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Parkland Student Massacre Survivors **** on Trump (2 Viewers)

well, Trump is certainly NOT about the American people so, we agree on this ............

noun: narcissism

excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.
synonyms: vanity, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-obsession, conceit, self-centeredness, self-regard, egotism, egoism
"his emotional development was hindered by his mother's narcissism"
antonyms: modesty

extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.

self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder.

Is any federal politician about anything other than their campaign donors?
Trump tweet angers survivors of Parkland shooting


Students who survived the Parkland, Florida, shooting laid into President Donald Trump after he linked the FBI's failure to follow up on a report about the school shooter and the resources expended on the Russia investigation.

On Saturday, Trump tweeted, "Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!"

The President's tweet caused considerable outrage online, including among apparent survivors of the shooting:

"17 innocent people were brutally murdered at my school, a place where they should have felt safe. Their lives were gone in an instant. You are the President of the United States and you have the audacity to put this on Russia as an excuse. I guess I should expect that from you."

"...my friends were brutally murdered and you have the nerve to make this about Russia. I can not believe this"

"Oh my god. 17 OF MY CLASSMATES AND FRIENDS ARE GONE AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO MAKE THIS ABOUT RUSSIA???!! HAVE A DAMN HEART. You can keep all of your fake and meaningless 'thoughts and prayers'."


Gotta love it when high school kids tell the POTUS to go **** off; can't put fake Tweets over on these kids :lol: ........

Gotta love the snowflakes who are led by the immature, ignorant children.

But you gotta condemn the media who callously take advantage of those children for their own Trump-hating purpose.
This is classic Kubler Ross Stage II anger. Classic. These kids are traumatized and in shock, and the illusion of control with which they assumed they had in life was just shattered. They are spinning and spinning and spinning, doing everything they can to bring some semblance of dominance and order back to their lives, and this is what it looks like: anger, making demands, blaming, trying to immediate relief for their pain.
We owe it to these kids to not indulge their desire to blame, rather, let's have the really tough conversations which involve everything from gun control to societal ills to parents abdicating their roles and responsibilities to screens, to the glamorization of violence by Hollywood and the music industry to our material culture.

Here here well said.

Yes, we need several national conversations going on at the same time. Free speech and assembly conversation, immigration, 2nd and 4th amendment protections, many many things need discussed openly and thoroughly ... wonder what the best realizable format would be to conduct such conversation?
Trump tweet angers survivors of Parkland shooting.

"Oh my god. 17 OF MY CLASSMATES AND FRIENDS ARE GONE AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO MAKE THIS ABOUT RUSSIA???!! HAVE A DAMN HEART. You can keep all of your fake and meaningless 'thoughts and prayers'."

Being a survivor does not suddenly make them qualified to comment on complex social issues.

They are loud and highly emotional and appealing in their youthful energy, but still painfully ignorant.

Commenting intelligently on an issue like gun control is far beyond their childish capacity.

MacBeth had them pegged......"they strut and fret their hour upon the stage
And then are heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Fifteen minutes of fame for fools.
To trump, it has to be about him at all times even when it’s not.

To the anti-Trumpers, it's about him at all times, even when it's not.
Being a survivor does not suddenly make them qualified to comment on complex social issues.

They are loud and highly emotional and appealing in their youthful energy, but still painfully ignorant.

Commenting intelligently on an issue like gun control is far beyond their childish capacity.

MacBeth had them pegged......"they strut and fret their hour upon the stage
And then are heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Fifteen minutes of fame for fools.

Being a con artist, a sexual predator, and having no political experience does not suddenly make someone qualified to be POTUS, yet here we are.

Our POTUS is loud, highly emotional, impulsive, a bully, very unappealing in his geriatric malaise, and is painfully ignorant.

Commenting intelligently on any issue is far beyond the capacity of our POTUS.

MacBeth has POTUS pegged......"he struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Fifteen minutes of fame for an utter fool.

There; fixed it 4 U .................
Being a con artist, a sexual predator, and having no political experience does not suddenly make someone qualified to be POTUS, yet here we are.

Our POTUS is loud, highly emotional, impulsive, a bully, very unappealing in his geriatric malaise, and is painfully ignorant.

Commenting intelligently on any issue is far beyond the capacity of our POTUS.

MacBeth has POTUS pegged......"he struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Fifteen minutes of fame for an utter fool.

There; fixed it 4 U .................

LOL! Nice try.

Except that Trump has at least four years of Sound and Fury and the whining brats have a week or so.

LOL! Nice try.

Except that Trump has at least four years of Sound and Fury and the whining brats have a week or so.


Really? I was raised in the church and we were instructed that no one knows what tomorrow brings, or even today, or the next hour.

That is a truth for any human; one is not required to be 'religious' to be a believer in that truth, and I am not religious.

Only those that are arrogant think they know what the future is.
That’s called narcissism. We all know he has it. I’m more shocked that people are still outraged and shocked BY his narcissism. Heck. We know that many politicians and ceos have that issue.

Nope trump brings it to a new level. Point to where obama blamed the fbi for a mass shooting because they were investigating him. Trump is a scumbag but then so are his supporters.
To the anti-Trumpers, it's about him at all times, even when it's not.

Where have I blamed trump for the mass shooting because of his actions? Trump supporters are clearly dumb as rocks.
Nope trump brings it to a new level. Point to where obama blamed the fbi for a mass shooting because they were investigating him. Trump is a scumbag but then so are his supporters.

Blanket statement about trump supprters. Says a lot about how you think. I wonder if you even have a concrete definition of “trump supporter” or if you just generalize and call all republicans trump supporters? Anyway.

Trump doesn’t bring it to a new level. He just tweets it more. And unlike other politicians and narcissists...he is getting 24/7 free press thanks to the mainstream media. Who essentially got him elected for their stupidity. I guess they haven’t learned their lesson on what $3 BILLION dollars of free air time will do for a campaign. No such thing as bad press. You people are hilarious.
Really? I was raised in the church and we were instructed that no one knows what tomorrow brings, or even today, or the next hour.

That is a truth for any human; one is not required to be 'religious' to be a believer in that truth, and I am not religious.

Only those that are arrogant think they know what the future is.

Arrogant and perceptive, too.

You predict the future by studying the past.

The past tells us that the sound and fury over a school massacre lasts about two weeks.

There are far more important issues that always push the school issues to the back burner.

The raving children will be taking selfies with their friends a week from now.
Blanket statement about trump supprters. Says a lot about how you think. I wonder if you even have a concrete definition of “trump supporter” or if you just generalize and call all republicans trump supporters? Anyway.

Trump doesn’t bring it to a new level. He just tweets it more. And unlike other politicians and narcissists...he is getting 24/7 free press thanks to the mainstream media. Who essentially got him elected for their stupidity. I guess they haven’t learned their lesson on what $3 BILLION dollars of free air time will do for a campaign. No such thing as bad press. You people are hilarious.

the stupidity of ~60 million voters is what got Mr. Jackass elected, not the press.
the stupidity of ~60 million voters is what got Mr. Jackass elected, not the press.

The vision of the Trump voters in perceiving that the system was failed and needed to be shaken up is what got Trump elected......nothing else.

And baby........the system is SHAKING! Just as we knew it would.
The vision of the Trump voters in perceiving that the system was failed and needed to be shaken up is what got Trump elected......nothing else.

And baby........the system is SHAKING! Just as we knew it would.

it is difficult to build anything successful; all Trump is doing is to destroy what was already in place & a ****ing elephant could do that

Trump is nothing more than a charlatan

the ~60 million that voted elephant boy into office didn't care if the nation gets ripped to shreds & divisions grow even larger than before

the GOP tried the same **** in 1860 & see where it got US?
it is difficult to build anything successful; all Trump is doing is to destroy what was already in place & a ****ing elephant could do that

Trump is nothing more than a charlatan

the ~60 million that voted elephant boy into office didn't care if the nation gets ripped to shreds & divisions grow even larger than before

the GOP tried the same **** in 1860 & see where it got US?

You really don't understand, do you?

Our current reboot of the system is FAR, FAR better than having the Oligarchs that Hillary worked for increase their stranglehold on America.

Trump is the bitter medicine that America needed.
Where have I blamed trump for the mass shooting because of his actions? Trump supporters are clearly dumb as rocks.

Re-read your post
You really don't understand, do you?

Our current reboot of the system is FAR, FAR better than having the Oligarchs that Hillary worked for increase their stranglehold on America.

Trump is the bitter medicine that America needed.
Well put. Change is tough and some just aren't coping well.
Re-read your post

Again show me where, with quotes, I blamed trump for the mass shooting. Otherwise I’ll take your dodge as your concession.
For that assinine comment itself, I hope they find something to nail him with.

I suspect they will, and he knows it. Hence, the escalation of asinine comments.
Blanket statement about trump supprters. Says a lot about how you think. I wonder if you even have a concrete definition of “trump supporter” or if you just generalize and call all republicans trump supporters? Anyway.

Trump doesn’t bring it to a new level. He just tweets it more. And unlike other politicians and narcissists...he is getting 24/7 free press thanks to the mainstream media. Who essentially got him elected for their stupidity. I guess they haven’t learned their lesson on what $3 BILLION dollars of free air time will do for a campaign. No such thing as bad press. You people are hilarious.

No he takes it to a new low. Show me where a president blames a mass shooting on the fbi because they were investigating. And my point with trump supporters is spot on. Scum bags the lot of them.
You really don't understand, do you?

Our current reboot of the system is FAR, FAR better than having the Oligarchs that Hillary worked for increase their stranglehold on America.

Trump is the bitter medicine that America needed.

if you honestly believe that drivel well, you really need some serious, serious help

all of these people that Trump surrounded himself with that are being indicted & that are now known to be connected to the Russians are what our nation needs?

OMFG already .................... I told you those ~60 million were stupid but ..................
if you honestly believe that drivel well, you really need some serious, serious help

all of these people that Trump surrounded himself with that are being indicted & that are now known to be connected to the Russians are what our nation needs?

OMFG already .................... I told you those ~60 million were stupid but ..................

That's ok.......in time you'll figure it out.

You're one of those not coping well.
No he takes it to a new low. Show me where a president blames a mass shooting on the fbi because they were investigating. And my point with trump supporters is spot on. Scum bags the lot of them.

More paintbrush statements. Who do you define as a trump supporter? I notice you failed to give us a definition? I’m sure you fancy yourself a moderate huh? Give us the definition.

Again. Trump is a narcissist. To pretend he is any different than anything we have seen before? Silly. If you want to classify him based on presidents? You don’t know much about our presidents in the past. Which makes sense. They didn’t get $3,000,000,000 In free press. Or have Twitter. Seriously. And the sad part? I hate trumps guts. I think he is scum. But I’m not sitting here broad brushing entire groups because I don’t have emotional control of myself.
the stupidity of ~60 million voters is what got Mr. Jackass elected, not the press.

Roughly 60 million voters said **** you to the Democrats and their policies. They held their nose and voted for an asshole that would at least put a scotus in that supported their views. To pretend the Democrats wouldn’t do the same thing? Hilarious. Calling 60 million voters scum is the bottom of the barrel for political partisan hackery stupidity. And anyone who says **** like that? They are the exact same as anyone who voted for trump.


Only a moron would ignore the billions in free press trump got. I guess that is why Democrats try to ignore that. Lol.

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