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Mediaite: The growing irrelevance of Media Matters (1 Viewer)


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When a left leaning website like Mediaite, an admitted Media Matters allie, points out how Media Matters has become nothing but an irrelevant, partisan attack website, I believe thats about as credible as it gets.

One Side Is Not Enough: The Diminished Relevance Of Media Matters
by Colby Hall
2:51 pm, February 14th, 2011

Last Thursday, Media Matters published an extensive (and somewhat breathless) account from an anonymously sourced individual that was only identified as a former Fox News Insider. The report included lots of detail that alleged Fox News’ bias, with pithy quotes like “they’re a propaganda outfit but they call themselves news” and “stuff is just made up,” and was clearly intended as a scathing indictment of Media Matters’ mortal enemy, Fox News.

While the story made some ripples in like minded sites like Think Progress and The Young Turks, the story made barely any mention in mainstream news outlets, and ended up serving as a stark reminder of Media Matters’ growing irrelevance in the world of media criticism.


Just two or three years ago, Media Matters would have been described as exactly the sort of media organization the country needed. As a nation, we have been increasingly ignoring facts in favor of slogans, scapegoats, and sophistry; anyone yearning for facts, fact-checking (even with a partisan bend) serves our nation well. In fact, web sites like Politifact and both Media Matters on the left and Newsbusters on the right, served as inspirations during the creation of Mediaite. Much to the chagrin of some on the right, Mediaite still often cites Media Matters assessments and uses their clips (in much the same way our recognition of Newsbuster’s angers many on the left.)

But something unfortunate happened, as Media Matters seems to have become exactly the sort of blindingly partisan, subjective, and even misleading site that it was created to monitor. So what happened? How did an organization committed to “notify[ing] activists, journalists, pundits, and the general public about instances of misinformation” get usurped by pedantic whiners who have transformed a noble idea into an irrelevant, publicity-seeking rag?

Media Matters | Fox News Insider | Bias in the Media | Mediaite
Loved this part;

Boehlert’s lack of a primary focus on journalism (versus agenda) undercuts the story as well as the fact that his sourcing narrative is often confusing (at one point, it seems as though he’s referencing two different sources), and he fails to negotiate an attribution that would help the reader judge its credibility. Was this an on-air personality? An intern? A producer? Did this source leave Fox recently? Based on Boehlert’s attribution, the source could be Keith Olbermann as far as the reader knows.
Loved this part;

It's a classic demonstration of how media matters operates... When another media watchdog website like Mediaite, that also leans left like MM does, points out how irrelevant they've become, you'd have to say "The jig is up"... lol
Loved this part;

Boehlert’s lack of a primary focus on journalism (versus agenda) undercuts the story as well as the fact that his sourcing narrative is often confusing (at one point, it seems as though he’s referencing two different sources), and he fails to negotiate an attribution that would help the reader judge its credibility. Was this an on-air personality? An intern? A producer? Did this source leave Fox recently? Based on Boehlert’s attribution, the source could be Keith Olbermann as far as the reader knows.

I was saying the "source" probably cleaned toilets at Fox. The KO thing is funnier.:lamo
I know, it totally made me laugh.

I wish I had Soros's Email address. Oh well, maybe someone will bring it to his attention. His money is being totally wasted.
That the right is going out of its way to discredit Media Matters must mean they are doing the right thing.. exposing the hypocrisy of main-stream American right wing politics.
That the right is going out of its way to discredit Media Matters must mean they are doing the right thing.. exposing the hypocrisy of main-stream American right wing politics.
Well, Mediaite isn't right wing, but, y'know, whatever.
That the right is going out of its way to discredit Media Matters must mean they are doing the right thing.. exposing the hypocrisy of main-stream American right wing politics.

Too bad for you that Mediaite is a left leaning website... Nice try though.
That the right is going out of its way to discredit Media Matters must mean they are doing the right thing.. exposing the hypocrisy of main-stream American right wing politics.

Those are really the only things Republications are good at... rabble rousing, over-exaggerations, and fault finding, nothing constructive, nothing to help the people.

Too bad for you that Mediaite is a left leaning website... Nice try though.
Anything to the left of the Fox News Channel is left leaning to you. :2razz:
That the right is going out of its way to discredit Media Matters must mean they are doing the right thing.. exposing the hypocrisy of main-stream American right wing politics.

:rofl If trying to discredit someone means they are doing something right (which I agree is usually the case) Then I guess you agree that Fox, Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, the Tea Party,etc are all doing a fantastic job.
That the right is going out of its way to discredit Media Matters must mean they are doing the right thing.. exposing the hypocrisy of main-stream American right wing politics.

Other than hard lefties, no one even knows what Media Matters is.

It's like watching Canadian Football or Taiwanese soccer.
:rofl If trying to discredit someone means they are doing something right (which I agree is usually the case) Then I guess you agree that Fox, Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, the Tea Party,etc are all doing a fantastic job.
But... but Fox claims to be "fair and balanced."
Other than hard lefties, no one even knows what Media Matters is.

It's like watching Canadian Football or Taiwanese soccer.
Actually they are starting to get noticed by more than just wingnuts as wingnuts. The problem with Media Matters is that when you are a self stated "watchdog" going on about liars and organizations that are supposed to be dishonest, and you practic a strong brand of dishonesty yourself, you just end up with the reputation of a nuthouse full of wingnuts. They have even managed to draw the attention of SNL and John Stewart's The Daily Show a couple of times this last year. And not for their stellar fact checking ability or honesty.:roll:

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