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More recent evidence that capitalism would reduce health care costs 80% (1 Viewer)

actually the numbers are in the paper every day!!!

!Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries | PBS ...
https://www.pbs.org/.../health/health-costs-how-the-us-compares-with-other- countries‎
Oct 22, 2012 ... How much is good health care worth to you? $8,233 per year? That's how much the U.S. spends per person. Worth it? That figure is more than two-and-a-half times more than most developed nations in the world, including relatively rich European countries like France, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

should I bother with the rest of your post when you could not get through the first sentence with out an obvious error?????

Yes, countries with a socialized system DO cost less than our system, as you keep pointing out. How does that mean that doing the opposite of what they do will reduce expenses by 80%?
Yes, countries with a socialized system DO cost less than our system, as you keep pointing out. How does that mean that doing the opposite of what they do will reduce expenses by 80%?

He's disproving his own point. 3D chess as they say.
The FACT is........America's "capitalist" private insurance industry operates with an overhead of about 30%, compared to Medicare/Medicaid which operate with an overhead of only 3%. I'm sure that even you can do the math. Capitalist" or "free market" health care is the LEAST efficient method for delivery health care to a population of people. That is just not debatable.

OMG Actually liberal govt made capitalist insurance illegal in 1946 with McCarran Furguson. EG interstate competition is illegal. Did you know that competition leads to lower price and higher quality??
OMG Actually liberal govt made capitalist insurance illegal in 1946 with McCarran Furguson. EG interstate competition is illegal. Did you know that competition leads to lower price and higher quality??

No sales of insurance across state lines is not illegal, but insurers must meet state insurance laws in each state they operate in. It is up to each state what they will and will not allow.
"Evidence"??? Stop lying. Once again....like most wingnut types, you amaze with your ability to fabricate details (i.e. lie). There is NOT ONE example or economic study that even suggests that "capitalism" will reduce costs by even 1%, much less 80%. In fact, almost every economic study done proves that capitalism is LESS efficient and MORE costly at delivering health care as compared to just about ANY form of "socialized" health care in the industrialized world.

ever heard of East /West Germany, Cuba /Florida, USA/USSR?? capitalism is about 80% more efficient. Now do you understand?
The real problem is profit is the main concern not providing health care.


actually Medicare Medcaid, VA, Schip, TRIcare, IHS, Community Clinics are not for profit. Amazing that you didn't know that?
No sales of insurance across state lines is not illegal, but insurers must meet state insurance laws in each state they operate in. It is up to each state what they will and will not allow.

yes imagine if each state had its own toothpaste requirements. Can you predict what they would do to price and quality?
Yes, countries with a socialized system DO cost less than our system, as you keep pointing out.

our system is socialist 1+1=2 actually Medicare Medcaid, VA Schip TRIcare, IMS, Community Clinics, intra state competition are far from Republican capitalism. Liberals lack the IQ to understand Republican capitalism so we don't have it and pay 3 times what we should.
actually Medicare Medcaid, VA, Schip, TRIcare, IHS, Community Clinics are not for profit. Amazing that you didn't know that?

Actually I did but in typical fashion you fail to grasp the underlying fact that the health care system is for profit and that those do not represent the entire health care system
I would say that was amazing but your ability to not understand things is well documented
not a foreign language but a language designed for the liberal lawyer and court system. Apple gets rich by making very complicated stuff easy to use because they must please their customers according to the rules of capitalism. Insurance companies are crony capitalist, fascist, or socialist organizations, almost a part of the liberal bureaucratic state.

You realize that liberal and fascist are opposite ends of the spectrum? Anyway. Insurance companies have been writing the rules and laws for themselves because they exist in a system of capitalism that allows them to pay politicians. They have monopolies essentially. No competition really. The big companies buy up small companies and raise rates. Same thing in auto insurance.
You realize that liberal and fascist are opposite ends of the spectrum?

not at all both are big govt and anti American. Liberals support Obamacare which creates a fascist or crony capitalist industry. Do you understand?
Anyway. Insurance companies have been writing the rules and laws for themselves because they exist in a system of capitalism that allows them to pay politicians.

wow are you ever confused!. Capitalism is when business and govt are separate. They are combined under fascism socialism crony capitalism. NOw do you understand? IF business is allowed to pay politicians it is not capitalism. Capitalism is when businesses compete fairly.
Actually I did but in typical fashion you fail to grasp the underlying fact that the health care system is for profit and that those do not represent the entire health care system

for profit is a tiny part of our system yet you need to imagine it is the whole part to win an argument. Please don't lie to yourself!?? This is an absurd strawman you have created. Makes sense now?
for profit is a tiny part of our system yet you need to imagine it is the whole part to win an argument. Please don't lie to yourself!?? This is an absurd strawman you have created. Makes sense now?

Yup your argument is absurd. Why are you so afraid to learn?
actually Medicare Medcaid, VA, Schip, TRIcare, IMS, Community Clinics, intra state competition, and state by state massive insurance regulation are a public health system and far from Republican capitalism. Liberals lack the IQ to understand what Republican capitalism is so we don't have it and pay 5 times what we should for health care. Got it now?

Conservatives lack the IQ to understand that Medicare and Medicaid (i.e. the primary "government-run" socialized health care products in this country) are:

1) LESS expensive, NOT "more expensive" than private (i.e. "capitalistic") health insurance.
2) MORE efficient, NOT "less efficient" than private (i.e. "capitalistic") health insurance....by a factor of about 10, as a matter of fact.
3) There is NO free-market (i.e."capitalistic") medical system in the WORLD that is "less expensive" or "more efficient" than socialized health care. Even the LEAST efficient "socialized" health care models in the world are more efficient and less expensive than the American private health insurance system.

Conservatives lack the IQ to understand that Medicare and Medicaid (i.e. the primary "government-run" socialized health care products in this country) are:

1) LESS expensive, NOT "more expensive" than private (i.e. "capitalistic") health insurance.

you have learned 43 times now that McCarran Furguson made capitalist health insurance illegal in 1946. Shall we go for 44? How will you learn if you are too proud to change?
3) There is NO free-market (i.e."capitalistic") medical system in the WORLD that is "less expensive" or "more efficient" than socialized health care. .

Ever heard of East/ West Germany, USSR/USA, Cuba /Florida/ and 132 other examples that prove capitalism is far more efficient that socialism? Do you know why it is so much more efficient?
Even the LEAST efficient "socialized" health care models in the world are more efficient and less expensive than the American private health insurance system.


Might be true which is why conservative Republican intellectuals support capitalism, not our fascist, crony capitalist socialist private health insurance system.

Its an honor and duty to walk you through your ABC's. Do you understand the forces at work that gave you so much incredible misinformation?
if so why so afraid to tell us why?? what do you learn from your fear?

Already have repeatedly but you seem to be afraid to learn
you have learned 43 times now that McCarran Furguson made capitalist health insurance illegal in 1946. Shall we go for 44? How will you learn if you are too proud to change?

:lamo 43 times, huh? Your histrionics are amusing. In reality, I believe you ONCE previously mentioned (and totally misrepresented and misspelled) the McCarran Ferguson Act of 1945. I gave you a pass the first (and only other) time you did that, because it was such a tangential comment. But since you keep lying about it, let's get into it. The FACT is that the McCarran-Ferguson did had ZERO to do with "making capitalist health insurance illegal". In FACT, it was written to exempt the insurance industry from all new federal regulations that did are not specifically written to regulate insurance in this country. In other words, it was written to exempt the insurance industry from the Commerce Clause of the constitution. So enough with the ignorant, talk-radio nonsense, please. Educate yourself, please.

Ever heard of East/ West Germany, USSR/USA, Cuba /Florida/ and 132 other examples that prove capitalism is far more efficient that socialism? Do you know why it is so much more efficient?

:lamo 132 other examples, huh? Cuba and Florida? You're a bit emotional, aren't you? Nothing you say can be taken seriously. Do you seriously not understand how and why the health and well-being of HUMAN LIVES cannot be treated as a free-market commodity?

Might be true which is why conservative Republican intellectuals support capitalism, not our fascist, crony capitalist socialist private health insurance system.

It's true. And that TRUTH requires neither your approval, nor your understanding. You don't even understand the words (capitalism, fascism, socialist, etc) you're using.

Its an honor and duty to walk you through your ABC's. Do you understand the forces at work that gave you so much incredible misinformation?

:roll: You just might qualify as the least informed, most clearly brainwashed person I've ever encountered on a message board like this. I don't think you are even educable.
Dear James 972, what city do YOU live in?
Are you in North Texas?
The FACT is that the McCarran-Ferguson did had ZERO to do with "making capitalist health insurance illegal".

ok then what do you think made it in effect illegal?? Why do we have national an international competition in tooth paste but not for health care. Why do you think Republicans always want to make interstate competition legal in America?
:lamo 132 other examples, huh? Cuba and Florida? You're a bit emotional, aren't you? Nothing you say can be taken seriously. Do you seriously not understand how and why the health and well-being of HUMAN LIVES cannot be treated as a free-market commodity?

thankfully food clothing and shelter are free market and they are the most important necessities of life. Health care is almost as important and more expensive so should definitely be subjected to capitalism to create maximum pressure to reduce cost and raise quality. Do you understand?

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