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Obama Billboard near Clovis, NM (1 Viewer)

good assessment of the gent.. i agree mostly (i do not think he was anywhere NEAR the catastrophe many do). but the question was not a good pres but an evangelical one and democrat's willingness to overcome presumed "bias" in electing one.

they did.

I did not, not because of religious affiliation as such, but because he could not seem to shut up about it.

The man is one of my heroes, too. Despite his shortcomings I also agree that he was somewhat underrated.
good assessment of the gent.. i agree mostly (i do not think he was anywhere NEAR the catastrophe many do). but the question was not a good pres but an evangelical one and democrat's willingness to overcome presumed "bias" in electing one.

they did.

I did not, not because of religious affiliation as such, but because he could not seem to shut up about it.

I'd vote for a conservative gay person over a straight liberal any day. In fact, I probably have and just didn't know it.
The man is one of my heroes, too. Despite his shortcomings I also agree that he was somewhat underrated.

His (Carter) time in office parallels Obama's. There was plenty of inflation and recession, as well as an energy crisis. Hey, didn't he bail out Chrysler?
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Conservatives largely don't make a big deal about race and gender as liberals do in the first place. Not spending a lot of time pondering the president's race is consistent for conservatives. Liberals on the other hand like to come off as championing women's and minority rights, you'd think they laud Martinez accomplishment even if they disagree with her politics.


Democrats and liberals like to be seen championing woman's and minority rights when they believe they can use it against Americans.

Needless to say, Paula Jones, victim of attempted rape by Clintion, was villified.

Juanita Broaderick, victim of rape by Clinton, was savaged in the media. (watch the comments in repsonse to this post).

Clarence Thomas was the victim of a nearly successful political lynching because he be a "n****** tryin' to get off de plantation".

And, does the Mayor have to even mention what the lunatic left has done to the former governor of Alaska? There's an illustration of how the hypocritical Left won't hesitate to stoop to the lowest lows to destroy a political opponent.

What what the Left will be saying about Herman Cain if his presidential bid gains traction.
I did do a search for her name immediately after the election but that's really not the point. I don't need to do a search on the net to find liberals lavishly praising Obama for being the first black president. It comes up when Obama's not even the topic. When it comes to Martinez' accomplishment - crickets.

You are, of course, referring to the exact same people who were lauding Clinton for being the First Black President, right?
Μολὼν λαβέ;1059503909 said:
His (Carter) time in office parallels Obama's. There was plenty of inflation and recession, as well as an energy crisis. Hey, didn't he bail out Chrysler?

nice job of regurgitating that same old same old.

Μολὼν λαβέ;1059503909 said:
His (Carter) time in office parallels Obama's. There was plenty of inflation and recession, as well as an energy crisis. Hey, didn't he bail out Chrysler?

the inflation situation under Carter is nowhere near similar to what it is now. Not to mention it was an INFLATIONARY recession.
You can pass thru Clovis New Mexico in a blink of eye, when you pass thru on I-10.
You can pass thru Clovis New Mexico in a blink of eye, when you pass thru on I-10.

beautiful country down there. went there back in '72 or there'bouts to collect a friend and drive her home. I loved Albequerque and the long drive across the desert. I love the desert anyway but there... it is SO vast.

pity is nearly impossible to make a living there.

Μολὼν λαβέ;1059503466 said:
Hey, I thought NM was a democratic controlled state... (With maybe the exception of their first Hispanic Republican female governor...)


Looks photo-shopped to me, and stinks of the Swift Boat Bilge Pump Crew & Murdoch.
beautiful country down there. went there back in '72 or there'bouts to collect a friend and drive her home. I loved Albequerque and the long drive across the desert. I love the desert anyway but there... it is SO vast.

pity is nearly impossible to make a living there.


Yep, you pretty much summed it up. I pushed cattle, south of Clovis for a summer job, when I was a teen. There ain't much going on in southern New Mexico until you hit Las Cruces.
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Clarence Thomas was the victim of a nearly successful political lynching because he be a "n****** tryin' to get off de plantation".

Yep, that's why. Has nothing to do with his political views or record. Apparently when Liberals criticize Clarence Thomas it's because he's black. (Why does that sound familiar?)

And, does the Mayor have to even mention what the lunatic left has done to the former governor of Alaska? There's an illustration of how the hypocritical Left won't hesitate to stoop to the lowest lows to destroy a political opponent.

Sarah Palin is black? Wow, now that is news. Again, it has nothing to do with anything she believes in, stands for, or the idiocy that comes out whenever she opens her mouth.

Yep, you've got the Left pegged. They hate women and blacks. Probably why the nomination came down to a woman and a black guy in '08.
Yep, that's why. Has nothing to do with his political views or record. Apparently when Liberals criticize Clarence Thomas it's because he's black. (Why does that sound familiar?)

Sarah Palin is black? Wow, now that is news. Again, it has nothing to do with anything she believes in, stands for, or the idiocy that comes out whenever she opens her mouth.

Yep, you've got the Left pegged. They hate women and blacks. Probably why the nomination came down to a woman and a black guy in '08.

Liberals don't hate all blacks and women, just conservative ones. :naughty
Yep, that's why. Has nothing to do with his political views or record. Apparently when Liberals criticize Clarence Thomas it's because he's black. (Why does that sound familiar?)
Why not? Don't you believe that's the only reason conservatives criticize Obama?
Μολὼν λαβέ;1059504263 said:
Liberals don't hate all blacks and women, just conservative ones. :naughty

Yeah, there's truth in this, not for every liberal but some. I've heard conservative women and minorities referred to as "sellouts" more than once.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1059504263 said:
Liberals don't hate all blacks and women, just conservative ones. :naughty

So what, no disagreeing? Considering what I see here, I'd say there's plenty of Conservatives who hate Liberals. Regardless of race or gender. "Conservative" is not a race, gender or sexual orientation.
When you don't like the message, claim conspiracy. I'll have to remember that.

Who would waste thousands of dollars to bitch slap Obama a thousand miles from no where? LMAO! I'll stick with photoshop and hope we get a reference to who this guy is. Just like the rightwing denial of the Swiftboaters being on the take, and guess what? They were.:lamo
Who would waste thousands of dollars to bitch slap Obama a thousand miles from no where? LMAO! I'll stick with photoshop and hope we get a reference to who this guy is. Just like the rightwing denial of the Swiftboaters being on the take, and guess what? They were.:lamo

There are billboards across the country with political messages. It's not out of the realm of probability that someone would spend some cash to get their message out. But if conspiracies are your thing, run with it. Just don't let your tinfoil had cut off the blood circulation to your brain.

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