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I truly hate Trump supporters (1 Viewer)

Rather antisemetic of you.

Don't think you even know what the word means. How is pointing out someone is not a Jew, anti-Semetic? Nice try con, learn what the word means before you post your garbage.
Don't think you even know what the word means. How is pointing out someone is not a Jew, anti-Semetic? Nice try con, learn what the word means before you post your garbage.

If I said, that black person over there isn't really black, or is "black in name only". what do you think the response would be?

Half his family are orthodox Jews. can't get much "not just in name" than that. Hate them all you want. but your claim to me seems anti-semetic.
If I said, that black person over there isn't really black, or is "black in name only". what do you think the response would be?

Half his family are orthodox Jews. can't get much "not just in name" than that. Hate them all you want. but your claim to me seems anti-semetic.

Nope they're Jews in name only and no it's not antisemetic to point that out. Too bad for you con that you don't even understand the basics. Your belief doesn't trump facts that it isn't antisemitic. Learn what the word means con before you post your pathetic retarded garbage posts.
Nope they're Jews in name only and no it's not antisemetic to point that out. Too bad for you con that you don't even understand the basics. Your belief doesn't trump facts that it isn't antisemitic. Learn what the word means con before you post your pathetic retarded garbage posts.

How specifically are they "jews in name only"? SPecifically?
How specifically are they "jews in name only"? SPecifically?

Because they aren't really Jews. Really easy to figure it out con. Did you learn what the word antisemetic really means yet? :lamo
Voting third party in that case was the only sane option left other than not voting at all.

My father believes that all politicians are liars, cheats, and crooks; therefore he won't vote for any of them. He moves through this world without the burden of political opinion, and will not offer further comment on politics. Considering our discussion, you therefore believe that my father is amongst the sane and I am not.

I knew full well that my ballot had a stench about it, I don't think I can quite call myself insane, however. Well played. :lol:
My father believes that all politicians are liars, cheats, and crooks; therefore he won't vote for any of them. He moves through this world without the burden of political opinion, and will not offer further comment on politics. Considering our discussion, you therefore believe that my father is amongst the sane and I am not.

I knew full well that my ballot had a stench about it, I don't think I can quite call myself insane, however. Well played. :lol:

LOL, you know politics is all about perspectives. You have Republicans who believe the Democrats are the worst evil in the world and Democrats who believe the same about Republicans. That is their perspectives on politics. I wouldn't call either one right. In fact I think both are wrong. The key word think or from my perspective. But there will be no convincing those die hards of either party. No need to try in my opinion.

Gallup had a poll in which it stated 25% of all Americans disliked both Trump and Clinton. Yet only 6% of the total electorate followed through on their dislike of both major party candidates and voted third party. The remaining 19% held their nose and probably voted for the candidate they disliked the least. They pulled a you it seems.

I doubt if that 25% who disliked both major party candidates did follow through with their convictions and voted third party, none of the third party candidates wouldn't have won any states as the votes would have been divided up between Johnson, Stein, Castle, Mullen and a few others. But what a message it would have sent! Can you imagine waking up Wednesday morning after the election to find out Clinton won the popular by a 38-37 margin instead of 48-46. That would be a message worth sending. That just because you pick the two nominees in our two party system, that we Americans are willing to vote for someone else when we think you screwed up.

That keep choosing candidates we don't like, we will do something about it. I know, I am dreaming.
Okay I'mma go ahead and speak this out. First Hello everyone my name is Raleigh Daniels Jr and I am new to this forum, this is a welcoming forum for me to truly express myself politically rather than raining it all down on Twitter or Facebook.

Listen, not all Trump Supporters are evil. It was a terrible election year between the Annoying Orange and the Evil Godmother. In this day and age we must not divide ourselves but understand why he was elected. Are some Trump Supporters a bunch of racist, xenophobic douchebags? Yes, and I am not afraid to admit it, but are there those who voted for him felt that the Democratic Party abandoned their interest? Yes. Trump is the side effect of the mass political affluenza infecting this nation. Instead of hating them we should understand them for what they are coming from. There are those who voted for Obama twice who wind up voted for Trump. Now many would say, "Oh it was because of the Bernie Bros" or "Emails" or some ****. Me, it goes something deeper than that.

What do you guys think?
You never got the memo apparently that we are trying to cut down on the levels of hate generated by diversity.

Well said, now... back to you supporting the travel ban.
Well said, now... back to you supporting the travel ban.

Did I do that?

I dont remember doing that, though I did say the courts have disregarded the law in stopping it, and should not have, because they are supposed to be institutions of law, not politics.

Theres a thread of you worshipping trumps superior intellect over everyone else regarding having tweeted that the travel ban is a travel ban. :lol:

If you dont remember where I said it then I bet I never did....I said that Trump has a right to do it, I said that the courts have improperly killed it, I said that there is no chance SCOTUS will support it (If I am wrong about that I might need to retire) but I dont recall ever deciding if the order is the right thing to do.

This is often found be be strange in this day and age but I tend to not make up my mind till I spend some time on the question, I dont get to everything, and if I dont get to the matter or if I cant figure it out goes under "I dont know".

I am old school.
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Theres a thread of you worshipping trumps superior intellect over everyone else regarding having tweeted that the travel ban is a travel ban. :lol:

What Trump has is the power the office of president gives him. Let's face it that power is superior and when he chooses to exercise it the Judiciary should not be re-writing the Constitution to suit their needs.

Remember judges on these courts are appointed, not elected. Trump was elected.
-He attacks every institution in the Republic that is critical of him or his policies. The courts. The intelligence community. The filibuster. His supporters could care less if he undermines faith in the entire system.

This was a prescient observation.
Ok. So you hate Americans. Supporters of Trump support a better America and its principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

Men live and die. It is the institutions that democrat corrupt and weaponize that hurt us all.

A little history:


Wayne Perryman

Understanding history is important because we learn how things come to be as they are today.


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