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Miguel Ferrer-RIP (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
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Libertarian - Right
Actor Miguel Ferrer-NCIS LA star, died today of throat cancer at the age of 61. He is cousin to George Clooney. I thought he was a great part of the NCIS cast. RIP
Actor Miguel Ferrer-NCIS LA star, died today of throat cancer at the age of 61. He is cousin to George Clooney. I thought he was a great part of the NCIS cast. RIP

61. **** R.J. Reynolds. I thought he looked unwell...

Too young. I always liked his father, Jose Ferrer also. Great legacy of actors.
Actor Miguel Ferrer-NCIS LA star, died today of throat cancer at the age of 61. He is cousin to George Clooney. I thought he was a great part of the NCIS cast. RIP

You know this past season I knew something was going on with the character. Last week he never even talked in any of his scenes! I know he worked on the show until his last breath. People said he had a stroke earlier, but no one is saying what caused his death. I think he was a pretty private person overall. I will miss Granger.
You know this past season I knew something was going on with the character. Last week he never even talked in any of his scenes! I know he worked on the show until his last breath. People said he had a stroke earlier, but no one is saying what caused his death. I think he was a pretty private person overall. I will miss Granger.

Throat cancer.
Always enjoyed his acting. 61, so young. My heart and prayers go to his family and friends.
I'm so very sorry to hear that. NCIS: LA is one of my favorite shows, and his character was a big part of that. I'll miss him. :(
61. **** R.J. Reynolds. I thought he looked unwell...


I agree, I was watching that show the other night and I was thinking-Damn he looks ill. I guess he was. Too bad, he was absolutely awesome in that role
Actor Miguel Ferrer-NCIS LA star, died today of throat cancer at the age of 61. He is cousin to George Clooney. I thought he was a great part of the NCIS cast. RIP

Never watched that show, but R.I.P nonetheless.
I'm so very sorry to hear that. NCIS: LA is one of my favorite shows, and his character was a big part of that. I'll miss him. :(

everything about that show is great-from Linda Hunt as the leader to Miguel Ferrer as the boss above her. It will be interesting to see how they handle a loss they must have seen coming.
everything about that show is great-from Linda Hunt as the leader to Miguel Ferrer as the boss above her. It will be interesting to see how they handle a loss they must have seen coming.

Linda Hunt is my fave, also my husband's fave. He thinks she's adorable; I think she is magnificent, a tiny woman with a huge presence, able to cower towering men with a single gorgon stare. But gruff old Granger... yeah, I'm really going to miss him.
Linda Hunt is my fave, also my husband's fave. He thinks she's adorable; I think she is magnificent, a tiny woman with a huge presence, able to cower towering men with a single gorgon stare. But gruff old Granger... yeah, I'm really going to miss him.

I love Linda Hunt-The Year of Living Dangerously showed what a brilliant actress she was-playing a man. i am sure there are other actors who won oscars for such actions but I cannot think of one. and in DUNE she had a small but noticeable role as well.

The main characters in that show are excellent as well.

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