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If America banned the Second Ammendment tomorrow what would you do? (1 Viewer)

If America banned the Second Ammendment tomorrow what would you do?

  • Join a violent revolution

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • Start a National Petition to repeal the act

    Votes: 17 25.4%
  • Move out the Country

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Celebrate

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Go on with my life and comply with the new law

    Votes: 17 25.4%
  • Other - state opinion below

    Votes: 9 13.4%

  • Total voters
I doubt anyone would be sitting on a couch when violent revolution happens in the United States.
I doubt anyone would be sitting on a couch when violent revolution happens in the United States.
Agreed. I think sides would be chosen and things would run their course. Hopefully this will never be a problem obviously.
Agreed. I think sides would be chosen and things would run their course. Hopefully this will never be a problem obviously.

It would be a stupid move either way. If the government ever tried to ban the right to bear arms, they'd have to somehow enforce such a ban. That's going to be when the **** hits the fan. I frankly don't see it happening.
I try any legal means available to me to get the ban repealed, but that would be the end of it. I don't care enough about the matter to rebel against the government over it.
I have two questions molten_dragon;

Are there any other amendments in the Bill of Rights that you consider expendable and unworthy of defending?


Are there any amendments you consider important enough to spur you to action should government repeal them?
It would be a stupid move either way. If the government ever tried to ban the right to bear arms, they'd have to somehow enforce such a ban. That's going to be when the **** hits the fan. I frankly don't see it happening.
Yeah, my thinking is politicians collectively would have to have a psychotic level of arrogance to even consider it as a possible political move. Then They would have to find an enforcement mechanism because I'm certain they would get a lot of badges turned in due to the officials not wanting to get shot dead for someone else's **** up.
Yeah, my thinking is politicians collectively would have to have a psychotic level of arrogance to even consider it as a possible political move. Then They would have to find an enforcement mechanism because I'm certain they would get a lot of badges turned in due to the officials not wanting to get shot dead for someone else's **** up.

IF the British and Australians have taught us anything is that politicians who wish to disarm the populace will use a tragedy involving a firearm to try to ban and or severely restrict firearms after decades of severe anti-gun laws that have gradually disarmed a lot of people and made those who never fired a firearm scared of firearms and very willing to accept a ban. Baby steps.
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IF the British and Australians have taught us anything is that politicians who wish to disarm the populace will use a tragedy involving a firearm to try to ban and or severely restrict firearms after decades of severe anti-gun laws that have gradually disarmed a lot of people and made those who never fired a firearm scared of firearms and very willing to accept a ban. Baby steps.
True, this is why I fight so hard here and hope others will as well. One mass shooting in Australia was all it took, I don't want that here.
I'd up my husband's life insurance because the old coot would grab his shotgun, jump in his truck and gun down the first politician/judge he happened upon that had supported the ban.

Then I'd have my glock gold-plated, and wait for the revolution. What the hell, maybe I'd even mount wheels on my oxygen tank and lead the damned thing myself!
No, I am talking about using firearms to overcome a tyrannical government that rapes and pillages its own citizenry. And I think you already know that so I wonder how you could possibly utter such a question honestly?

Where exactly did you make the jump to rape and pillaging of citizens from a disagreement about the meaning of language?
Unless I'm mistaken the crime would be treason rather than tyranny, because a politician would have to violate the constitution, betray their nation and usurp the rights of the people in order to enter into tyranny.

Capital Punishment would definately be an effective deterrent, providing said politician wasn't suicidal or stark raving mad.

All in favor say aye___AYE! :minigavel

History has shown us that the least tolerant of dissention are by far the communists.

100 million murdered in the name of equality and social justice__And this was after the revolutions.

engaging in tyranny would require a politician to crap on the constitution.
IF the British and Australians have taught us anything is that politicians who wish to disarm the populace will use a tragedy involving a firearm to try to ban and or severely restrict firearms after decades of severe anti-gun laws that have gradually disarmed a lot of people and made those who never fired a firearm scared of firearms and very willing to accept a ban. Baby steps.

trust me, people like sarah brady, josh sugarmann, diane feinswein and chuck schumer have orgasms when they hear about stuff like Columbine of the VT massacres.
Where exactly did you make the jump to rape and pillaging of citizens from a disagreement about the meaning of language?

I didn't make that jump-it was your interpretation of what you hoped I said
Agreed. I think sides would be chosen and things would run their course. Hopefully this will never be a problem obviously.

Something else to think about is the bigger picture. If the United States clashed in civil war again, other countries around the world might take advantage of this.
Something else to think about is the bigger picture. If the United States clashed in civil war again, other countries around the world might take advantage of this.
It's possible, one thing they would have to consider though is we might take a break from killing each other to royally **** up foreign invaders, then go back to killing each other. We're a nation of multi-taskers after all.
If the second ammendment were banned I would wait for enforcment. When they come to my home to take my firearms I will most likely be killed. I am not giving them up. Give me liberty or give me death!
That's what I said Turtle except you substituted "crap on" for "violate".

Great, I will count you as an ally on this issue
If the second ammendment were banned I would wait for enforcment. When they come to my home to take my firearms I will most likely be killed. I am not giving them up. Give me liberty or give me death!

wrong answer!!-don't wait for them to come and have to deal with some cop obeying orders, go out and be proactive-remember

when shooting is banned-shoot the banners!!:mrgreen:
Everyone always speaks big on this issue but they have been restricting it when they have no authority to do so for decades and which one of them did anything about it? A big fat none. I can't just say I will revolt because no one will ****ing join me! It will be a party of one getting shot in the street.


why would they need to overturn the 2nd Amendment legally when they can do so administratively? Make it so time consuming, expensive, and difficult to jump through the hoops that no one legally exercises their rights.
There's this little thing you can buy called a holster...
Uh-huh, I think I'll pass on the holster__That is so not me, thank-you.

Unless of course I can find something by Prada or maybe even a Louis Vuitton.
Are the people claiming they would shoot police officers who would enforce a gun ban Ron Paul supporters?

The courage people have behind anonymous IDs on forums is impressive.
Who needs guns to take people out when we have Teddy Kennedy's car?

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