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MSNBC has a Trump tax return that was obtained (1 Viewer)

You can tell by their naivety that most of the Trump supporters had never followed Trump prior to his decision to enter the world of politics. Trump did this very same stuff back in the 70's and 80's for publicity purposes. At one point, he even created his own fake PR firm..........:)

trump/Bannon republicans were okay with the 100% one-sided leaks for trump and against Clinton during the election.

Look at them squirm now with trump getting his own medicine.

Look how Ryan got stabbed in the back by Breitbart/Bannon today.

We've been on Watergate footing on steroids since trump's first round of lies as president .
Please enlighten me as to how releasing his taxes would harm his family.

You do realize that after the Nixon/Agnew tax fiasco, his returns will go through an IRS audit next year.

That's actually a really good question. His taxes are an indication of his business practices that are closely held corporate confidential information. His family is both in control of his business and they gain their livelihood from his business. Anything that can harm his business, can harm his family. Nixon nor Agnew were private businessmen with corporate investments as the owner of those businesses. Trump is. It's different.
You seem to be under the impression that a person can both not "worship" Trump and at the same time, not believe everything that is said about him by people who have publicly vowed to bring him down by any and all means necessary.

Not believing everything that is said about an individual is one thing. Automatically assuming that they do no wrong is another matter entirely. Most of the dysfunction that I see coming from the WH is not the fault of the MSM, but simply miscues by an administration that isn't ready for "prime time" yet.

With respect to the returns, the bottom line is that Trump may have very well orchestrated the releasing of those tax returns himself. He also, may not have. I certainly don't have enough evidence to convict him, and you have no definitive proof with which to defend him either.
Trump won with this release. It puts to bed a lot of the jokes about how he doesn't pay taxes, and it didn't really reveal anything significant. It also reminded me of why I don't watch Maddow. It's one thing if they really found something, but all of that hype just to throw out some possibilities is pretty ridiculous.
That's actually a really good question. His taxes are an indication of his business practices that are closely held corporate confidential information. His family is both in control of his business and they gain their livelihood from his business. Anything that can harm his business, can harm his family. Nixon nor Agnew were private businessmen with corporate investments as the owner of those businesses. Trump is. It's different.

That argument could be applied to any past president in a different context, yet they opted to release their taxes to avoid the impression of impropriety. Until Trump releases his taxes, he will continue to foster beliefs of possible corruption and other wrong doings. Now, if I were that worried about my families safety, the last job that I would ever entertain is that of being POTUS.
trump/Bannon republicans were okay with the 100% one-sided leaks for trump and against Clinton during the election.

Look at them squirm now with trump getting his own medicine.

Look how Ryan got stabbed in the back by Breitbart/Bannon today.

We've been on Watergate footing on steroids since trump's first round of lies as president .

Did Trump/Ryan/Bannon/Breitbart (I hope I didn't miss anyone that scares you) steal private information and leak it to the press? If we're on steroidal Watergate footing, where the hell are the Grand Jury hearings? Where are the criminal charges? The Obama DNI stated that there was and is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. And don't go to the "Congress GOP won't investigate" because it's the job of the FBI to do that, not Congress, and they are not partisan.

However, whoever leaked Trump's private tax returns may very well see the inside of a prison cell.

I hope that if there is any evidence AT ALL of Trump being in bed with the Russians to away the election or any damned thing else that it is exposed and he is prosecuted. Until then, let's all not act like we've lost our minds over every single conspiracy theory that surfaces.

Also, on a personal level, I wish that you and I could get back to communicating reasonably. Which is not what the first part of my post was, but I hope that neither of us posts that way again.
Trump won with this release. It puts to bed a lot of the jokes about how he doesn't pay taxes, and it didn't really reveal anything significant. It also reminded me of why I don't watch Maddow. It's one thing if they really found something, but all of that hype just to throw out some possibilities is pretty ridiculous.

Trump won on the tax issue and Maddow lost everything.
That argument could be applied to any past president in a different context, yet they opted to release their taxes to avoid the impression of impropriety. Until Trump releases his taxes, he will continue to foster beliefs of impropriety.

It doesn't matter what he does with his taxes. His tax returns will not tell anyone that he didn't conspire with Russia to sway the election. All that releasing his tax returns will do will bring more of what I shoed the NYT was doing to him in regard to his 2005 return, focus only on what the average American will have no clue about but may sound real bad the way the NYT wrote the headline and article.

It's a lose, lose for him. If I were him, I damned sure wouldn't release my taxes.
It says precious little as it is only two pages and contains NO information about any sources of income.

It is next to useless to determine how deep Trump may be into foreign investors or foreign powers.

That's what to expect from the tax returns of a multiple business owner. If you have the schedules, you will find line items reported as incomes/losses from businesses. There will be no smoking gun or gotchas.

Democrats need to move om to plan Q.
Trump won with this release. It puts to bed a lot of the jokes about how he doesn't pay taxes, and it didn't really reveal anything significant. It also reminded me of why I don't watch Maddow. It's one thing if they really found something, but all of that hype just to throw out some possibilities is pretty ridiculous.

I agree about the unsubstantiated hype. I also think that it answers some questions but in some ways it merely wets the appetite for more complete information. Maybe the latter was Maddow's real intent. Given that it was only 2 pages of a document that is likely over 1,000 pages in volume, it does make you wonder what the other years look like.
It doesn't matter what he does with his taxes. His tax returns will not tell anyone that he didn't conspire with Russia to sway the election. All that releasing his tax returns will do will bring more of what I shoed the NYT was doing to him in regard to his 2005 return, focus only on what the average American will have no clue about but may sound real bad the way the NYT wrote the headline and article.

It's a lose, lose for him. If I were him, I damned sure wouldn't release my taxes.

I would never vote for a candidate that refused to release his/her taxes. To me, refusal to release is simply an admission of questionable activity. That said, we can just agree to disagree and move on.
I agree. I notice that the stamp on page two said CLIENT COPY.

Now who would that client be?

So Trump released his own tax return and Maddow jumped on it?

Speaking of pMSNBC...has "Reverend" (in title only) Al Sharpton paid off that 4.5 million in back taxes yet?
I would never vote for a candidate that refused to release his/her taxes. To me, refusal to release is simply an admission of questionable activity. That said, we can just agree to disagree and move on.

In case you think I did, and you're not aware of my statements before, I'll say again that I didn't vote for Trump.
That's what to expect from the tax returns of a multiple business owner. If you have the schedules, you will find line items reported as incomes/losses from businesses. There will be no smoking gun or gotchas.

Democrats need to move om to plan Q.

Without seeing all the returns with their hundreds of pages of supporting schedules - how the world can you pretend to know such things and make a prediction like that?
So Trump released his own tax return and Maddow jumped on it?


First of all, lets be clear , this was not a release of a tax return. It was two pages of one year from a far more lengthy tax return.

Second, it could very well have come from Trump as it successfully obsessed the media last night and deflected from his health care problems and Russian problem.

Third, no matter who released this fragment -or to whom it may have been released, it would have received much the same fanfare and attention and has nothing to do with Maddow itself.
Not believing everything that is said about an individual is one thing. Automatically assuming that they do no wrong is another matter entirely. Most of the dysfunction that I see coming from the WH is not the fault of the MSM, but simply miscues by an administration that isn't ready for "prime time" yet.

With respect to the returns, the bottom line is that Trump may have very well orchestrated the releasing of those tax returns himself. He also, may not have. I certainly don't have enough evidence to convict him, and you have no definitive proof with which to defend him either.
Interesting way to frame the situation.

You don't have enough evidence to convict him but you do have enough to strongly suggest his guilt. On the other hand, I don't have enough evidence to even attempt to defend him against the charge.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not how it works.
Actually, the White House DID release Trump's 2005 tax return before Maddow could do it, when they heard she was going to do it. AND... he paid $38 MILLION in federal taxes that year.

Kinda takes the hot air out of the fart filled balloon that Maddow and her ilk were hoping for. The NYT is reporting he took $100 million in write offs that year also, but they can't get around the fact that he paid $38 MILLION in federal taxes in 2005.

Let's see hypocrite Maddow's tax returns. How much did he write off? ;)
Let's see hypocrite Maddow's tax returns. How much did he write off? ;)

she wouldn't do that. that doesn't fit her agenda of stupidity.
she got a small bump in ratings and now that she just got destroyed

her ratings will go back into the basement where they started at.

trump just took her out in 1 blow.
she wouldn't do that. that doesn't fit her agenda of stupidity.
she got a small bump in ratings and now that she just got destroyed

her ratings will go back into the basement where they started at.

trump just took her out in 1 blow.

Maddow is a woman? :shock: Wow, who knew? :shrug:
Interesting way to frame the situation.

You don't have enough evidence to convict him but you do have enough to strongly suggest his guilt. On the other hand, I don't have enough evidence to even attempt to defend him against the charge.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not how it works.

Given that this isn't a criminal issue, I don't have to operate within a "Beyond a reasonable doubt" context. Now, lets examine what we know:
* Trump knows this reporter quite well. I believe that he has written a book or two on Trump.
* There was only two pages that certainly were not telling by any stretch of the imagination.
* The copy had a "client copy" stamp on it.
* The pages were placed in a mailbox.

Now, if I were going to try and leak damaging information about Trump, this isn't something that I would likely leak. It actually makes Trump look better with respect to paying taxes. What it does reveal is why Trump may be so interested in ending the Alternative Tax regulation. Without the many pages of schedules that accompanied this "sliver" of a return, we still don't know much at all. In fact, all the returns actually tell us is that a lot of money went through Trumps hands. We don't know where the money came from, or how much outstanding debt that he may actually have.

If Trump did know about this release, he may benefit from it short-term, but it may hurt him long term. If it was an actual attempt at damaging Trump, there will likely be more information to follow.
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