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Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate... (1 Viewer)

Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-

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Sep 3, 2011
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Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-view?

This one is a pretty straight forward question with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer possible..
I do it all the time.
Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-view?

This one is a pretty straight forward question with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer possible..

if one is honest, logical, and objective of course it is.
No. Your point of view should be malleable to new evidence. You concede a point, you adapt your point of view. Hence the latter changes.
No. Your point of view should be malleable to new evidence. You concede a point, you adapt your point of view. Hence the latter changes.

Not usually. A point of view is also a larger perspective, which need not be sacrificed each time a smaller point of contention occurs. If I am for gay marriage, and one of my reasons for why it should exist is somehow eroded by evidence, I needn't strike my support for gay marriage because of it.
Not usually. A point of view is also a larger perspective, which need not be sacrificed each time a smaller point of contention occurs. If I am for gay marriage, and one of my reasons for why it should exist is somehow eroded by evidence, I needn't strike my support for gay marriage because of it.

A sort of irreducible complexity here. Because no label exists to support your new political viewpoint on account of new evidence you have no way to describe the fact you have a new viewpoint. You are among many others who support gay marriage but with a completely different viewpoint depending on whether you accepted the new "evidence". The label may not exist, but with new evidence you have become entirely unique from the person beforehand.
I don't see why not, theoretically at least. If your arguments supporting your position are A, B and C but you concede that B is not correct or doesn't actually support your position, you still have A and C.
Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-view?

This one is a pretty straight forward question with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer possible..

Of course.

Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-view?

This one is a pretty straight forward question with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer possible..

I concede aspects of my point of view all the time....that doesnt make me change my perspective in its entirely...
Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-view?

This one is a pretty straight forward question with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer possible..

Why wouldn't it be?

My 'point of view' isn't based on just one point - and sometimes it might just enhance my view rather than detract from it :shrug:
Of course. I've done so more than once.
Political debate: Is it possible to concede a point in a debate without conceding your entire point-of-view?

This one is a pretty straight forward question with only a 'yes' or 'no' answer possible..

I've conceded a lot. When I was originally in politics, I was a democratic socialist. Now, I'm a Russell Kirk conservative.

You just have to find a framework that makes sense. If someone points out you have a screw loose, then it depends on the screw. Sometimes, you tighten it up. Other times, you change a panel. Other times, you change the chassis.

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