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One click Shutdown for Windows 8 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 14, 2009
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Just got windows 8 on nice little 13" Zenbook UX31A-DH71.
i7, 256gb SSD, great display: FHD 1920x1080, IPS. Backlit keyboard.
Quiet fan. Good speakers for size.

Windows 8 is a pain. Shutting down was one problem.

http://www.pcworld.com/article/2012202/how-to-shut-down-windows-8.html said:
"....I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It's always been something of a Joke that shutting down your PC required a click of the Start button.

Now the joke has turned downright Cruel, with Microsoft seemingly going Out of its way to Hide one of the most basic computing options. In. The. Settings. Menu.

Shutting down a PC is not a setting. It should not require three clicks. Windows 8 arrives with a bunch of cool-looking tiles in its Start screen; how hard would it have been to add a Power tile?

The unfortunate reality here is that Windows 8 doesn't work as a desktop operating system..."

I Found a solution/shortcut for the shutdown issue that may help others here.

And am working on several others, including making 8 look like 7.
There's one for that I'll try and post later.... if it works.

If I can't make this thing easy to use, there's always the option of a clean install of 7.
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I currently have zero plans to ever upgrade to Windows 8. When the time comes for me to upgrade to a new machine, I'll be switching to Linux. I've already installed OpenSuSE 12.x on my laptop, and I love it. The thing which frustrates me most about Windows 8 is the fact I have to work to restore my work area to what I've had for years.
I currently have zero plans to ever upgrade to Windows 8. When the time comes for me to upgrade to a new machine, I'll be switching to Linux. I've already installed OpenSuSE 12.x on my laptop, and I love it. The thing which frustrates me most about Windows 8 is the fact I have to work to restore my work area to what I've had for years.

Oh, you are really going to upset PeteEU with that comment. Seriously though, contact him for some technical know how. He loves Windows 8. I have it on my new laptop. The learning curve is not as steep now for me, but I can't say it's too great. I'm still running Windows XP Pro 64 bit on my tower. Yeah, I know. I'm behind the times. When I positively have to get rid of XP, I'm thinking maybe I will go to Windows 7 vs. 8. I am getting the sneaking suspicion that Window 8 will go the way of Vista and ME. I hope it does.
Oh, you are really going to upset PeteEU with that comment. Seriously though, contact him for some technical know how. He loves Windows 8. I have it on my new laptop. The learning curve is not as steep now for me, but I can't say it's too great. I'm still running Windows XP Pro 64 bit on my tower. Yeah, I know. I'm behind the times. When I positively have to get rid of XP, I'm thinking maybe I will go to Windows 7 vs. 8. I am getting the sneaking suspicion that Window 8 will go the way of Vista and ME. I hope it does.

I'm running Windows 8 with no issues. I installed an add-on (Classic Shell) that allows me to boot to the "normal" desktop. and I still get the advantages of the faster speed of the OS...
I'm quite happy with Windows 7 and see no need to upgrade. Windows 7 is as good as XP was.
I already have several books about Windows 8. Dell offered the free download of "Windows 8 for Dummies". Windows 8 does include a decent tutor package. Two other pretty good Windows 8 books are "Windows 8 Hacks" and "Windows 8 Bible". The "Windows 8 Hacks" is hardly a how to on hacking Window 8. It is misnamed. It just gives you some workarounds, a few of which have already got me into trouble, causing me to have to put things back where they were.

The best thing you can ever do for yourself when you purchase a laptop with Window 8 is to make yourself a set of software recovery CD's or DVD's, preferably dual layer DVD's. I made the recovery DVD's, but there are a lot of them. Then put them in a very safe place. I bought an HP laptop that didn't include recovery disks. HP merely makes another partition with the recovery data, which if your hard drive crashes, you lose everything.
I'm techno challenged, lol.

Windows 8 is the pits, IMO. Have it on a new work laptop. 7 was the recovery from the Vista debacle, then they go and do 8, a backwards step.

I'm going to see if Tech can install 7 on that unit.
Windows 8 sucks.

It was designed for touch screen.

The smartest thing Microsoft has done recently was firing the person who wrote the Windows 8 program.

The next smartest thing Microsoft could do is dump Windows 8 and stop pushing it on everyone.
I'll be sticking with Windows 7 for quite awhile. After that I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Thought about giving Linux a try. Only problem is I am not sure how well the online games I like to play work with linux...seems that most of the games I play only support Windows which kind of pisses me off. But oh well on that. :shrug: What has really pissed me off was when Microsoft made it to where you could only install Windows 7 one time on one computer. I had bought it when it first came out and cost around $300...I had to buy two. One for my computer and one for my wifes.
I like Windows 8 :shrug:
W8 is running into problems, some the move away from PC, some probably it's own doing.
A Further note on my machine in the OP: the Wireless isn't as strong as on thicker less sleek models, perhaps one bar less. An issue in some settings.

CIOs Unsold on Windows 8 - The CIO Report - WSJ
April 10
Michael Hickins: Editor

Worldwide PC shipments fell by a historic amount in Q1, and if Microsoft ’s new OS isn’t necessarily to blame, it certainly hasn’t sparked a buying frenzy.

Worldwide shipments of personal computers fell 13.9% in the first quarter, according to market researcher IDC, in the biggest decline since the firm began issuing quarterly numbers in 1994, reports the Journal’s Ian Sherr.

According to IDC, Microsoft Corp.’s new Windows 8 operating system hasn’t only Failed to spur more PC demand but has actually Exacerbated the slowdown—Confusing consumers with features that don’t excel in a tablet mode and compromise the traditional PC experience.“The reaction to Windows 8 is real,” said Jay Chou, an IDC analyst.

By and large, businesses are not buying many more PCs, and when they are, aren’t buying them with the Windows 8 operating system – at least not yet. CIOs say they don’t see any compelling reason to upgrade to Windows 8, and at least privately, some don’t think much of it at all.
The CIO of an energy distribution firm says flatly, “we will not deploy Windows 8.” The company has just finished refreshing many PCs with Windows 7, and he plans to wait until Windows 9 before upgrading further. Pressed to explain why the company won’t upgrade to Windows 8, he said, “it Stinks.”
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I'm quite happy with Windows 7 and see no need to upgrade. Windows 7 is as good as XP was.


I love Windows 7, my rig is for gaming. If I wanted a touchscreen operating system I'd get a tablet and certainly not a windows tablet. But my Android phone is so awesome and screen big enough that I couldn't justify buying a tablet.

I consider that a sign of good taste. *shrug*

Name a good RTS, MMO or MOBA on the console? Name a shooter that doesn't look better and have more players on the PC? Controller vs Mouse/Keyboard, forgettaboutit.

The only thing I enjoy on consoles are fighting games, racing games and JRPGs from the PS2 era. (I don't dig sports games) Although since most of my college friends play CoD/Halo mostly on the console I will play that, and curse the limited control offered by a controller the entire time. I also rather quickly tire of being called a "nigger fag" by 12 year olds on XBOX live. Not my idea good taste.
Name a good RTS, MMO or MOBA on the console? Name a shooter that doesn't look better and have more players on the PC? Controller vs Mouse/Keyboard, forgettaboutit.

The only thing I enjoy on consoles are fighting games, racing games and JRPGs from the PS2 era. (I don't dig sports games) Although since most of my college friends play CoD/Halo mostly on the console I will play that, and curse the limited control offered by a controller the entire time. I also rather quickly tire of being called a "nigger fag" by 12 year olds on XBOX live. Not my idea good taste.
I'd much rather play sports games on a console. Not to mention, my console is hooked up to my 60" TV with surround sound, and is developed for that very concept.

They both have their advantages and disadvantages. I can't play Uncharted on my PC, nor can I play Madden. Wireless controls so I can sit my lazy butt on the couch and relax while gaming on my 60"? Much better on a console. I play PC games too, right now I've become re-addicted to Mount and Blade: Warband. But just because PC has certain advantages, that doesn't mean playing console games doesn't have its advantages as well.
Not to derail this thread away from Windows 8 any further but...
I'd much rather play sports games on a console. Not to mention, my console is hooked up to my 60" TV with surround sound, and is developed for that very concept.

As is my PC, well a 46 inch plasma but you get my point. I'm typing to you sitting on my bed, I'm quite comfy.

They both have their advantages and disadvantages. I can't play Uncharted on my PC, nor can I play Madden.

Can't play Uncharted if you only have an XBOX, that's not a cross platform title. There was Madden for the PC until 2008, not that I cared because as I said, I don't care for sports games.

Wireless controls so I can sit my lazy butt on the couch and relax while gaming on my 60"? Much better on a console.

How so? You can use a wireless controller, even an XBOX 360 controller on a PC for the same games just the same. Not that I would, given that its an inferior control setup; And again, I can hook my PC up to any TV at BETTER resolutions than you get with better graphics and sit on a couch just as well. Your advantages aren't anything the PC can't do if not better.

I play PC games too, right now I've become re-addicted to Mount and Blade: Warband. But just because PC has certain advantages, that doesn't mean playing console games doesn't have its advantages as well.

Aside from titles specific to that console, I can't think of any. I can think of many drawbacks, like no dedicated servers or server browser, always being subjected to matchmaking and 13 year olds in online play. Smaller maps for shooters, with fewer players and worst graphics.

Oh and the fact that at this point in the console cycle they are very cheap and many used titles are available. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike consoles. I owned every console from the Sega Master System to the PS2 era, even had a Virtual Boy. But the experience doesn't compare to the PC. I skipped this console generation because for the 1st time, everyone had one. All my friends and roomates had one and my brother owned all 3 (Wii/PS3/360) and every game so I didn't miss any of the MUST PLAY games only on consoles (Like Red Dead Redempton.)

If I had to chose to own only 1, it'd be a PC. But I still have my consoles and bookshelves of PS2, XBOX and PSP games that I never touched.
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Haven't done these yet as I'm back on the old '7' laptop for a few weeks, but they look simple and Free

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7 | Reviews | CNET UK
By Nick Peers on 27 October 2012
Windows 8 is provoking a Marmite-like reaction among users, but that doesn't mean you'll fall directly into the love or hate camps. It's more likely you'll find certain new features useful and others unnecessary. If you're pining for features no longer present, this article is for you.

In this how-to guide, I'll reveal how to water down or ignore some of Windows 8's more controversial features and restore functionality you thought had gone forever. While these tips aren't strictly about making Windows 8 like Windows 7, they address a few annoying niggles.

Bypass the Start screen and disable hotspots


When Windows 8 first loads, you'll notice how it defaults to the new Start screen. If you'd rather go straight to the traditional desktop we all know and love, download a FREE tool called Skip Metro Suite.
WinAero: Downloads / Software / Skip Metro Suite
Once installed, launch the program and verify 'Skip Start Screen' is ticked.

While you're here, you'll notice that you can also disable some or all of Windows 8's hotspots, allowing you to safely roll your mouse into the corners of the screen, without worrying about triggering the charms bar, apps switcher or Start button. They're all enabled by default, so simply untick those features you wish to keep before clicking Save Settings.

Restore the classic Start menu

The lack of a Start button (never mind Start menu) on the Windows 8 desktop is annoying, but there are plenty of options for getting it back. Stardock's Start8 costs $4.99
Start8™ for Windows® 8 - Bringing back the Windows Start menu
for a Windows 8-friendly design.
But if you want something more traditional (and FREE), install the Classic Start Menu portion of Classic Shell Welcome to Classic Shell instead.

Once installed, you'll see the Start button appear -- click this to open the Settings menu and pick your Start menu design ('classic', XP and Vista/7 are all supported). Click OK and your new Start menu is ready to go.

Access Metro apps from the classic desktop

I recently found out my laptop has a 2nd HDD bay so I have a few choices for my OS drive:
1. SDD
2. Hybrid HDD
3. A larger capacity HDD 7200RPM
Once I have made my choice I will load Windows 8 and install Start8 to give me a Windows 7 functionality.
I recently found out my laptop has a 2nd HDD bay so I have a few choices for my OS drive:
1. SDD
2. Hybrid HDD
3. A larger capacity HDD 7200RPM
Once I have made my choice I will load Windows 8 and install Start8 to give me a Windows 7 functionality.

If you go solid-state, don't buy a small one.

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