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NFL Draft 2024 (1 Viewer)

So at the end of the day...The Broncos draft could be pretty solid. First 4 picks were all solid. Still dont know what Payton has in mind re the starting QB, but they got better in at least three positions. So......we'll see. Now we get to learn if Payton is the coach most people think he is.
Payton thought he had problems with Russell Wilson, now he has Bo Nix. :ROFLMAO: Sean Payton will be back in the studio by 2026. Maybe earlier.
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Everybody is giving the Chiefs a Grade A on their draft... If true, the rich get richer... Loo
I would not say everyone but the early reviews are very good. This is a compilation of 20 grades. The Chiefs rank 5th wit the Steelers the clear winner.

@Zyphlin how do you feel about Jayden Daniel’s chances of success with the Commanders?

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