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IS this ad racist? (1 Viewer)

IS this ad racist?

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In the beginning of the commercial it said "Cricket survival guide".

If you know about Cricket, you know its a LOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG game. He was going to be stuck in that little "party" for up to four days.

It's actually a sports joke (note the different color Jersey he's wearing) that doesn't translate well to US consumers.
Justin, a test match should be played over five days.:)
This is the perfect example of cultural projection. I find it interesting that people have commented that under Australian culture fried-chicken is not a black sterotype. But what surprises me is that know one has sufficiently commented on the fact that the black people in the video are meant to be Jamaicans not African Americans.... So the fried chicken stereotype is neither associated with Australian or Jamaican culture. Or do some African Americans assume that any reference to english speaking-black people automatically equates to African-Americans.

The real reason that KFC pulled the ad is that in this day and age of the internet, continued use of this advert could have resulted in a boycott of their products or at least a lot of flack within the U.S.

I've seen the adds, if anything it makes the guy look like some sort of social retard. Apparently he can't talk to these people in normal conversation, thus he must resort to bribes of the hydrogenated chicken kind. In the series of adverts, there is an ad where he pinches a KFC product from a person knocked out by a stray cricket ball, and in another he pinches tickets from a scapler by pretending to be a cop. Either way the guy is a dick but not a racists.

Oh and by the way people, its ****ing fried chicken, I could not give a fancy **** if persons take the piss out my heritage by associating Scottish people with haggis, Tennants Lager or Irn Bru. Seeessssccccchhhhh.
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That's why cricket has the highest suicide rate of any sport. That's what I call commitment!
is that startling fact about the suicide rate of Aussie fans when we retain the ashes.:shock:
Oh and by the way people, its ****ing fried chicken, I could not give a fancy **** if persons take the piss out my heritage by associating Scottish people with haggis, Tennants Lager or Irn Bru. Seeessssccccchhhhh.
I concur Jock, and I will nut the first person who mention that one of your relative's must have stolen a loaf of white bread to get them out there in the first place;)
For this ad to be racist a marketing executive made a proposal like this

"Hey guys heres my idea theres this white guy and get stuck at a cricket game with all these black people,and hes like "oh no not black people""."Then he thinks i know everyone knows black people love chicken i will give them some and that will shut them up".

and then his boss went "brilliant lets run with it"
Probably it's a little racist, but there is no need to avoid the fact that people of different races have their differences - and that can usually be in a good way. We can enjoy and laugh at each others differences.

We had a Popeye's and a Churches go broke with Katrina. I'm just sick about not having nearby chicken! That used to be a treat!
Fried Chicken is a part of Southern cooking and therefore traditionally an American Black dish, and a generally Southeast American specialty. Another reason for the tendency toward obesity in the South, btw.

Is it racist to suggest that Blacks have their own cuisine?
Fried Chicken is a part of Southern cooking and therefore traditionally an American Black dish, and a generally Southeast American specialty. Another reason for the tendency toward obesity in the South, btw.

Is it racist to suggest that Blacks have their own cuisine?

One woman seems to think so?:shock:

Also what IS a stereotype-free menu? I mean people could find offense in any little item?
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Fried Chicken is a part of Southern cooking and therefore traditionally an American Black dish, and a generally Southeast American specialty. Another reason for the tendency toward obesity in the South, btw.

Is it racist to suggest that Blacks have their own cuisine?

What if he was also passing out watermelon and grape drink?
Considering the OP was posted asking the question by (i believe) an American I voted "Only in the US would it be considered racist". Not saying that you think it is James, just that if the question had to be asked then I'm sure that there is someone, somewhere in the US that does think it is. Idiotic, but...well there ya have it.
For this ad to be racist a marketing executive made a proposal like this

"Hey guys heres my idea theres this white guy and get stuck at a cricket game with all these black people,and hes like "oh no not black people""."Then he thinks i know everyone knows black people love chicken i will give them some and that will shut them up".

and then his boss went "brilliant lets run with it"

I believe the point of the ad was that the people surrounding the guy were rooting for the opposite team that hailed from an African nation. That's what I gleaned.
Probably, but so what.
Racism is not dead. Nor is stupidity.
I did not nor will I look at anyone's advertisement, if I can help it.
Advertising is propaganda.
Considering the OP was posted asking the question by (i believe) an American I voted "Only in the US would it be considered racist". Not saying that you think it is James, just that if the question had to be asked then I'm sure that there is someone, somewhere in the US that does think it is. Idiotic, but...well there ya have it.
To the American who did know the ad was made in Australia and and or that the stereotype that black people love chicken was only an American stereotype any American would think the ad was racist.

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