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Police seize first firearms under Florida's new gun-control laws (1 Viewer)

If it turns out that the cops are just making stuff up to haul people in for mental evaluations and take their guns that would be a serious problem. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here. There is an established process with checks along the way and, so far, it seems that the process has been reasonable.

that is where I'm going with this; cops kill people every day & they get away with it.

Now we have those same folks deciding who to take weapons from?

This won't end well
Six of one, half dozen of another. :roll:

Regardless of your personal perception of 2A Rights, due process is still required in order to suspend/deprive anyone of property or freedom.

So you believe in gun confiscation.
We temporarily suspend rights all the time when there is good reason to do so. If we have reason to believe that an intoxicated person is in control of a vehicle we suspend that person's right to drive for the night. The situation we're talking about in the OP isn't much different than impounding someone's car incident to a DUI.

So you believe in gun confiscation.
People diagnosed with PTSD are not incapacitated. Heck...the PTSD diagnosis has been so watered down and overused that pretty much anyone can be diagnosed with it.

then if that is the case all LE & a judge require is that diagnosis & they take your guns ................ bravo ..........

Make Disarming America Great Again ...............
that is where I'm going with this; cops kill people every day & they get away with it.

Now we have those same folks deciding who to take weapons from?

This won't end well

That's absurd. The number of bad cop shootings is infinitesimal when compared to the number of police engagements. The danger come more from an agenda driven DA or city council than it does from cops not doing their job.
then if that is the case all LE & a judge require is that diagnosis & they take your guns ................ bravo ..........

Make Disarming America Great Again ...............

You aren't possibly faulting Trump and not the hysteric uproar after each of these shootings, I hope. If you want to discuss it from that angle.
Are the 5th and 14th Amendments being repealed?

Nope, but if guns can be confiscated because some one "acts" strangely, then the second is well on its way to becoming just a privilege as it was under English rule isn't it.
Into whatever the congress decides. Changing the rules by which we live is the goal of the far right...

Is it, seems like it is left that is trying to change the rules at this time. Oh and just so ya know, even Congress is not all powerful, there is still a Constitution that has to be followed.
Yeah, sure; it's not fine...

Watch what happens.

Oh, I will be, been doing that for years now. You will not win this one, no one will.
I've had otherwise normal people that I've known virtually for 20 years claim that everyone who owns an AR-15 is a psychopath. What if someone like this was in charge of this gun collection process?

The men investigating got 'crazy talk' directly from the man...to me, that enables probable cause and indicates that it's not an empty threat out of spite.
Sure it does: if it's a right; through natural law, then it's a human right isn't it?

Yep.. the right to bear arms, the right to defend oneself is a natural right.

Which is why I said "nope" to the second amendment being a privilege.
Yep.. the right to bear arms, the right to defend oneself is a natural right.

Which is why I said "nope" to the second amendment being a privilege.

Well then, if someone is not allowed to own a gun, that is a violation of his Human right; correct?

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