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Raising the minimum wage to $15 has not worked in California's favor (2 Viewers)

... the question is why? pretty simple. They have some sort of addiction, they have 0 education and they have 0 job skills.
that still does not justify taking what I have done and giving it to them or taking my families lively hood away.

Pathetic nonsense.

You should be ashamed of yourself. That you are not is an indication of how warped you are ...
The facts upset your trite notion of the real world around you?

Poor little you ...

I'm sorry you don't understand. It's your ignorance not mine.

It seems similar threads pop up at least two times a year, and people just don't get it. Many of those counted as living in poverty are not. The threshold doesn't change by local costs of living. The poverty line is also set too high.

Think about this a few minutes before jumping to conclusions again please.
the question is why? pretty simple. They have some sort of addiction, they have 0 education and they have 0 job skills.
that still does not justify taking what I have done and giving it to them or taking my families lively hood away.
Pathetic nonsense.

You should be ashamed of yourself. That you are not is an indication of how warped you are ...
What is worse than the addicts or no job skills is compounding that with irresponsibly having children.

Why should society pay for other people's mistakes and stupidity.

If yo can't afford to raise children... Don't have them!
It's your ignorance not mine.

It seems similar threads pop up at least two times a year, and people just don't get it.

And why, pray tell, should intelligent people "get it".

Try logic substantiated by fact. It helps a lot in a debate forum.

For the moment, you are simply offering feeble statements tantamount to "everybody else doesn't understand" ...
And why, pray tell, should intelligent people "get it".

Try logic substantiated by fact. It helps a lot in a debate forum.

For the moment, you are simply offering feeble statements tantamount to "everybody else doesn't understand" ...

I get tired of repeat threads themes. I laid out the basics. If you don't care to seek the truth, it doesn't matter to what I say. You will ignore it.
Pathetic nonsense.

You should be ashamed of yourself. That you are not is an indication of how warped you are ...

Thanks for showing that you have no counter argument but just ad hominems.

There is nothing to be ashamed of by telling the truth.
There is a reason they are where they are barring some major disability.

The fact you still have not answered my user ion is what is amazing.

If you feel so strongly about it then why are you not distributing your pay among people
That have less than you?
The fact you still have not answered my user ion is what is amazing.

What in hell is a "user ion"?

Learn English, and come back to debate ...
I get tired of repeat threads themes. I laid out the basics. If you don't care to seek the truth, it doesn't matter to what I say. You will ignore it.

You laid out nothing.

Were there an original thought in your comments, I would have responded. Try harder.

Moving right along ...
What in hell is a "user ion"?

Learn English, and come back to debate ...

it is called auto correct on an ipad wow.

You still have not answered my questions.
You have yet to give a valid justification of why my families prosperity should suffer because I made good
choices in my life.

2. if you are so passionate about this why are you not distributing your income to people that make less than you
as you think or demand other people should?
Pathetic nonsense.

You should be ashamed of yourself. That you are not is an indication of how warped you are ...

Why should anyone even want to go to college if you can get a job earning a "living wage" right out of high school? You are actually encouraging high shoolers to work at Walmart and McDonalds instead of bettering themselves.
The facts upset your trite notion of the real world around you?

Poor little you ...

You did not answer his question. Instead you threw up a graph that was dodging the question with something that didn't even apply.
What is worse than the addicts or no job skills is compounding that with irresponsibly having children.

Why should society pay for other people's mistakes and stupidity.

If yo can't afford to raise children... Don't have them!

I also find it fascinating that many of the poor who can't even afford to take care of themselves, have pets. If you can't afford to have pets then you shouldn't have them either, and then they wonder why they are poor!
What in hell is a "user ion"?

Learn English, and come back to debate ...

As usual, it is better for liberals to attack so they can avoid the question.
You laid out nothing.

Were there an original thought in your comments, I would have responded. Try harder.

Moving right along ...

I see.

My comments are over your head.

No need for me to waste my time detailing it.
I also find it fascinating that many of the poor who can't even afford to take care of themselves, have pets. If you can't afford to have pets then you shouldn't have them either, and then they wonder why they are poor!


Now I don't have a problem with drugs like marijuana, but if a person is poor, then they shouldn't be buying drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. If this is their priority, then they deserve no financial assistance.
Clearly you do not understand elementary economics either. When you implement a minimum wage there will be some loss but it will usually result in net gain for minimum wage workers. If for example wages increase by 20% prices do not increase by 20%, because they can't, this is due to elasticity. You also will not see hours reduced by 20% either, again due to elasticity. What you probably will see is maybe a 5% increase and a 5% decrease in hours worked but in total there is a net gain for society.

Lol.........even Jerry Brown said it was a bad idea....BUT he signed it anyway. Maybe he doesn't understand " elementary economics "

Jerry Brown Admits $15 Min Wage Bad; Signs Anyway - Breitbart
Economically, minimum wages may not make sense,” Brown said, according to the Sacramento Bee. But “[m]orally and socially and politically, they [minimum wages] make every sense because it binds the community together and makes sure that parents can take care of their kids in a much more satisfactory way.”
Clearly you do not understand elementary economics either. When you implement a minimum wage there will be some loss but it will usually result in net gain for minimum wage workers. If for example wages increase by 20% prices do not increase by 20%, because they can't, this is due to elasticity. You also will not see hours reduced by 20% either, again due to elasticity. What you probably will see is maybe a 5% increase and a 5% decrease in hours worked but in total there is a net gain for society.

Don't you think this 5% increase is going to hurt others, who don't get a raise? People base their lives around what they can afford, and this will make some cross that line unnecessarily, for the whiners of society. Do you really want to sacrifice the security people, to increase what was never designed as a living wage? Why should the responsible be harmed to help the irresponsible?
Lol.........even Jerry Brown said it was a bad idea....BUT he signed it anyway. Maybe he doesn't understand " elementary economics "

Jerry Brown Admits $15 Min Wage Bad; Signs Anyway - Breitbart
Economically, minimum wages may not make sense,” Brown said, according to the Sacramento Bee. But “[m]orally and socially and politically, they [minimum wages] make every sense because it binds the community together and makes sure that parents can take care of their kids in a much more satisfactory way.”

What I have found to be hilarious was that Bernie was in favor of $15 per hour while Hillary only wanted $12 per hour, saying that anything over $12 would be bad for business. When Hillary was asked if a Democratic controlled congress sent her a bill as president for $15 per hour, would she sign it she said without hesitation, "Sure!". What happened to anything over $12 per hour would be bad for business? Could it possibly be another Hillary lie? Surely not.
What I have found to be hilarious was that Bernie was in favor of $15 per hour while Hillary only wanted $12 per hour, saying that anything over $12 would be bad for business. When Hillary was asked if a Democratic controlled congress sent her a bill as president for $15 per hour, would she sign it she said without hesitation, "Sure!". What happened to anything over $12 per hour would be bad for business? Could it possibly be another Hillary lie? Surely not.

Typical political lies for votes.
Don't you think this 5% increase is going to hurt others, who don't get a raise? People base their lives around what they can afford, and this will make some cross that line unnecessarily, for the whiners of society. Do you really want to sacrifice the security people, to increase what was never designed as a living wage? Why should the responsible be harmed to help the irresponsible?

It most likely will not, mainly because the minimum wage only affects the costs of things related to that wage, like the cost of Big Macs and other non-staple and non-luxury goods. Overall prices in the economy might shift only 0.05% because of the minimum wage increase. Most people will not notice it unless for some reason they eat exclusively at fast food places.
What I have found to be hilarious was that Bernie was in favor of $15 per hour while Hillary only wanted $12 per hour, saying that anything over $12 would be bad for business. When Hillary was asked if a Democratic controlled congress sent her a bill as president for $15 per hour, would she sign it she said without hesitation, "Sure!". What happened to anything over $12 per hour would be bad for business? Could it possibly be another Hillary lie? Surely not.

I don't think she is lying. I think she just will support almost anything - ANYTHING - that gets her into the White House.

She is a rudderless ship...floating whichever way the popular current takes her.
It most likely will not, mainly because the minimum wage only affects the costs of things related to that wage, like the cost of Big Macs and other non-staple and non-luxury goods. Overall prices in the economy might shift only 0.05% because of the minimum wage increase. Most people will not notice it unless for some reason they eat exclusively at fast food places.

I'll bet you also believe in Utopia.

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