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Most of The World Could Be 100% Powered With Renewables by 2050 (1 Viewer)

So, you are promoting a documentary even while disagreeing with the overall message of the documentary?

Also acting on climate change and investing in renewable could and should be both uncontroversial and bipartisan. For example, that local Republican are also acknowledging the urgent need for action.

Why Republican Leaders Love Renewable Energy

While the evidence for the urgent need for action is so overwhelming that even federal agencies under Donald Trump have to acknowledge it.

Fourth National Climate Assessment

Right- and left-wing governments in the EU have also agreed on that EU should be climate neutral by 2050.

EU carbon neutrality: Leaders agree 2050 target without Poland - BBC News

The cost of renewables have dropped so sharply and the support for action on climate change is so strong, so the drastic drop in cost of oil will have much less impact on investment in renewables.

"There’s always been tension between calls for Big Oil to tackle climate change and their investors’ doubts about the profitability of spending on renewables. Historically, a plunge in crude prices has tended to undercut costlier clean energy, prompting companies to divert dwindling financial resources into their core business of fossil fuels.

What’s different this time is that the cost of renewables and natural gas has broken away from oil, weakening crude’s influence on the price of electricity. While the coronavirus has destroyed demand for oil and transport fuels, power use has dropped less sharply. And importantly, energy companies are now painfully aware of the mounting pressure from consumers -- and investors -- to clean up their output, rein in emissions and prepare for a future beyond oil.

“The situation is totally different since the last time oil prices were this low,” said Nick Boyle, chief executive officer of solar company Lightsource BP. The cost of solar is a 10th of what it was during the recession of 2008 to 2009. Even as crude has slumped, “in the last few weeks we have announced new deals on nearly 400 megawatts of new capacity in the U.S. alone,” he said."

Oil Slump May No Longer Be a Curse for Renewable Energy

You are promoting the fraud of renewable energy.
You are promoting the fraud of renewable energy.

Renewables isn't a fraud. That both homeowners, local communities, small business and big businesses are seeing the great benefits of renewable energy.

"Some 50,000 homes in South Australia will receive solar panels and Tesla batteries, the state government announced Sunday, in a landmark plan to turn houses into a giant, interconnected power plant."

Tesla, Australia to turn 50,000 homes into power generators

"Formed in 2012 by citizens who had been campaigning in favour of the wind farm development, the cooperative now owns 25% of the energy company. With more than 800 members and wealth of more than €3.9 million, the cooperative does more than just let citizens own a share in the towns energy company – it also lets them control it. The cooperative has two of the nine seats on the board of the energy company, providing citizens with voting rights on all issues concerning electricity production and supply in the region, ranging from the setting of energy prices through to reinvestment in new capacity."

This small German town took back the power – and went fully renewable

There over 200 of the world’s most influential companies have committed to 100% renewable power.

Companies - RE100
Renewables isn't a fraud. That both homeowners, local communities, small business and big businesses are seeing the great benefits of renewable energy.

"Some 50,000 homes in South Australia will receive solar panels and Tesla batteries, the state government announced Sunday, in a landmark plan to turn houses into a giant, interconnected power plant."

Tesla, Australia to turn 50,000 homes into power generators

"Formed in 2012 by citizens who had been campaigning in favour of the wind farm development, the cooperative now owns 25% of the energy company. With more than 800 members and wealth of more than €3.9 million, the cooperative does more than just let citizens own a share in the towns energy company – it also lets them control it. The cooperative has two of the nine seats on the board of the energy company, providing citizens with voting rights on all issues concerning electricity production and supply in the region, ranging from the setting of energy prices through to reinvestment in new capacity."

This small German town took back the power – and went fully renewable

There over 200 of the world’s most influential companies have committed to 100% renewable power.

Companies - RE100

[h=2]The moment greens realize they’ve been used by Big Money Renewables — the Michael Moore documentary:[/h]
It’s like someone read all the major skeptic blogs in the world and turned them into a documentary. . . .
As Abraham Lincoln advised: "One war at a time."

Meanwhile, I guess you're happy being among the "useful idiots."

[h=2]The moment greens realize they’ve been used by Big Money Renewables — the Michael Moore documentary:[/h]
It’s like someone read all the major skeptic blogs in the world and turned them into a documentary.
[h=3]The new Michael Moore documentary: Planet of The Humans[/h]1 - unapologetically exposes Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Robert Kennedy, etc. for being con artists and hypocrites,
2 - crucifies the Sierra Club and their ilk for being disingenuous and primarily in it for the money and influence, and
3 - also carefully documents how wind, solar and biofuels are scams. — John Droz, jr.

Ha ha ha, I see that he never watched the Moore documentary, he went the lazy route to post a very poor counter to it, which I doubt he read past the headline.

I watched the ENTIRE Moore Documentary, where they were ON location on the damage caused by biomass, talked to energy leaders in person about what is going on with their green power plants, showed many old wind farms that stands there unused and falling apart, on and on it went. Showed that major ecoloony organizations are getting very rich on destroying the environment, by clear cutting forests, strip mining large areas for rare earths minerals, leaving environmental damage in their wake, all for "Clean" Wind and Solar plants to be installed.

These leftists are running out of "Green" climate scams to push these days....., they are getting exposed and they are scurrying to get out of the spotlight.
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[h=2]Unilateral decarbonisation policy stands in the way of economic recovery[/h]

London, 27 April: European governments have no choice but to abandon costly climate plans that are threatening to burden nations with huge costs and millions of job losses if they want a strong economic recovery from Covid-19 lockdowns. That’s according to a new report by Rupert Darwall, a former special adviser in the UK Treasury.

In a new paper released today, Darwall shows how the imposition of unilateral climate policies on business and industry will have a devastating effect on any economic recovery from Covid-19. With Net Zero costing up to 60 times hypothetical climate benefits, voters in Britain, America and Australia are putting economic recovery ahead of the environment, according to a recent IPSOS Mori poll. . . .
Ha ha ha, I see that he never watched the Moore documentary, he went the lazy route to post a very poor counter to it, which I doubt he read past the headline.

I watched the ENTIRE Moore Documentary, where they were ON location on the damage caused by biomass, talked to energy leaders in person about what is going on with their green power plants, showed many old wind farms that stands there unused and falling apart, on and on it went. Showed that major ecoloony organizations are getting very rich on destroying the environment, by clear cutting forests, strip mining large areas for rare earths minerals, leaving environmental damage in their wake, all for "Clean" Wind and Solar plants to be installed.

These leftists are running out of "Green" climate scams to push these days....., they are getting exposed and they are scurrying to get out of the spotlight.

A critical debate is important to improve and speed up the transition away from dirty fossil fuels. Sadly the Moore documentary is so full of outdated data and inaccuracies that you can't take it serious.

Planet of the humans: A reheated mess of lazy, old myths – Ketan Joshi

Skepticism Is Healthy, but Planet of the Humans Is Toxic - A Critical Review

While a fair criticism is that rapid advancement in renewable energy and other green technology have been mostly in the electricity sector. So that renewable and other green technologies still provide a minor part of total energy consumption in many countries, but that are starting to change now.

That you are for example seeing great advancement in making industrial processes carbon free. Like for example that Swedish SBAB plan to make carbon free steel.

SSAB to be first to market with fossil-free steel - SSAB

You are also seeing great advancement then it comes to electric vehicles.

Amazon, IKEA, AT&T, DHL & Others Join Electric Vehicle Alliance | CleanTechnica

You are also seeing great advancement in energy efficiency measures. For example building passive housed that barely needs any heating, even during cold winter nights.

Swedish city builds 'passive houses' as part of ambitious CO2 reduction targets | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian
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Australian energy security on the brink

Rafe Champion, Independent Scholar, Sydney The Australian electric power supply is on the edge of a cliff because one more substantial coal-fired power station is scheduled to close in 2023. Then for the first time we will need input from the wind at the evening peak, certainly in very hot and cold weather. If this…
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Australian energy security on the brink

[FONT=&]Rafe Champion, Independent Scholar, Sydney The Australian electric power supply is on the edge of a cliff because one more substantial coal-fired power station is scheduled to close in 2023. Then for the first time we will need input from the wind at the evening peak, certainly in very hot and cold weather. If this…
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Australia have a great opportunity to invest in renewable energy and transition away from fossil fuels.

"Australia could get 90% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2040 without an increase in power prices, according to an analysis by the energy and carbon consultancy RepuTex."

Australia could get 90% of electricity from renewables by 2040 with no price increase | Australia news | The Guardian

There you are seeing great advancement in renewable energy and storage.

"The cost of generating solar power has plunged low enough to threaten thermal power fleets in the world coal capital of China and fossil fuel facilities in the petrostate of the UAE, according to new figures published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

With the crucial falls in the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) from large scale solar and onshore wind having occurred in the last six months, the analyst also claims energy storage projects are now cheaper in Europe, China and Japan than building new fossil fuel facilities for handling peak electricity loads – with the switch having taken place over the same period."

LCOE from large scale PV fell 4% to $50 per megawatt-hour in six months – pv magazine International

There you are also have a lot of innovation and technological breakthroughs that will make renewables even more cheap and efficient.

Australia have a great opportunity to invest in renewable energy and transition away from fossil fuels.

"Australia could get 90% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2040 without an increase in power prices, according to an analysis by the energy and carbon consultancy RepuTex."

Australia could get 90% of electricity from renewables by 2040 with no price increase | Australia news | The Guardian

There you are seeing great advancement in renewable energy and storage.

"The cost of generating solar power has plunged low enough to threaten thermal power fleets in the world coal capital of China and fossil fuel facilities in the petrostate of the UAE, according to new figures published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

With the crucial falls in the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) from large scale solar and onshore wind having occurred in the last six months, the analyst also claims energy storage projects are now cheaper in Europe, China and Japan than building new fossil fuel facilities for handling peak electricity loads – with the switch having taken place over the same period."

LCOE from large scale PV fell 4% to $50 per megawatt-hour in six months – pv magazine International

There you are also have a lot of innovation and technological breakthroughs that will make renewables even more cheap and efficient.

A breakthrough approaches for solar power - BBC News
I know we see a lot of discussion of the "levelized cost of energy" but the levelized cost of energy dos not change what people are charged
per Kwh, that rate people are paying keeps going up.
[h=1]Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Crushed By COVID-19[/h][FONT=&quot]Endless subsidies for renewables losing priority for essential funding By Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California The only good news about the COVID-19 social change impacts on our lifestyles is that the travel bans, and lockdowns have cleaned the globe flushing the murk from Venice’s canals and we have seen cleaner air worldwide.…
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[h=2]In The Name Of Climate Protection: Deforesting The US To Make Europe Greener![/h]By P Gosselin on 2. May 2020
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[h=2]Burned – in the name of climate protection – How the US is destroying its forests and environment[/h]By Die kalte Sonne
(Text translated by P Gosselin)
A documentary from 2015 “Burned“ (free of charge 30 min online version here) goes very well with the often mentioned documentary “Planet Of The Humans“.
Is wood the USA’s new coal?
You can almost get that impression after watching the two films. The United States has decided to consider wood burning as green energy. You simply assume that trees have converted CO2 into biomass during their growth, so it is a zero-sum game when you burn them later.
This is a very interesting consideration because it ignores the slow growth of the trees. A tree that is burned in a short period of time can only be replaced by a new tree in a much longer period of time. So the calculation is unfortunately very much misleading, and not to mention other positive aspects of trees and forests, which also disappear with deforestation.
Burning wood is pretty much the dirtiest way to generate heat energy. The table below shows the difference compared to other fossil fuels.

Table above shows that wood as a fuel produces far great amounts of pollution.
And it doesn’t matter how big the efforts are to minimize the pollutants when burning wood, even the best values are far away from gas or even oil. . . .

[h=1]Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Crushed By COVID-19[/h][FONT="][FONT=inherit]Endless subsidies for renewables losing priority for essential funding By Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California The only good news about the COVID-19 social change impacts on our lifestyles is that the travel bans, and lockdowns have cleaned the globe flushing the murk from Venice’s canals and we have seen cleaner air worldwide.…[/FONT]
[FONT=inherit][URL="https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/05/02/wind-solar-industries-crushed-by-covid-19/"]Continue reading →[/URL][/FONT]

Renewables will win over fossil fuels during the recovery from the Corona outbreak.

"Renewable electricity will be the only source resilient to the biggest global energy shock in 70 years triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, according to the world’s energy watchdog.

The International Energy Agency said the outbreak of Covid-19 would wipe out demand for fossil fuels by prompting a collapse in energy demand seven times greater than the slump caused by the global financial crisis.

In a report, the IEA said the most severe plunge in energy demand since the second world war would trigger multi-decade lows for the world’s consumption of oil, gas and coal while renewable energy continued to grow.

The steady rise of renewable energy combined with the collapse in demand for fossil fuels means clean electricity will play its largest ever role in the global energy system this year, and help erase a decade’s growth of global carbon emissions."

Covid-19 crisis will wipe out demand for fossil fuels, says IEA | Business | The Guardian

More examples.

Renewable energy wins over oil and gas in post-coronavirus world: Russell - Reuters

[h=1]Mexico’s President Is Betting Big AGAINST Renewables[/h][FONT=&quot]From OILPRICE.COM By Irina Slav – May 07, 2020, 10:00 AM CDT It sounds like a news report out of yet another dystopian novel: Mexico is halting grid connection for new solar and wind power projects. In a world rushing to produce clean energy, Mexico has suddenly stood out like a sore thumb. But, as…
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[h=1]Mexico’s President Is Betting Big AGAINST Renewables[/h][FONT="][FONT=inherit]From OILPRICE.COM By Irina Slav – May 07, 2020, 10:00 AM CDT It sounds like a news report out of yet another dystopian novel: Mexico is halting grid connection for new solar and wind power projects. In a world rushing to produce clean energy, Mexico has suddenly stood out like a sore thumb. But, as…[/FONT]
[FONT=inherit][URL="https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/05/08/mexicos-president-is-betting-big-against-renewables/"]Continue reading →[/URL][/FONT]
It should be pointed out that this does not stop homeowners from setting up grid assisted solar systems,
but in the long term is not good for solar power as the potential benefit of feeding surplus energy back into the grid is removed.

I think the jury is still out if such investments are a benefit to the economy.
Much depends on the price paid for the alternate energy generated.
Anything over the normal wholesale rate, means that the cost of goods sold of electricity increases for all the normal consumers.

Costly Climate Policies Must Be Abandoned To Save Economy

  • Date: 27/04/20
  • Press Release, Global Warming Policy Foundation
Unilateral decarbonisation policy stands in the way of economic recovery London, 27 April: European governments have no choice but to abandon costly climate plans that are threatening to burden nations with huge costs and millions of job losses if they want a strong economic recovery from Covid-19 lockdowns. That’s according to a new report by Rupert Darwall, a […]

Oil price boom expected following pandemic crash

From The Washington Examiner by Josh Siegel | May 10, 2020 12:00 AM If history is a guide, an oil price boom is coming after the pandemic-generated crash. While the near-term demand picture is highly uncertain, as people reconsider their travel and work habits, this latest bust, the worst of them all, is unlikely to…

Oil price boom expected following pandemic crash

From The Washington Examiner by Josh Siegel | May 10, 2020 12:00 AM If history is a guide, an oil price boom is coming after the pandemic-generated crash. While the near-term demand picture is highly uncertain, as people reconsider their travel and work habits, this latest bust, the worst of them all, is unlikely to…

Washington Examiner.


There’s some bad choices in reading material....
Oil price boom expected following pandemic crash

[FONT=&]From The Washington Examiner by Josh Siegel | May 10, 2020 12:00 AM If history is a guide, an oil price boom is coming after the pandemic-generated crash. While the near-term demand picture is highly uncertain, as people reconsider their travel and work habits, this latest bust, the worst of them all, is unlikely to…

I doubt it.

The world economy will be fairly slow to get back in gear, this will mean there is a sitting glut of oil. The world's development of new oil wells has however been doing its' thing and additional production will have been progressing. Most of that work is about legal and planning things rather than actually doing the drilling.
By 2050 most of the world could be 100% powered with renewable energy while at the same lead to a net increase of 24 million new jobs, according to a new 2050 roadmap.

Most of The World Could Be 100% Powered With Renewables by 2050

Direct link to the study: https://web.stanford.edu/group/efmh/jacobson/Articles/I/CountriesWWS.pdf

This seems like Rose colored glasses. Don't get me wrong solar and wind and geothermal and all these different energy sources are a good thing to have. But the demand for energy doesn't stay the same it increases. And renewables account for a statistical 0% of energy produced.

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