder if our government does this sort of thing to us right now....... Hmmmmmm maybe the Russians are playing copycat.

I live right near the old VOA broadcast center. Its payback for all the stuff we sent to Havana during the cold war!
When USA Finlay stops Muscovite intrusions? or not under this administration of Trump?

"witter accounts suspected of links to Russia have turned their attention to the contentious issue of US gun control in the wake of the mass shooting in Florida, researchers suggest.

Two companies which track online disinformation have found that bots began tweeting about the Parkland shooting shortly after the tragedy.


Experts from New Knowledge - which tracks disinformation campaigns - said that suspected Russian bots are increasingly picking up on controversial issues.

"The bots focus on anything that is divisive for Americans - almost systematically," Jonathon Morgan, chief executive of New Knowledge told the New York Times.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy, in partnership with research group the German Marshall Fund, also spotted similar tweets on its website, which tracks hundreds of Twitter accounts suspected of links to Russia.

It found that some were from human users, while others were suspected bots. It is believed that Russian bots used the hashtag #Parklandshooting to stoke tensions.

They included tweets about the mental health of suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz as well as suggestions that he searched for Arabic phrases before the attack."
Russian bots debate US gun control laws - BBC News


Same bull**** that keeps getting pushed.

Thread is a pass.
I live right near the old VOA broadcast center. Its payback for all the stuff we sent to Havana during the cold war!

Oh, yeah, I had forgot about VOA. Man, we sure get our panties in a knot when somebody does the same thing to us. I read somewhere that we've interfered in 84 different foreign elections over the past 40 years, even assassinations and outright regime change. Who are we to get all judgemental over the Russians. I read we spent $5 billion to get Boris Yeltsin elected. Don't we also broadcast into North Korea?
Hey - I've got a really radical idea! Why don't we ENFORCE the sanctions against Russia that Congress almost unanimously passed last year for their meddling in our elections! All we have to do is to convince Trump to allow those sanctions to be enforced....

So why can't China do this too? Why can't North Korea?
Actually, why can't AlQaeda or ISIS do this too - they hate the US, and anyone can post online thru a fake account.


Actually, I know how to use a computer - so then I should be able to rig the US elections too.
What are you going to do about that?

Same bull**** that keeps getting pushed.

Thread is a pass.

" The Alliance for Securing Democracy, in partnership with research group the German Marshall Fund, also spotted similar tweets on its website, which tracks hundreds of Twitter accounts suspected of links to Russia.

It found that some were from human users, while others were suspected bots. It is believed that Russian bots used the hashtag #Parklandshooting to stoke tensions.
I heard my breakfast was a Russian bot.
OMG! Not this guy again.

There are so many Americans who abhor reality, the truth, honesty. It simply doesn't mesh with their lifetime of brainwashing/propaganda.
So why can't China do this too? Why can't North Korea?
Actually, why can't AlQaeda or ISIS do this too - they hate the US, and anyone can post online thru a fake account.


Actually, I know how to use a computer - so then I should be able to rig the US elections too.
What are you going to do about that?

That's like saying, "why should we do anything about this bank robber since other people can rob banks too!"
That's like saying, "why should we do anything about this bank robber since other people can rob banks too!"

No, it would be like saying "why should we punish only this bank robber, when there are other bank robbers who aren't being investigated or punished?"

If you only investigate and punish bank robbers who speak Russian, and you're letting all the other bank robbers go, then there's a problem.
It's "idiocy" to expect the president to enforce the sanctions that the Republican-controlled Congress passed almost unanimously????

The sanctions have not only not worked but they have been counterproductive....if there is a Plan B now is the time to find it.
No, it would be like saying "why should we punish only this bank robber, when there are other bank robbers who aren't being investigated or punished?"

If you only investigate and punish bank robbers who speak Russian, and you're letting all the other bank robbers go, then there's a problem.

Okay, we'll go with that. What other nations have been proven to have made a major effort to meddle with our elections, to even a fraction of the extent that we know Russia did?

None. Sure, some may have made a half-hearted attempt (though I can't think of a single one that did), but not a single one had either the funding or the degree of organization or the government support that the Russians gave their effort to meddle in our election.

Last I recall, one should go after the worst criminals first. In this case, the Russians ARE the worst criminals...and the fact that your side is too busy kissing Putin's ass is not going to change that fact.
When USA Finlay stops Muscovite intrusions? or not under this administration of Trump?

"witter accounts suspected of links to Russia have turned their attention to the contentious issue of US gun control in the wake of the mass shooting in Florida, researchers suggest.

Two companies which track online disinformation have found that bots began tweeting about the Parkland shooting shortly after the tragedy.


Experts from New Knowledge - which tracks disinformation campaigns - said that suspected Russian bots are increasingly picking up on controversial issues.

"The bots focus on anything that is divisive for Americans - almost systematically," Jonathon Morgan, chief executive of New Knowledge told the New York Times.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy, in partnership with research group the German Marshall Fund, also spotted similar tweets on its website, which tracks hundreds of Twitter accounts suspected of links to Russia.

It found that some were from human users, while others were suspected bots. It is believed that Russian bots used the hashtag #Parklandshooting to stoke tensions.

They included tweets about the mental health of suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz as well as suggestions that he searched for Arabic phrases before the attack."
Russian bots debate US gun control laws - BBC News

Is that why the right wing has nothing but fallacy and can't come up with better solutions at lower cost?
Okay, we'll go with that. What other nations have been proven to have made a major effort to meddle with our elections, to even a fraction of the extent that we know Russia did?

How would you know, unless you investigate?
Whole point with these cyber-hackers and meddlers is that they do their work without telling you.
But why would you assume that others like China don't do these things?

None. Sure, some may have made a half-hearted attempt (though I can't think of a single one that did), but not a single one had either the funding or the degree of organization or the government support that the Russians gave their effort to meddle in our election.

Last I recall, one should go after the worst criminals first. In this case, the Russians ARE the worst criminals...and the fact that your side is too busy kissing Putin's ass is not going to change that fact.

Uhh, China has penetrated just about every official computer network the US has. They've stolen stuff like the designs for the W-88 warhead, which Russia was never able to do. China also stole a list of all US federal govt employees and their personal details.

Same bull**** that keeps getting pushed.

Thread is a pass.

OF course, you dismiss it out of hand.. However, there is hard evidence

This is a screen shot of a now suspended account, where the person forgot to turn off their location


And this is the google webcache of that account, so you can confirm it for yourself


and here is a clip from the page to show the important info

How would you know, unless you investigate?
Whole point with these cyber-hackers and meddlers is that they do their work without telling you.
But why would you assume that others like China don't do these things?

Uhh, China has penetrated just about every official computer network the US has. They've stolen stuff like the designs for the W-88 warhead, which Russia was never able to do. China also stole a list of all US federal govt employees and their personal details.

Wrong answer, guy. You're expecting me to "prove a negative", which is impossible - it's a logical fallacy. That's why the burden of proof is always on the prosecution and not on the defense. The onus is on YOU to prove that there are other nations putting as much effort as Russia is to influence our elections...and there is NO evidence that any other nations are doing so.

You mention China - yeah, they do present a threat...but the threat they present is NOT against our democratic process. Yes, they are trying to steal our secrets - and Russia did too (remember the Rosenbergs? That's how they go the plans to build their own hydrogen bomb). But threatening our democratic process and inserting a candidate of RUSSIA's choosing - that's a clear and present danger to our nation's very sovereignty since they now have THEIR puppet in charge of OUR nuclear arsenal. No other nation has ever come close to that...but Russia has done it, and YOUR side is defending them for having done so.

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