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Preferred Method of Carry? (1 Viewer)

I do both. To me their are about the same when it comes to pros/cons. Personally I'm just sick of people that think they are superior in their thinking when they CC.

Not thinking my thinking is superior my friend. If it appeared so, I apologize and in hindsight I could have phrased my opinion more tactfully. It is absolutely situational. In reality, the argument for one or the other is purely a "Chevy vs Ford" argument in most cases.
Not thinking my thinking is superior my friend. If it appeared so, I apologize and in hindsight I could have phrased my opinion more tactfully. It is absolutely situational. In reality, the argument for one or the other is purely a "Chevy vs Ford" argument in most cases.

You weren't I just wanting to get another CC vs OC debate. Most people I know that purely cc( which their is nothing wrong with that) Act like they superior tacitly thinking to me since I OC more than I CC.
The weight of law signs is really what I mean. I'm in Nashville right now and I know there are gonna be like 47 places that hve them. Florida is not very restrictive lol.

I live in Nashville, and I'm not really sure what you're referring to. Are you talking about like "No Guns" signs in storefronts? Generally speaking TN is a pretty gun friendly state. I have not ran into many places I can't carry, and have yet to meet someone who has something negative to say about it. Generally I get praise for carrying.
Yea. I'll never oc unless I am hunting. Cops are not usually aware enough to know the law as it stands. They spend more time on drug crime and everyone they usually catch with a gun has it illegally.

Went into a restaurant here near where I live with two cops eating. I was open carrying at the time and had to walk right past them to get to the counter. My gun was easily within sight and they'd have to be pretty blind or just completely oblivious to have missed it and they didn't even bother to ask for my license. Might have had something to do with the fact that I wasn't doing anything threatening or remotely provoking. ;)
Yea. Would be nice. I saw some dumbass OCing the other day in Florida. Wasn't a cop. Kinda made me mad. Just that the nimrod didn't know the law. I didn't say anything and I don't think anyone else did...but it was a Walmart and he was in the hunting section lol.

It's these fools that make defending the 2nd harder. If you think you're responsible enough to own a firearm, then you're responsible enough to know the laws surrounding them. If you don't, then you have no excuses. Too bad he didn't get arrested.
Here comes Maggie whose state just allowed CC permits. I don't have one yet -- not sure if I'll get one. But if I do? I'll be carrying in a cargo pant pocket. I like that idea.

Look into the "Flashbang" holster. Seems legit.
What was he doing that made him a dumbass? Is OC illegal in Florida?

Yes, in fact it is. You may only conceal there, and if you don't conceal well enough you might face charges for it.
For what it is worth, I don't think it should be illegal, but tactically, I don't think it is a good choice.......

There's quite a debate surrounding this. Could go either way. Personally I bank on the notion that most people will correct their demented thoughts if there is a risk of being shot in the process of their pending idiotic actions. Not to mention I find it more comfortable and easier to manage than an IWB holster.
I do both. To me their are about the same when it comes to pros/cons. Personally I'm just sick of people that think they are superior in their thinking when they CC.

Well it is superior...if you don't feel like being messed with by cops. ;) lol. But seriously...I understand.

Open carry of long guns needs to be kept to a minimum right now IMHO. Holstered handguns are much less likely to cause a left wing hissy fit. And the rifles seem more likely to cause a problem.
Well it is superior...if you don't feel like being messed with by cops. ;) lol. But seriously...I understand.

Open carry of long guns needs to be kept to a minimum right now IMHO. Holstered handguns are much less likely to cause a left wing hissy fit. And the rifles seem more likely to cause a problem.

I know it happens but never has happen to me handgun or long gun.

The OC of long guns shouldn't stop.
No OC in my state, unless you're hunting or on your own land... though really it wasn't uncommon 10-20 yrs back to see someone walk through town with a long gun in hand, with the breech open to show it was unloaded, and back then the cops didn't hassle you for it.

I fully support legal OC... but I still prefer to carry CC for the advantage of surprise.

Though I can see the appeal... CC is a bit of a pain if you want to carry a decent-caliber pistol...

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