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President Obama Takes a Break at Camp David (1 Viewer)

You don't get it and never will. Raising the debt ceiling is about spending money and since we have a spending problem and not a revenue problem all that limit does is give the President more money to spend. That is wrong for American thus the House got it right.
Like I said, the Republican's don't want a recovery because they want to win the White House in 2012 and they don't care how they do it. It's the end that justifies the means for the Republicans. The Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, has said he wants to make President Obama a "one term President."

The debt ceiling was raised at least 7 times when Bush was President. With the Republicans its party over country.
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So tell me what were the Democrats doing in 2008 with total control of the Congress? U-6 in December 2007 was 8.8%. so it went from 8.8% to 14.1% with Democrat control of Congress. Were they working hard to regain the WH and sabotaging the economy? What part did Geithner and Summers have in TARP?
You need to take some more civics lessons, the congress doesn't control the economy.
You're clear indication you do NOT want to discuss facts is evident, so I'll just bypass rest of your ignorant words. Your attempt to curve the spotlight off of Obama and onto Congress may work other places, but 400+ congress people are not playing golf 13 weekends in a row and are NOT taking vacation at Camp David.

I'd say "nice try" but it was actually a feeble try.:coffeepap
There's nothing here to discuss ... presidents take breaks. Bush used to ride a bike all the time. So what? Obama plays golf. So what? He may be on call 24/7 but that doesn't mean he has to work 24/7. IMO, y'all need to pick your battles -- and if golf is it, Obama's beating you like a Birfer.
Like I said, the Republican's don't want a recovery because they want to win the White House in 2012 and they don't care how they do it. It's the end that justifies the means for the Republicans. The Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, has said he wants to make President Obama a "one term President."

The debt ceiling was raised at least 7 times when Bush was President. With the Republicans its party over country.

Did I hear you making that claim in 2008 when Democrats controlled the entire Congress, not just the House, and Geithner was head of the NY Fed? Where was your outrage then?

Nice partisan rhetoric that ignores reality. The debt ceiling when Bush was President was never equal to our annual GDP like it almost is now. Bush spent too much money with the help of Congress but somehow that justifies Obama putting Bush spending on steroids?
No President in modern history has ever had 14.7 million unemployed Americans two years after the end of a recession nor has any U.S. President ever added 4 trillion to the debt in less than 3 years. That is the Obama record which of course the Obama cult ignores.
No president before Obama ever inherited an economy with 13 million unemployed (1 million losing their jobs in January, 2009 alone). No president before ever inherited a debt growing a 1½ trillion a year.
You need to take some more civics lessons, the congress doesn't control the economy.

It is you that needs a civics lesson, Congress makes the laws that create the atmosphere that does control the economy. The President with his anti business agenda is doing his part as well to destroy the economy. He either doesn't understand the economy or has a masterplan to make this country into a liberal socialist utopia country that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. Cradle to grave coverage is the Obama goal.
No president before Obama ever inherited an economy with 13 million unemployed (1 million losing their jobs in January, 2009 alone). No president before ever inherited a debt growing a 1½ trillion a year.

So Obama inheriting 12.6 million unemployed makes it worse taking it to 14.7 million 2 1/2 years later? That is the record you are proud of? Here we go again, different thread same tired old rhetoric and you believe if you post it often enough it will become fact. Keep ignoring the Obama record. It is the Obama economy and record that will be on the ballot in 2012, not Bush's
ah then please tell .. who does?

Absolutely amazing how little so many people know about our economy and how taxes and regulations affect businesses and the private sector. I fear for our education system if this is what they are learning.
ah then please tell .. who does?
With the exception of overriding vetoes, nothing gets past the president without his/her approval and consent. It's the president's job to execute laws faithfully.
With the exception of overriding vetoes, nothing gets past the president without his/her approval and consent. It's the president's job to execute laws faithfully.

Right, like the 800 billion stimulus passed in Feb. 2009, the spending of 350 billion of TARP left to Obama, the Afghanistan war supplemental? Apparently Obama liked the Bush record so much that he raised the debt 4 trillion, added 2.1 million more unemployed, and reduced the labor force by 2.4 million? Congratulations on an outstanding liberal record of failure.
So Obama inheriting 12.6 million unemployed makes it worse taking it to 14.7 million 2 1/2 years later?
In the final year of the recession, which included just under 7 months under Bush and 5 under Obama, there were 6½ million jobs lost. It's not my problem you can't fathom the magnitude of that. DSespite that, unemployment at this point is still better under Obama than it has been under any Republican president...

Nixon ............ +74%
Eisenhower ... +48%
Bush ............. +45%
Ford .............. +42%
Reagan ......... +35%
GHW Bush ..... +28%
Obama .......... +17%
Kennedy ........ -11%
Clinton ........... -23%
Carter ............ -25%
Johnson ......... -33%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Right, like the 800 billion stimulus passed in Feb. 2009, the spending of 350 billion of TARP left to Obama, the Afghanistan war supplemental? Apparently Obama liked the Bush record so much that he raised the debt 4 trillion, added 2.1 million more unemployed, and reduced the labor force by 2.4 million? Congratulations on an outstanding liberal record of failure.
TARP was Bush's ...

The wars were Bush's ...

The economy was Bush's ...

The Bush acolytes blame Obama. :roll:
In the final year of the recession, which included just under 7 months under Bush and 5 under Obama, there were 6½ million jobs lost. It's not my problem you can't fathom the magnitude of that. DSespite that, unemployment at this point is still better under Obama than it has been under any Republican president...

Nixon ............ +74%
Eisenhower ... +48%
Bush ............. +45%
Ford .............. +42%
Reagan ......... +35%
GHW Bush ..... +28%
Obama .......... +17%
Kennedy ........ -11%
Clinton ........... -23%
Carter ............ -25%
Johnson ......... -33%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Now isn't that wonderful? Tell that to the 14.7 million unemployed Americans that Obama is doing a great job. Percentage change means nothing because the base is different as were the economic conditions. Name for me on, Just one Republican President who had 14.7 million unemployed Americans two years after the end of a recession? You cannot do it, so play your silly games for attention.
TARP was Bush's ...

The wars were Bush's ...

The economy was Bush's ...

The Bush acolytes blame Obama. :roll:

Right, and 2 1/2 years later with 14.7 million unemployed, 15.8% total unemployment, 4 trillion added to the debt, 1.8% GDP growth, a rising misery index, the economy is still Bush's? When does the economy become Obama's?
It is you that needs a civics lesson, Congress makes the laws that create the atmosphere that does control the economy.
You're the one in need of the civics lessons ... with the exception of overriding a presidential veto, no legislation becomes law without the president's consent. Implicitly or tacitly.

Now ya know. Make a note of it.
You're the one in need of the civics lessons ... with the exception of overriding a presidential veto, no legislation becomes law without the president's consent. Implicitly or tacitly.

Now ya know. Make a note of it.

And vice versa, Obama with a Democrat controlled Congress in overwhelming numbers has generated the 14.7 million unemployed Americans TODAY, the 4 trillion added to the debt, the 15.8% total unemployment, rising misery index, low economic growth. higher gasoline prices, over 70 rounds of golf and close to 30 re-election fund raisers. That is Obama lack of leadership that you are so proud of.
Right, and 2 1/2 years later with 14.7 million unemployed, 15.8% total unemployment, 4 trillion added to the debt, 1.8% GDP growth, a rising misery index, the economy is still Bush's? When does the economy become Obama's?
Right, unemployment is up 13% under Obama. At this point in Bush's first term, it was up 38%. At this point in Bush's father's first term, it was up 28%. At this point in Reagan's first term, it was up 35%. Yet you voted to give each of them 4 more years.

At this point in Carter's first term, unemployment was down 25%. At this point in Clinton's first term, unemployment was down 23%. Yet you voted to kick them out of office.

When you demonstrate you give a **** about the economy, you will cease being a hypocrite.
Right, unemployment is up 13% under Obama. At this point in Bush's first term, it was up 38%. At this point in Bush's father's first term, it was up 28%. At this point in Reagan's first term, it was up 35%. Yet you voted to give each of them 4 more years.

At this point in Carter's first term, unemployment was down 25%. At this point in Clinton's first term, unemployment was down 23%. Yet you voted to kick them out of office.

When you demonstrate you give a **** about the economy, you will cease being a hypocrite.

So 13% translating to 14.7 million unemployed Americans is good performance to you? You love percentage change when you believe it benefits you. Tell that to the 15.8% unemployed Americans and the American taxpayer that now has to fund an addition 4 trillion added to the debt what a great job Obama is doing.
And vice versa, Obama with a Democrat controlled Congress in overwhelming numbers has generated the 14.7 million unemployed Americans TODAY, the 4 trillion added to the debt, the 15.8% total unemployment, rising misery index, low economic growth. higher gasoline prices, over 70 rounds of golf and close to 30 re-election fund raisers. That is Obama lack of leadership that you are so proud of.
That doesn't make up for your misunderstanding of how our government operates. Did you learn what I taught ya about the president being responsible for faithfully executing laws? It's important that you comprehend how our government works if you intend on keeping up with the debate.
So 13% translating to 14.7 million unemployed Americans is good performance to you?
Nope. That's not even in the same hemisphere of what I said. It's an absolute shame you can't understand what people say.

I said his performance, so far, has been better than every singe Republican you ever voted for.

Well, Obama's in town, and has gotten praise from John Cornyn for being there now.

Thread = dead.
Nope. That's not even in the same hemisphere of what I said. It's an absolute shame you can't understand what people say.

I said his performance, so far, has been better than every singe Republican you ever voted for.


You are the one that keeps bringing up Bush, Reagan, GHW Bush as if that means anything today. Those Presidents are out of office and Obama must have liked GW Bush's numbers so much that he added 2.1 million more unemployed today and added 4 trillion to the debt all those 2 1/2 years after taking office. When does it become the Obama economy?
Nice partisan rhetoric that ignores reality. The debt ceiling when Bush was President was never equal to our annual GDP like it almost is now. Bush spent too much money with the help of Congress but somehow that justifies Obama putting Bush spending on steroids?
Before Obama was even elected president, the debt was already growing at a rate of about 1½ trillion a year.

I'd like to spend more time slapping you around as usual, but today is a holiday and I'm taking the rest of the day off. Have to prepare for family and friends who will be arriving shortly for BBQ and boating on the lake.

Have a great 4th everyone!

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