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Mark Steyn Tries (again) to Push the Mann Trial Forward (1 Viewer)


You’re totally fine sending other peoples private correspondence to me?

You clearly haven’t thought they the consequences.

I referred to my own PM's sent to others. In fact, there are technical reasons this would not be feasible.
The analogy with UA fails anyway, because that is a public institution and all emails are public property. I recall well that we were regularly advised in the federal government that there was no expectation of privacy in our emails on our government accounts.
Any news?

I heard a rumour that Mann had finnaly lost.


Massive counterclaims, in excess of $10 million, have just been filed against climate scientist Michael Mann after lawyers affirmed that the former golden boy of global warming alarmism had sensationally failed in his exasperating three-year bid to sue skeptic Canadian climatologist, Tim Ball. Door now wide open for criminal investigation into Climategate conspiracy.

2014. ??


"The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball… is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a “hoax.”

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/07/things_get_hot_for_michael_mann.html#ixzz5XhO5pErG
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Heh heh.

Cornered and squealing.

[h=3]Climate Scientist Michael Mann Releases Emails Ahead of University ...[/h]


12 hours ago - Within these thousands of emails, climate change deniers attempted to ... MannReleases Emails Ahead of University of Arizona Response to ...

I have spent much effort in the years since “Climategate” explaining why scientists’ research correspondence needs to be protected from legal bullying. Anyone who truly cares about the research can and should review the published papers and underlying data, directly evaluating a study’s methodologies, analyses, and conclusions.

Although I will not willing allow you to see either of those things.

Ah, I see;


You don't have permission to access /.../michael-mann-statement-arizona-emails-released-eeli on this server.
Apache Server at DeSmogBlog | Clearing the PR Pollution that Clouds Climate Science Port 80
Apparently, deniers can’t read instructions well enough to access the files.

What’s the likelihood they can read the emails without reflexively denying?
It's the second of Jack's links. That should take you to the emails. But it is verboten!

Ah, yes, I see in the text.


The fruit-loop-o-sphere won’t be able to get the information because they can’t follow simple instructions.

But they ‘know’ the scientific consensus is wrong because they do math.

[h=1]Mann Emails Released[/h]Posted on 30 Nov 18 by PAUL MATTHEWS 1 Comment
A batch of Michael Mann’s emails have been released, following a request and legal action, see here for background. The emails are available at this link. There are 728 emails or they can be arranged in 361 threads, covering a period from 1999 to 2005. Quite a lot of them are already public knowledge thanks … Continue reading
[h=1]#Climategate continues – Mann tries to get ahead of his legal problem, releases his own version of emails[/h][FONT=&quot]Press Release November 30, 2018 On January 6th, 2011, the University of Virginia was asked to disgorge the emails of Dr. Michael Mann that were associated with his work on global warming. The University refused some, but not all of that request. They did, however, give all the requested public records to Dr. Mann who also refused…
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[h=1]Another Manntastic law footnote: the process is the punishment[/h][FONT=&quot]Mark Steyn recently wrote: In a couple of months, Michael E Mann’s defamation suit against me will enter its sixth year in the constipated bowels of DC justice. Given the proceduralist swamp in which the case is now mired, it is not unreasonable to assume that its ultimate disposition will consume most of my remaining time on…
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[h=1]Another Manntastic law footnote: the process is the punishment[/h][FONT="][FONT=inherit]Mark Steyn recently wrote: In a couple of months, Michael E Mann’s defamation suit against me will enter its sixth year in the constipated bowels of DC justice. Given the proceduralist swamp in which the case is now mired, it is not unreasonable to assume that its ultimate disposition will consume most of my remaining time on…[/FONT]
[FONT=inherit][URL="https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/12/13/another-manntastic-law-footnote-the-process-is-the-punishment/"]Continue reading →[/URL][/FONT]

Greetings, Jack. :2wave:

Six years to judge a defamation case is unbelievable! How is this possible in our country? :thumbdown:
Greetings, Jack. :2wave:

Six years to judge a defamation case is unbelievable! How is this possible in our country? :thumbdown:

Sit down and have a little think, Polgara.

In who’s interests is it to delay the progress of a defamation suit as long as possible?
Sit down and have a little think, Polgara.

In who’s interests is it to delay the progress of a defamation suit as long as possible?

Greetings, Threegoofs. :2wave:

Off the top of my head, I would say the accused. Since that was almost too easy, why is this being handled the way it has been so far? Since I believe there must be merit to the defamation lawsuit, what justification is being used so that it may continue on and on for years with no resolution? That is unfair IMO, 3G! :thumbdown:
Greetings, Threegoofs. :2wave:

Off the top of my head, I would say the accused. Since that was almost too easy, why is this being handled the way it has been so far? Since I believe there must be merit to the defamation lawsuit, what justification is being used so that it may continue on and on for years with no resolution? That is unfair IMO, 3G! :thumbdown:

Well, if you want to know the truth, I suggest you avoid Jack’s posts.

It’s a complex suit, with multiple defendants who are stretching it out because Steyn won’t work with the publisher. Is he causing the delays deliberately? I don’t know. He’s pretty smarmy.
Greetings, Jack. :2wave:

Six years to judge a defamation case is unbelievable! How is this possible in our country? :thumbdown:

It's possible because no one is willing or able to hold the justice system accountable for its incompetence or corruption. Prosecutors are never punished for actions that would terminate the careers of private market executives (if not land them in jail), lunatic judges have nothing to fear but a verbal wrap on their knuckles from higher courts for idiotic rulings, and judges seem unable or unwilling to hold civil servants and officials accountable for their contempt of the law or the court... unless its a politically charged issue.

Look at how many times and for how long the great bureaucracy successfully defies FOI from citizen requests and court orders. Judges may rail and threaten to throw folks in jail, but it never happens (some years ago a well-known treasure hunter was in a court battle with the state of Florida over a fortune in gold in a shipwreck he discovered - he won the case repeatedly, up and down the system, each time the State of Florida refused to comply with court orders and give him his gold - it took ten years and a single judge who had the balls to tell a state attorney that if the guy didn't get his gold on Monday, the states attorney must report to jail Tuesday. The scum finally obeyed.).

The right to a speedy trial in the US is a farce; this case started in 2012 and after any hearing the judges have taken years to render an opinion, then the next step follows with the same foot-dragging. For those who have followed the case the reason is obvious: the judges in the DC court are determined to help Mann, but they also know that their opinions will be trashed should it be tested by the Supreme Court. They also know that when everyone from the New York Times, to the ACLU, to the conservatives all think these judges opinions are a threat to free speech - the judges will be ridiculed.

So the feckless and incompetent hacks delay, delay, and delay.
Well, if you want to know the truth, I suggest you avoid Jack’s posts.

It’s a complex suit, with multiple defendants who are stretching it out because Steyn won’t work with the publisher. Is he causing the delays deliberately? I don’t know. He’s pretty smarmy.

What has Jack to do with this?

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