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President Biden - State of the Union? Rate it (1 Viewer)

President Biden - State of the Union? Rate it

  • Excellent -full of energy

  • Not bad

  • Average - same old Dem crap

  • Doddering old fool - thru that in for the OJ Cult

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Land by the Gulf Stream
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President Biden - State of the Union? Rate it
Excellent -full of energy
Not bad
Average - same old Dem crap
Doddering old fool - thru that in for the OJ Cult
So far full of energy, no missteps, listing the successes of Bills passed
So far he is killing it. He is no orator like Obama, Clinton or Regan but he is wse, knowledgeable and he cares deeply about the American people, Good job Joe. He needs to go on the offensive more often.
I was a little taken aback at how scrappy he is. He came out swinging. I thought he would start out in a more conciliatory fashion, and build up to the more confrontational issues. But he wasted no time in lumping the Jan 6 insurrectionists with the Russians as enemies of democracy, “both foreign and domestic”.

I don’t think this sort of confrontationalism comes naturally to him, like it does with Trump. But I guess when dealing with bullies sometimes you just have to put them in their place.
He's doing fine, but he's struggling a bit. Hey, I'm 67 and when I talk as much as him I get winded and a bit dizzy, so he's running rings around many of us!!!

Only one obnoxious outburst from trailer trash Marge, and he shut her up quickly!
He's doing fine, but he's struggling a bit. Hey, I'm 67 and when I talk as much as him I get winded and a bit dizzy, so he's running rings around many of us!!!

Only one obnoxious outburst from trailer trash Marge, and he shut her up quickly!

He's getting his point across. I think people know I'm a Biden-skeptic, but this is one of his best moment in a long time. He's murdering it.

How it translates into polling? Hard to say but more of this is a good thing.
I was a little taken aback at how scrappy he is. He came out swinging. I thought he would start out in a more conciliatory fashion, and build up to the more confrontational issues. But he wasted no time in lumping the Jan 6 insurrectionists with the Russians as enemies of democracy, “both foreign and domestic”.

I don’t think this sort of confrontationalism comes naturally to him, like it does with Trump. But I guess when dealing with bullies sometimes you just have to put them in their place.
I think he is just so pissed with how the GOP have used his son to smear him and how they have shown their unwillingness to govern resposibly and work together for solutions he has had it. Hopefully he will keep on the offensive...they have gotten away with their crap for far too long.
Pipi.. instead of scouring the internet for up to the minute flash gotcha memes, why don't you please grace us all with your own opinion based on what was said.

Ohh wait.. you are not hearing what is said, you are to busy digging for memes that support your presuppositions
Pipi.. instead of scouring the internet for up to the minute flash gotcha memes, why don't you please grace us all with your own opinion based on what was said.

Ohh wait.. you are not hearing what is said, you are to busy digging for memes that support your presuppositions

I heard every word that came out of that old fools mouth. I didn't dig for any memes the dolt is on full display.
I'm watching on Bryan Taylor Cohen's channel. I think Biden sounds strong, experienced and Presidential. It is reassuring. Not at all what we got in the previous 4 years. I love that he didn't hold back on Trump or Republicans' stance on Roe V. Wade and IVF.

As Taylor Cohen said, "you can tell he is off to a good start by how uncomfortable Mike Johnson looks."
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What was the over/ under on how many times he shit his pants during that hour?
Then where did the plethora of memes you posted in real time come from?

Your recent postings clearly undercut your attempted rebuttal.

He’s your guy don’t get on my back about it. Just be proud and carry on and maybe get your eyes and ears checked.

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