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Obama nails down the Hispanic vote. (1 Viewer)

Cracking down on illegal immigration is not bashing immigrants. I am sure legal immigrants would be offended by you lumping them in with illegals.

Pretty sure most legal immigrants in the US have a few relatives who are illegal and don't want to see them deported. But hey, you do live in a bit of an immigration vacuum where the legals and illegals can be separated into two categories of mutually exclusive entities.
I believe that's exactly what they're after, and it's exactly what Republicans fear most.

Thats flawed thinking.

Do any of the groups I mentioned above vote as a bloc now? If they do not, why would the GOP fear them voting on all the issues that impact them instead of just being one issue voters? Assimilation means more than just learning the language and understanding customs, its a paradigm change that alters how you think about the world around you. When this begins to occur, and its due, some hispanics are 2nd and 3rd generation now, they wont be swayed by identity politics as much.
Thats flawed thinking.

Do any of the groups I mentioned above vote as a bloc now? If they do not, why would the GOP fear them voting on all the issues that impact them instead of just being one issue voters? Assimilation means more than just learning the language and understanding customs, its a paradigm change that alters how you think about the world around you. When this begins to occur, and its due, some hispanics are 2nd and 3rd generation now, they wont be swayed by identity politics as much.

Sure they won't. Start deporting their illegal cousins, uncles etc and see whether or not "identity politics" becomes an issue for the GOP. Oh wait, that's exactly what is happening.
I have a whole different take on this...and I just may be dead wrong, but I dont see this helping him at all actually I think it will hurt him.
Obama had the hispanic vote before he did this...now doing it will cost him votes he may have gotten from other than hispanics.
Every poll Ive seen regarding Illegals has been NO amnesty until you secure the borders...I dont see this being a help to him
I have a whole different take on this...and I just may be dead wrong, but I dont see this helping him at all actually I think it will hurt him.
Obama had the hispanic vote before he did this...now doing it will cost him votes he may have gotten from other than hispanics.
Every poll Ive seen regarding Illegals has been NO amnesty until you secure the borders...I dont see this being a help to him

Obama's policy does not provide amnesty, it just says that a certain group of immigrants will not be prosecuted... That's all.

I think what those communities understand is that Obama has done more for them than any president in recent memory (Hispanics), or ever (gays), and that they would likely suffer serious reversals if Obama was to lose.

And what has Obama done for the American worker. Not anything in my opinion. So he goes around trying to buy votes anywhere he can.
And what has Obama done for the American worker. Not anything in my opinion. So he goes around trying to buy votes anywhere he can.

Payroll tax cuts are nothing? Health care reform is nothing? Saving GM and Chrysler was nothing?
I heard some of his policies on the radio and I have been wondering what Romney's response has been...
and here I thought he already had the Hispanic vote... Then again, he already had the gay vote... and went hard after them, too... This isn't the actions of a guy confident he's gonna win and going after the other guy's crowd... this is a guy worried about losing his base... and losing people in the middle while doing so...

He's also the first incumbent president that I've ever seen to be running on a "me too" platform... Just wait, Romney and the House Reps would suggest that eating ALPO would be good for nutrition in schools and save costs, and Obama would push it through his Senate friends and point at Republicans for not passing it...
I heard some of his policies on the radio and I have been wondering what Romney's response has been...

As usual Romney's response has been to dodge the question.
Public Opinion Polls: 75% of American Voters Support Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law

Polls Support Tougher Enforcement - Friday, June 8, 2012

A CNN/ORC International poll of 1,009 adult Americans finds that 75% support the Arizona Immigration Enforcement law, while 24% say they are against the law.

Of the 1,009 Americans, there were 895 interviewees who were registered voters.


CNN Poll: Americans weigh in on health care, immigration – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

LOLOLOLOLOL! Good luck thinking the Hispanic vote will win it for Obama. Just because he make them another promise. That's just silly he burned them bad in 2009 promising to address amnesty by the end of the year, then not even bringing it up till Dec 2010 before the Democrats lost power. You may think they are stupid, they are not. They just won't vote in November.
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LOLOLOLOLOL! Good luck thinking the Hispanic vote will win it for Obama. Just because he make them another promise. That's just silly he burned them bad in 2009 promising to address amnesty by the end of the year, then not even bringing it up till Dec 2010 before the Democrats lost power. You may think they are stupid, they are not. They just won't vote in November.

So that is the GOP plan... intimidate the hispanic population so much that they dont turn out to vote? Let me guess, the robocalls and flyers and emails claiming that if you are hispanic then you have to vote the day after the election are ready to go?
So that is the GOP plan... intimidate the hispanic population so much that they dont turn out to vote? Let me guess, the robocalls and flyers and emails claiming that if you are hispanic then you have to vote the day after the election are ready to go?

No that is not their plan to intimidate the Hispanic population. Obama has already pissed off the Hispanic population by not delivering on his promise. This move now by him is an attempt to cover his broken promises. The GOP is on the side of the general population of Americans that want legal immigration not illegal. Which is why you see states now passing legislation to do what the government is refusing to do. Unless you're for a open border then your for a closed one, thus I suggest that most all Americans do not want an open border.
LOLOLOLOLOL! Good luck thinking the Hispanic vote will win it for Obama. Just because he make them another promise. That's just silly he burned them bad in 2009 promising to address amnesty by the end of the year, then not even bringing it up till Dec 2010 before the Democrats lost power. You may think they are stupid, they are not. They just won't vote in November.

LOL good luck thinking the republican party has any future in this country with a policy of demonizing our fastest growing demographic. :lol:
LOL good luck thinking the republican party has any future in this country with a policy of demonizing our fastest growing demographic. :lol:

you mean illegal aliens as the fastest growing demographic? Makes me wonder about the future of the US being eroded away by the Dems.
you mean illegal aliens as the fastest growing demographic? Makes me wonder about the future of the US being eroded away by the Dems.

No, I mean Latinos. No one is missing the fact that Republican paranoia over immigration is fueled by a base fear of the brownification of America.
So that is the GOP plan... intimidate the hispanic population so much that they dont turn out to vote? Let me guess, the robocalls and flyers and emails claiming that if you are hispanic then you have to vote the day after the election are ready to go?

I haven't a clue about what you are saying, post a link from a reliable news source and we'll discuss it.
LOL good luck thinking the republican party has any future in this country with a policy of demonizing our fastest growing demographic. :lol:

Apr 24, 2012 2:56pm

Immigration and 2012: How Romney and Obama Differ

....After years and years when millions of Mexicans illegally entered the United States looking for work, the trend has now been reversed, as many undocumented workers return to Mexico, unable to find work in the U.S..

In 2007, nearly 7 million illegal immigrants from Mexico were living in the U.S., but that number has fallen to around 6.1 million, the study found.

Immigration and 2012: How Romney and Obama Differ - ABC News

Fastest growing? You mean the fastest shrinking don't you?
I asked a question. It appears that there is no legal authority serving as a legal basis for this action. Is no one concerned about the powers of the office of the presidency?

I am more concerned that Congress now has adopted minority rule. We are a nation based on majority rule.
No, I mean Latinos. No one is missing the fact that Republican paranoia over immigration is fueled by a base fear of the brownification of America.

cough (bs).
That is pretty outragious statement with no backup of proof.
How come dems won't discuss illegal immigration without making it a "race" thing?
Guess they don't care enough about our laws.
I am more concerned that Congress now has adopted minority rule. We are a nation based on majority rule.

Since we are not based on majority rule, you can let the concern pass.
I asked a question. It appears that there is no legal authority serving as a legal basis for this action. Is no one concerned about the powers of the office of the presidency?

The CS Monitor is:

The decision is not just a breach of faith with the American people. It blatantly ignores the rule of law that is the foundation of our democracy.

In an interview with Univision television earlier this year, President Obama said that he can’t just “waive away the laws that Congress put in place” and that “the president doesn’t have the authority to simply ignore Congress and say, ‘We’re not going to enforce the laws that you’ve passed.’”

But ignore Congress and the Constitution is exactly what the president has done – and this isn’t the first time. Throughout the past three years of his administration, Mr. Obama has waived applying several of our immigration rules and has refused to enforce other immigration laws.

Lamar Smith: Obama's amnesty for illegal immigrants is against the law - CSMonitor.com
No, I mean Latinos. No one is missing the fact that Republican paranoia over immigration is fueled by a base fear of the brownification of America.

You have anything to back up your trash?

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