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I will soon have a reason to visit Detroit (1 Viewer)

Absolutely ridiculous. I'm from Mi and the last thing I think Detroit needs is a statue of a pretend crime fighter. LOLOLOLOL! Give me a break! What Detroits needs is a mayor and other politicians that have its best interests at heart rather than their own. If one thinks Detroit is such a beautiful city, then all one has to do it drive in any direction out of the downtown area and you'll see what a crack ridden city looks like. A new statue? LOLOLOL! Indeed......I guess they'll be able to send that robo statue out on the streets to start kicking the butts of the drug runners, car thieves, rapists, and murderers. Maybe they'd better build a complete force of them, since the real crime fighters can't seem to get it under control.
Robocop will kill the recession.
Absolute awesomeness. It fits. You'd be surprised what there are statues of around the world.

Absolutely ridiculous. I'm from Mi and the last thing I think Detroit needs is a statue of a pretend crime fighter. LOLOLOLOL! Give me a break! What Detroits needs is a mayor and other politicians that have its best interests at heart rather than their own. If one thinks Detroit is such a beautiful city, then all one has to do it drive in any direction out of the downtown area and you'll see what a crack ridden city looks like. A new statue? LOLOLOL! Indeed......I guess they'll be able to send that robo statue out on the streets to start kicking the butts of the drug runners, car thieves, rapists, and murderers. Maybe they'd better build a complete force of them, since the real crime fighters can't seem to get it under control.

Way to hate on the cool, Tool.

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