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Obama to business owners: "You didn't build that." [W:417] (1 Viewer)

Or like others have said, government can help provide the conditions that make easier for private industry to hire more people or start new businesses by providing low interest loans and network support.

They do that, but it has limits, and needs to be very balanced. It seldom is as balanced as it needs to be. Those things are in place, and help more than if they weren't there. But out source, to places with low wages and no health care concerns, contributing to lower demand, makes things tough on the market, and no amount of government action, short of hiring folks or sinking tons of money, will reverse the cycle.
Yes, so we should give all credit to the Constitution! ... that does nothing but establish the structures and powers of the federal government ... but we should not credit the government that the Constitution actually establishes ... as if the Constitution without the government is anything more than a useless piece of paper....

If the government kept within the restriction of the Constitution you would be right.

But they havent.
Our great USA is in for a rough patch, we have painted ourselves into a corner.
Our high lifestyles and standard of living, have forced the manufacturing wages
so high that we cannot compete.
The manufacturing moved to where the cost of goods sold, still allowed a profit.
The remaining jobs are mostly service sector.
There is a lot of economic momentum left in our vehicle of state, but without
starting the engine again, it will eventually coast to a stop.
President Obama's comments show he doesn't know what kind of fuel the vehicle uses,
(or where the key is).
If the government kept within the restriction of the Constitution you would be right.

But they havent.

The Supreme Court begs to differ.
I can see what the President is trying to say. Sure, government is needed to do the things we can't do on our own, such as build the roads. The trouble is that our government is doing too much and taking too much. Our government should be smaller.
Just to reiterate, good roads were the result of successful businesses, not the other way around.

Obama can list about 4 industries that the government has invested in, but what about the majority of businesses in America? Ya know, the businesses he keeps saying are the backbone of the American economy. The government isn't investing in them, and many of which are growing and expanding. The owners are BUILDING their businesses. Government has nothing to do with that. In fact, many of the small businesses are BUILDING despite the government. Despite 4000 new regulations, despite his desire to raise taxes on individuals making more than 250k. Do you people realize that over 60% of small businesses file taxes as individuals and not corporations? So, he's wanting to raise taxes on small businesses that earn over 250k? Good for economic growth?

Give me a break. The only people who support Obama's economic plan are people who have never owned or ran a business. They don't have to worry about companies. They are ignorant to the effects of Obamacare on small businesses. They are ignorant to the fact that over 60% of small businesses file taxes as individuals. They are ignorant to how regulations act just like a tax, because it costs businesses money to implement regulatory requirements, which takes money away from a business' bottom line. They are ignorant to the vast majority of business owners who work tirelessly to make their companies successful. They are ignorant to how much it costs an employer to provide THEIR health insurance.

Then Obama slaps them in the face and says, "you didn't build that.....". I understand what he was trying to say, but the manner in which he said it is what proves his philosophy about capitalism, free markets, and people earning as much money as they can. He has a disdain for the American, capitalist way. Because he sees capitalism as "unfair". He sees capitalism as a means for the rich to get richer, and he doesn't like that. Therefore, he penalizes businesses so he can confiscate more of their earned income to distribute it out to poor people via government entitlement programs. It's exactly what he supports, and it's exactly what he's doing.

I for one KNOW that I have built my business. Government hasn't made it any easier for me. They've made it harder. Why does a person, who has had NO input into my business, deserve the right to share my profits? Can anyone tell me that? The government just wants to tax the rich, in order to redistribute it out. Tell me, why does any other person "deserve" the right to share another person's wealth? Why? Confiscating profits through taxes.....real American idea there right? That's freedom right?

Nah, progressive liberals don't care about "freedom" anymore. They care about "social justice" and "fairness". Tell me, what's fair about a man working his entire life to build a successful business, only to have his profits confiscated through taxation and then redistributed out to people who had nothing to do with earning those profits? I'll tell you.....NOTHING is fair about that.

The same climate exists for every other person in this country that exists for me. I'm not so special. What's wrong with them? Obama wants to say that my "smarts" and my own "hard work" had nothing to do with my business' success????? Please. What an ignorant statement. Our manchild president doesn't have a single clue, nor do the people who stand behind him and cheer their parrot heads off when he makes such ignorant comments.

Remember this. Our country merely gives us the "opportunity" to succeed, it doesn't succeed for us. Success is the product of ingenuity, smarts, hard work, self-determination, vision, discipline, and risk. Ironically, unsuccessful people rarely possess any of those qualities. Just like college gives us the "opportunity" to become educated, but colleges didn't take my exams for me, they didn't write my thesis for me, they didn't go to class for me, they didn't stay up til 4 am studying for me, and they damn sure didn't pay my tuition for me. Obama's just ignorant is all.....plain ignorant.
he has a Law Degree from Harvard Law.

he is FAR from being "ignorant".

And you've proven YOUR ignorance too, because "ignorant" doesn't mean "uneducated". Ignorant simply means you don't know. He's smart alright, but he's ignorant when it comes to business.....just like you it appears.
he has a Law Degree from Harvard Law.

he is FAR from being "ignorant".

Do you have a degree? You must Think that's some kind of accomplishment I'm assuming.....


Do you have a degree? You must Think that's some kind of accomplishment I'm assuming.....



he wasn't saying that business owners didn't build their businesses.
he wasn't saying that business owners didn't build their businesses.

He's trying to take credit where credit isn't due. And yes he did say it. He said, "if you own a business, you didn't build that". He then went on to explain that businesses only exist because there was some teacher some where that gave that business owner part of their education. He also tried to explain that businesses wouldn't be successful without roads and bridges! WHICH BY THE WAY, THE BUSINESS IS ALSO PAYING TAXES TO HAVE THE DAMN ROADS AND BRIDGES BUILT TOO!!!!!

I'm also paying property taxes, which go to pay for roads and bridges. The government didn't "pay" for those things. They taxed ME FIRST, along with a lot of other people, in order to build the damn road or bridge.

Geez, you ignorant liberals just hate success is all. And you didn't even attempt to answer the meaningful questions. Why should YOU deserve ANY of my profits? Why should any other person deserve to share MY profits from MY business? Because they helped pay for the road outside? Well, so did I Mr. Manchild President. I pay taxes too! So does my business! He acts like the road was paved "just for me and my business" as some sort of gift to me. Wrong. I paid for it too. I also pay taxes THAT PAY TEACHERS THEIR SALARIES!!!!

Ignorant....like I said. And you don't even know the meaning of the word. But just for fun, tell me, do you own a business????
He's trying to take credit where credit isn't due. And yes he did say it. He said, "if you own a business, you didn't build that"....

he was talking about bridges & roads....NOT the businesses that the owners hold.

come on now, you're being dishonest about his full quote.
he has a Law Degree from Harvard Law.

he is FAR from being "ignorant".

Perfect. We can agree that Obama is extremely intelligent. Since his is so intelligent and educated, with such a profound mastery of the English language, we can deduce that when he said "You didn't build that," the antecendent he was referring to when he said "that" was NOT the roads and bridges. If he were referring to roads and bridges, proper usage would dictate that he would have said "You didn't build THEM." Since he said you didn't build "that," the antecedent must have been "business."

The claim that this statement was taken out of context, then, has much less merit.
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Businesses make money. They also sit on property.

Now, listen up. Money is taxed, goes to government, and roads and bridges get built. Property is also taxed, which goes to government, and teachers get paid.

So, people like you, who probably don't own a business, and probably don't own a substantial amount of property, get the same services from roads, bridges, and teachers, but you are far less responsible for paying for those things.

Think about that next time you and your ignorant Man Child President want to tell business owners they didn't build their businesses. Tell you one more thing, they didn't just build their businesses, they built the damn country, and Government does NOTHING but confiscate their wealth.

Drilling moratoriums helping build the oil and gas industry? How bout the 4000 new regulations on the oil and gas industry? Helping build those businesses? Liberals support a little thing called "wind-fall profit taxes". Do those help build a business? Please.....don't be ignorant around me anymore. Go learn something about owning a business before you ever try to tell someone that they didn't build it.
...Go learn something about owning a business before you ever try to tell someone that they didn't build it.

once again, you are being dishonest about Obama's quote.

he wasn't saying that business owners didn't build their businesses. he's saying they didn't build the roads & bridges.

is this the only way you can debate this issue, by being dishonest about Obama's actual statement?
he was talking about bridges & roads....NOT the businesses that the owners hold.

come on now, you're being dishonest about his full quote.

No, I'm not. I took him in Full context. "if you own a business, you didn't build that." I read the entire comment surrounding that too. Let me educate you man, if he was talking about roads and bridges, you and Man CHild need to learn one thing real quick; roads and bridges are the result of businesses, not the other way around.

If the country consisted of men like you and Obama, there wouldn't be enough tax money to pay for anything, much less a road or a bridge, or a school, or a teacher's salary, or welfare, or unemployment, or lavish Hawaiian retreats for government officials, or hookers for the secret service men, etc.....Because in order for the government to have a dime to spend on a road or a bridge, they first have to confiscate that dime from either an individual or a business who created something OUTSIDE AND INDEPENDENTLY OF GOVERNMENT.
once again, you are being dishonest about Obama's quote.

he wasn't saying that business owners didn't build their businesses. he's saying they didn't build the roads & bridges.

is this the only way you can debate this issue, by being dishonest about Obama's actual statement?

You cant lie to me son. Besides, the government didn't build those roads and bridges either. They first had to TAX THE SUCCESSES OF BUSINESSES in order to freakin pay for it!!!!
please don't try to insult me by suggesting a family relationship between us.

Thank heaven for small favors, eh? :lol:

Let's face it: Obama could fart the 1812 Overture and "a certain segment" would claim it was a secret message to the black helicopters to come take their guns.
please don't try to insult me by suggesting a family relationship between us.

That's evident, my son wouldn't be so ignorant about business. And he wouldn't try to lie about what Obama said.

"There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.) If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.."

Now, I'm not taking a single thing out of context. His attitude and philosophy towards entreprenurial success is not mystery to me. He's anti-capitalist. He's anti-capitalist because he believes capitalism is "unfair". So, he seeks to diminish the successes of free market capitalism. He is all about the philosophy of "collectivism". Collective salvation, collective freedom, collective sacrifice, collective ownership, collective responsibility, collective wealth. Listen to his words man, he's a Socialist. Collectivism is the philosophy of Socialism. Redistributing because we are a "collective" society.

You are just as ignorant as he is.
That's evident, my son wouldn't be so ignorant about business. And he wouldn't try to lie about what Obama said.

"There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.) If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.."

Now, I'm not taking a single thing out of context. His attitude and philosophy towards entreprenurial success is not mystery to me. He's anti-capitalist. He's anti-capitalist because he believes capitalism is "unfair". So, he seeks to diminish the successes of free market capitalism. He is all about the philosophy of "collectivism". Collective salvation, collective freedom, collective sacrifice, collective ownership, collective responsibility, collective wealth. Listen to his words man, he's a Socialist. Collectivism is the philosophy of Socialism. Redistributing because we are a "collective" society.

You are just as ignorant as he is.

No matter what you say, you are misreading. Or more specifically projecting.
No matter what you say, you are misreading. Or more specifically projecting.

What am I misreading here? He said it. I even underlined it for you. If he's so smart, and was talking about roads and bridges, why didn't he say, "If you've got a business, you didn't build THOSE"???

And why are you avoiding the point I've made twice now? The point is, GOVERNMENT didn't build those roads and bridges either. Roads and bridges are the result of businesses and individuals PAYING TAXES. The government didn't invest money to build roads and bridges, they collected taxes off businesses FIRST before they could pay to have a single road or bridge built. Why won't you address that reality?
I'll go even further. If it weren't for businesses paying taxes, and individuals paying taxes, MR. MANCHILD PRESIDENT wouldn't even get a paycheck.

"you didn't build that".....pshhhh

Then who did?

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