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ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Ea (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2016
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The point often brought p by Trump is that he's just trying to make sure that immigrants come here legally. However, it seems like the latest sting operation conducted by ICE has snared up immigrants for trying to enroll in a fake college (set up by ICE to catch illegal immigrants). Unfortunately, it seems that most of the enrollees were here legally and were enrolling to renew their student visas.

Students were told by ICE's fake university they were complying with immigration laws by applying for continuing education. This was buttressed by the bogus accreditation obtained by the agency. Students thought they were taking the next step to extend their stays in the US -- all of it completely legal -- until it became apparent the fake university would never be holding classes or handing out degrees.

While there may have been a few people taking advantage of immigrants by either lying to them about their visa status or charging fees to route them into another university, a majority of those swept up in ICE's sting were following the law. If the government says you can stay and work in the country as long as you continue your education, students applying to ICE's bogus university were in full compliance. All told, 149 duped students were arrested, but only eight of them are actually facing charges for what's detailed in the indictment.

link to article: ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Earned Degrees | Techdirt

These people were trying to follow the law by enrolling in a university to renew their visas. But they ended up getting caught in a sting operation obviously meant for ILLEGAL immigrants. And on top of that, each of them paid $100 and none of them were reimbursed. Thankfully, of the 148 students who got arrested, only 8 of them are actually facing charges. Still, it's a major breach of trust to honest immigrants.
This is one that DEF has Trump's fingerprints all over it :lamo :lamo :lamo
If they are taking money for services not intended to be rendered, isn't that fraud?
If they are taking money for services not intended to be rendered, isn't that fraud?


what was the University named? El Trumpo University?

The point often brought p by Trump is that he's just trying to make sure that immigrants come here legally. However, it seems like the latest sting operation conducted by ICE has snared up immigrants for trying to enroll in a fake college (set up by ICE to catch illegal immigrants). Unfortunately, it seems that most of the enrollees were here legally and were enrolling to renew their student visas.

link to article: ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Earned Degrees | Techdirt

These people were trying to follow the law by enrolling in a university to renew their visas. But they ended up getting caught in a sting operation obviously meant for ILLEGAL immigrants. And on top of that, each of them paid $100 and none of them were reimbursed. Thankfully, of the 148 students who got arrested, only 8 of them are actually facing charges. Still, it's a major breach of trust to honest immigrants.

This smells like something that disgusting little troll Stephen Miller would think of.
The point often brought p by Trump is that he's just trying to make sure that immigrants come here legally. However, it seems like the latest sting operation conducted by ICE has snared up immigrants for trying to enroll in a fake college (set up by ICE to catch illegal immigrants). Unfortunately, it seems that most of the enrollees were here legally and were enrolling to renew their student visas.

link to article: ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Earned Degrees | Techdirt

These people were trying to follow the law by enrolling in a university to renew their visas. But they ended up getting caught in a sting operation obviously meant for ILLEGAL immigrants. And on top of that, each of them paid $100 and none of them were reimbursed. Thankfully, of the 148 students who got arrested, only 8 of them are actually facing charges. Still, it's a major breach of trust to honest immigrants.

From your link
a majority of those swept up in ICE's sting were following the law.

The majority of those, what is the actual number, and what about those not following the law. So ICE sets up a phony university and rounds up a lot of immigrants, some are doing what is legal and let go, have a nice day, and the others are illegal and you come with me.

I take it you want the illegals to be let free.
From your link
a majority of those swept up in ICE's sting were following the law.

The majority of those, what is the actual number, and what about those not following the law. So ICE sets up a phony university and rounds up a lot of immigrants, some are doing what is legal and let go, have a nice day, and the others are illegal and you come with me.

I take it you want the illegals to be let free.

You're defending the government setting up fake colleges to primarily waste Americans and legal immigrants time in the hopes they might catch a few illegals? What the hell is the matter with you?
From your link
a majority of those swept up in ICE's sting were following the law.

The majority of those, what is the actual number, and what about those not following the law. So ICE sets up a phony university and rounds up a lot of immigrants, some are doing what is legal and let go, have a nice day, and the others are illegal and you come with me.

I take it you want the illegals to be let free.

Oh look, another Con who doesn't bother to read the article PROVIDED: Here just so you don't have to read the BIG words form the article:

In addition to taking $100 application fees from over 600 students, ICE also hoovered up an untold amount of tuition fees.

Eight people were arrested and indicted in an immigration fraud case for conspiracy to commit visa fraud and harboring aliens for profit, said the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan Matthew Schneider.

So out of the over 600 students defrauded by the U.S. government, 8 were arrested. I'd call that a fail on the government's part.
You're defending the government setting up fake colleges to primarily waste Americans and legal immigrants time in the hopes they might catch a few illegals? What the hell is the matter with you?

Enforcement of all kinds set up all kinds of deception to catch criminals all the time. In fact an officer can lie to you to get information from you that you would not probably turn over. This is routine.

What are you complaining about, Christ you've seen first hand how Mueller operates and you're all OK with his schemes and lies to get a person to roll over, who you defend his practices.

And you have no actual numbers to support a "few illegals" do your homework.
Law Enforcement has been setting up fake things to draw criminals in from time immemorial. Is this supposed to be an indictment on ICE because they used a ruse to lure in illegals?
It's funny to watch criminals get lured in by free stuff. They just can''t help themselves.
The point often brought p by Trump is that he's just trying to make sure that immigrants come here legally. However, it seems like the latest sting operation conducted by ICE has snared up immigrants for trying to enroll in a fake college (set up by ICE to catch illegal immigrants). Unfortunately, it seems that most of the enrollees were here legally and were enrolling to renew their student visas.

link to article: ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Earned Degrees | Techdirt

These people were trying to follow the law by enrolling in a university to renew their visas. But they ended up getting caught in a sting operation obviously meant for ILLEGAL immigrants. And on top of that, each of them paid $100 and none of them were reimbursed. Thankfully, of the 148 students who got arrested, only 8 of them are actually facing charges. Still, it's a major breach of trust to honest immigrants.
My first question would have to be: How long had these people's visas been expired for? How many other institutions had they applied for?
Enforcement of all kinds set up all kinds of deception to catch criminals all the time. In fact an officer can lie to you to get information from you that you would not probably turn over. This is routine.

What are you complaining about, Christ you've seen first hand how Mueller operates and you're all OK with his schemes and lies to get a person to roll over, who you defend his practices.

And you have no actual numbers to support a "few illegals" do your homework.

Read the article. 600 Americans and legal immigrants defrauded by the US government. Lives severely impacted. Americans who thought they were signing up for a legitimate college are now sitting the semester out. Wouldn't it be easier to just send the government house to house for searches? Some of you far right nutters really scare me.

Law Enforcement has been setting up fake things to draw criminals in from time immemorial. Is this supposed to be an indictment on ICE because they used a ruse to lure in illegals?
It's funny to watch criminals get lured in by free stuff. They just can''t help themselves.

I know you're not a reader, but 98% of the people were Americans or legal immigrants and they charged tuition. Do you just make things up out of emotion?
Law Enforcement has been setting up fake things to draw criminals in from time immemorial. Is this supposed to be an indictment on ICE because they used a ruse to lure in illegals?
It's funny to watch criminals get lured in by free stuff. They just can''t help themselves.

I have no problem with them setting stings up. I have a problem with them not refunding the innocent people their money and wasting their time and instead of trying to get drug dealers they are trying to get people that want to be productive in society.
My first question would be how long has the person been out of compliance with their visa?
It appears "compassionate conservatives" has gone the way of dinosaurs.

Comparing someone who overstays their visa, or comes here to work, to send money home to their families due to horrendous conditions at home....to criminals that actually cause harm to people....is insensitive and lacks any empathy for their fellow humans.

Many of these people are desperate to feed their kids, or take care of their parents, and are willing to get arrested to do so...even though they are not causing any harm, except for working for money.

How anyone with that disgusting attitude can call themself a Christian....is the mother of all hypocrisy.

And if one is a conservative, and not a Christian...that just means you are a selfish jerk.

Atheists have more compassion and empathy.
The point often brought p by Trump is that he's just trying to make sure that immigrants come here legally. However, it seems like the latest sting operation conducted by ICE has snared up immigrants for trying to enroll in a fake college (set up by ICE to catch illegal immigrants). Unfortunately, it seems that most of the enrollees were here legally and were enrolling to renew their student visas.

link to article: ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Earned Degrees | Techdirt

These people were trying to follow the law by enrolling in a university to renew their visas. But they ended up getting caught in a sting operation obviously meant for ILLEGAL immigrants. And on top of that, each of them paid $100 and none of them were reimbursed. Thankfully, of the 148 students who got arrested, only 8 of them are actually facing charges. Still, it's a major breach of trust to honest immigrants.

This isn't really breaking news -- there was another thread on it previously.

It sounds like there may have been some questionable actions on ICE's part - and I'd like to hear their explanation as this progresses. This also wasn't the first time they've done it, so it's not really a novel idea, and didn't start under this administration.

But the key thing that's kind of glossed over in this article is that it was a fake university, and the students knew it was fake. There was no staff or classes. The students were signing up so they could stay in the US under student visas, without taking classes. That's not to say that some might have been caught up in the application process thinking it was real, but they should have figured it out quickly when there were no classes.
It appears "compassionate conservatives" has gone the way of dinosaurs.

Comparing someone who overstays their visa, or comes here to work, to send money home to their families due to horrendous conditions at home....to criminals that actually cause harm to people....is insensitive and lacks any empathy for their fellow humans.

Many of these people are desperate to feed their kids, or take care of their parents, and are willing to get arrested to do so...even though they are not causing any harm, except for working for money.

How anyone with that disgusting attitude can call themself a Christian....is the mother of all hypocrisy.

And if one is a conservative, and not a Christian...that just means you are a selfish jerk.

Atheists have more compassion and empathy.

False morality, does not an argument make.
Read the article. 600 Americans and legal immigrants defrauded by the US government. Lives severely impacted. Americans who thought they were signing up for a legitimate college are now sitting the semester out. Wouldn't it be easier to just send the government house to house for searches? Some of you far right nutters really scare me.

I know you're not a reader, but 98% of the people were Americans or legal immigrants and they charged tuition. Do you just make things up out of emotion?

ICE is being turned into a goon squad...Time to disband it
This isn't really breaking news -- there was another thread on it previously.

It sounds like there may have been some questionable actions on ICE's part - and I'd like to hear their explanation as this progresses. This also wasn't the first time they've done it, so it's not really a novel idea, and didn't start under this administration.

But the key thing that's kind of glossed over in this article is that it was a fake university, and the students knew it was fake. There was no staff or classes. The students were signing up so they could stay in the US under student visas, without taking classes. That's not to say that some might have been caught up in the application process thinking it was real, but they should have figured it out quickly when there were no classes.

All in all, I like that those who were found to not be breaking the law. Were just released after the fact was discovered, though I don't think this is that good of a sting for what kind of criminal is being searched for.

We've seen law enforcement catch felons who attempted to turn in a "winning" lottery number, or claim a "prize" they received online. But they just need to find a better means to catch illegal immigrants other then this tactic.
This isn't really breaking news -- there was another thread on it previously.

It sounds like there may have been some questionable actions on ICE's part - and I'd like to hear their explanation as this progresses. This also wasn't the first time they've done it, so it's not really a novel idea, and didn't start under this administration.

But the key thing that's kind of glossed over in this article is that it was a fake university, and the students knew it was fake. There was no staff or classes. The students were signing up so they could stay in the US under student visas, without taking classes. That's not to say that some might have been caught up in the application process thinking it was real, but they should have figured it out quickly when there were no classes.

So the Americans who applied it knowing better, paid their tuition and tried to show up to class should at that point have known it was a scam, perpetrated by the government? Their semester is kind of screwed at that point isn't it? Kind of hard to switch to a legitimate college at that point. The things you people will defend is astounding. The government defrauding Americans as a fishing scheme for illegals.

All in all, I like that those who were found to not be breaking the law. Were just released after the fact was discovered, though I don't think this is that good of a sting for what kind of criminal is being searched for.

We've seen law enforcement catch felons who attempted to turn in a "winning" lottery number, or claim a "prize" they received online. But they just need to find a better means to catch illegal immigrants other then this tactic.

Oh yeah, so after these Americans and legal immigrants found out it was a scam run by the government, they were "released", how gracious of them! Sure their semester is ****ed and time was severely wasted, but any scheme no matter how immoral and how many Americans it screws is worth it if we catch a few illegals right?
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Oh yeah, so after these Americans and legal immigrants found out it was a scam run by the government, they were "released", how gracious of them! Sure their semester is ****ed and time was severely wasted, but any scheme no matter how immoral and how many Americans it screws is worth it if we catch a few illegals right?

It's A tactic, not THE tactic. Though I don't hold animus against them for trying this, it's obvious that some other kinks could've been worked out of the system they implemented. That being said, I'm pretty sure the article doesn't' cover everything that came about from this and it's most likely overselling some of the issues as well. After reading the first paragraph, one could tell just how partisan this whole piece was going to be. So I'm not going to hold out on the suspicion that they're lying out of their ass, at least partially. On one aspect of the case, or another.

All in all, it's actually negligible what has been done here. Just a little bit more study time for the actual students and then they can get right back to class finding a more appropriate class. Though this time, my advise would be to read up on what exactly is going on with such a class that you're signing up on.
It's A tactic, not THE tactic. Though I don't hold animus against them for trying this, it's obvious that some other kinks could've been worked out of the system they implemented. That being said, I'm pretty sure the article doesn't' cover everything that came about from this and it's most likely overselling some of the issues as well. After reading the first paragraph, one could tell just how partisan this whole piece was going to be. So I'm not going to hold out on the suspicion that they're lying out of their ass, at least partially. On one aspect of the case, or another.

All in all, it's actually negligible what has been done here. Just a little bit more study time for the actual students and then they can get right back to class finding a more appropriate class. Though this time, my advise would be to read up on what exactly is going on with such a class that you're signing up on.

Jesus ****ing christ. ICE defrauds Americans and wastes 6 months of their time and you say "good, they have more study time". You are unbelievably morally bankrupt.
The point often brought p by Trump is that he's just trying to make sure that immigrants come here legally. However, it seems like the latest sting operation conducted by ICE has snared up immigrants for trying to enroll in a fake college (set up by ICE to catch illegal immigrants). Unfortunately, it seems that most of the enrollees were here legally and were enrolling to renew their student visas.

link to article: ICE Set Up A Fake College To Bust Immigrants For Trying To Legally Stay In The Country While They Earned Degrees | Techdirt

These people were trying to follow the law by enrolling in a university to renew their visas. But they ended up getting caught in a sting operation obviously meant for ILLEGAL immigrants. And on top of that, each of them paid $100 and none of them were reimbursed. Thankfully, of the 148 students who got arrested, only 8 of them are actually facing charges. Still, it's a major breach of trust to honest immigrants.

Why is it a problem to catch and release legal immigrants while conducting operations to catch and deport illegal immigrants? Have you ever been detained by police as part of a large group of mostly innocent bystanders held for questioning during a murder investigation in the brief moments following a murder?
You're defending the government setting up fake colleges to primarily waste Americans and legal immigrants time in the hopes they might catch a few illegals? What the hell is the matter with you?
Don't we also primarily waste american's time in the hopes of catching a few pedophiles in sting operations just like this? I hardly see the difference. If they're following the law, they're fine. If they're not, they'll be dealt with accordingly.
Jesus ****ing christ. ICE defrauds Americans and wastes 6 months of their time and you say "good, they have more study time". You are unbelievably morally bankrupt.

Some of us think it's morally bankrupt to come here illegally, when we have a visa/immigration process they can go through, like everyone else. Must we always live in the days of the late 1800's-1930's great migrations and the chaos that brought? We have a system now, people should use it.

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