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How long will Trumpism last? (1 Viewer)

When will Trumpism fade?

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Not to worry. We don't plan on going anywhere.
Then why all the hand wringing over being "replaced"?

On 14 May, in Buffalo, New York, 10 Black people were shot and killed in a grocery store. The 18-year-old alleged shooter is said to have endorsed thegreat replacement theory” – the racist premise that white Americans and Europeans are being actively “replaced” by non-white immigrants. For a brief moment in the aftermath, it seemed the horror of the latest tragedy would be enough to ensure that the conspiracy theory would be consigned to the fringes of the far right whence it came. Instead, the opposite has happened.

The Fox News host Tucker Carlson had mentioned replacement theories more than 400 times on his show before the shooting. Afterwards, he initially sought to distance himself from it. “We’re still not sure exactly what it is,” he claimed on his show on 17 May. In the next breath, though, he doubled down. “Here’s what we do know, for a fact: there’s a strong political component to the Democratic party’s immigration theory … and they say out loud: ‘We are doing this because it helps us to win elections.’”
Well, sure they do. Our superior intellect part of what makes us all "elitists". Trump's appeal to his cult is that he babbles on like a racist drunk at the end of a bar. It's what the cult likes about him, they think he's just like them!
Elites with the intellect of Kamala Harris?
Claudine Gay perhaps?
Ketanji Jackson?
Joe Biden?

The guy at the bar knows how to control the border...wouldn't leave collage kids of any skin colour to be terrorized...knows what a woman is...
And knows what day it is.
This is not a poll about whether you love Trump like he is your Savior or whether you hate Trump with passion.

Americans are stuck with Trumpism. Should he win the next election, it will be with you all for another decade (my guess). If he loses, it may fade by the next election cycle. Or not. Depending if Trump takes the loss poorly and decides to try his luck again in 2028.

Being stuck with Trumpism, there is a belief that "this too shall pass." Just like McCarthyism passed. Like Reaganism passed. Ok, just like Obamaism has passed (despite the comics on here who believe it is Obama running the White House, not Biden).

It has to pass eventually, though some might say it won't. That Trumpism will survive Trump and become a movement.

I have my guess. Trumpism will diminish only after Trump has passed away. Even detoothed, and aging out in Mar something or other, as long as he is breathing, there will be Trumpism. BUT, that is just my guess.

I am interested in YOUR guess.

Trumpism will last as long as enough people can continue winning elections by being Trumpy.
The major separation between the two parties now is that one party prefers people elected via our current system and the other refuses to accept a victory of anyone else except for their candidate. It's why over 100 cops were injured and so many people sent to jail over the failed 1/6/21 coup.

no coup, stop the disinformation please
again, everyone here can see how weird your system is (support trump, deny it, call democrats/liberals/non-republicans republicans).

"weird" is being generous.
Yup, you ought to look at how weird your belief in supporting Trump truly is.
God are you ever a lazy reader...

PolitiFact ruling​

Mostly False
Mostly False

Haley said, "We’ve had 8 million" immigrants come to the U.S. illegally under Biden and they only sent back 142,000."
There have been 8.1 million encounters with migrants nationwide under Biden, but that number does not represent unique individuals. And not all who were stopped were allowed to stay in the U.S.
The 142,000 refers only to ICE removals in fiscal year 2023. But that is not the only way migrants can be sent out of the U.S. There have been 3.6 million removals, returns and expulsions under Biden’s administration. This data also represents events, not people.
Haley’s claim contains an element of truth in the numbers she cites but ignores additional data and critical context about immigration.
We rate it Mostly False.
LOL shoot the messenger fallacy, which is idiotic since that wasnt the article I was referring to, so strawman as well. Keep being you.
If it makes sense perhaps you can explain it.
Why? Youre a lib, so youll never get it.
I can't imagine buying into an ideology that only exists to troll its detractors, but you do you.
Well thats why Trump always puts one on the libs, because you take him too seriously lol
What do you think that says about the mental weakness of Trump loyalists? If they aren't pandering to the latest FOX News host lie, they are just liberal puppets, huh?

Besides that, America fired Trump in 2020, he has even less of a Republican base these days, and even his rallies grow smaller and smaller as the more crazy/malicious among MAGA (Greene, Boebert, DeSantis, Comer, Jordan, etc.) have taken the spotlight as representation of the whole. Thus, "more Trumpism" is not a thing. MAGA is just more desperate to be a majority.

Trumpism has been built around decades of irrational Republican political opposition and obstructionism, around irrationally attacking Democrats as "communists," or "Marxists," or "Fascists," around constantly observing how wrong their own Republicans are about near everything, and the resulting individual temper tantrums of conservatives who lash out to "stick it to a lib" for always being on the correct side of history. The sad thing about this psychological wreckage is that so many of them are oblivious to -or simply do not care- how much damage they have caused the country; and how their blind support is consistently against their own interests. But what really angers me is that they will wrap their BS in an American Flag and package it as "liberty" or "patriotism." Last I checked, those cops on Jan 6, along with the National Guard that showed up afterwards, to protect "liberty" were the "patriots," not MAGA.


Official definition of TDS = "....a pejorative term mainly used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of him, as a way of reframing the discussion..."

You see, the Trump derangement has never been about those who simply observe the man and point out universally-understood, proven facts. When people deny and reject universally-understood, proven facts just to worship a highly-immoral, substandard demagogue, who consistently treats them like customers with open wallets, while consistently betraying their country, those people should consider what "derangement" means.

As is so often the case, right-wing accusations are typically just confessions.
LOL wrong as usual. Your TDS is so obvious its funny.
We can say TDS and know exactly what it means. I have no idea what "Trumpism" means.
Its just another made up lib term, like woke.
LOL. You showed me what former staff have to say about him and none of it says he is an authoritarian, neofascist or anti-Immigrant.

Let's make it harder for you to pretend:

- John Kelly, former Trump Chief of Staff: “...has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. ””…When I pointed out to him the German Generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that. He truly believed, when he brought us Generals in, that we would be loyal – that we would do anything he wanted us to do.”

- Mark Esper, his second Secretary of Defense: “…wanted...Troops on the streets...and suggested actually that we shoot Americans in the street. This is what we see, willingness to flaunt norms and rules, if you will.”

- Gen. Mark Milley, his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution...”

- Anthony Scaramucci, one of many former Communication’s Directors: “...the domestic terrorist of the 21st century.”

- Stephanie Grisham, one of many former Communications Director: “I am terrified of him running in 2024.”

- Chris Christie, his Presidential Transition Vice-Chairman: “...is just out for himself.”

- Tom Bossert, his first Homeland Security Adviser: “...undermined American democracy baselessly for months. ...he’s culpable for this siege, and an utter disgrace."

- Omarosa Manigault Newman, a top aide in charge of his outreach to African Americans: “Donald Trump, who would attack civil rights icons and professional athletes, who would go after grieving black widows, who would say there were good people on both sides, ...I could no longer be a part of this madness.”

Yeah, nothing authoritarian about a "wannabe dictator" who has "contempt for democracy," "undermines democracy," wants to "shoot Americans in the streets," is a "domestic terrorist," and sees "good on both sides" [his neo-Nazis fans]. Autocrats and dictators aren't infamously known for such things at all. And a guy who attacks civil rights icons and praises the good in white supremacists [good on both sides] certainly loves minorities and immigrants, huh? This is what he say’s in private. Pure Trump, as his own Staff has warned you.

What you showed me is that people don't like him... no shit, Sherlock.

I showed you his own Staff, who he, himself, appointed, and spent time with. I guess his own Vice President is just "people" too.

So, going back to your idiotic authoritative definition, your[?] chosen authority is a idiot....

Nah, not my chosen idiot. YOUR chosen idiot. I have never chosen him. By the way, let's see if his own lawyer of twenty years agrees with you:

Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer and fixer: “Donald’s an idiot.”

So, even with what you have observed with your own eyes since 2016, in terms of his verbal messages, behaviors, and actions (I won't waste my time here), and even with his own appointed Staff telling you that he is even worse behind closed doors, you still choose to dismiss it all because...."they just don't like him." And if I'm not mistaken, you were doing this for Trump even before Jan 6 and before you found out that he had created fake electors to steal the election.
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LOL wrong as usual. Your TDS is so obvious its funny.

You should look up what "deranged" means and then reflect on how Trump can say and do absolutely anything, and still command your loyalty and approval.

Derangement: the state of being completely unable to think clearly or behave in a controlled way, especially because of mental illness.

"TDS" was always more about the loyalists who bow in their desperate cult of personality.

....and banned, in the same month he became a member. As the election approaches, there will be more and more of these hit-and-run type posters.
Elites with the intellect of Kamala Harris?
Claudine Gay perhaps?
Ketanji Jackson?
Joe Biden?

The guy at the bar knows how to control the border...wouldn't leave collage kids of any skin colour to be terrorized...knows what a woman is...
And knows what day it is.
Ruh roh! He's gone!
it wasn't - sorry
And don't worry. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies will be ready for the next attempt when the clown-faced cult leader loses in November. He will try it again.
And don't worry. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies will be ready for the next attempt when the clown-faced cult leader loses in November. He will try it again.

I predict the Democrats will do exactly what they were poised to do in 2020 - they will not concede and they will fight until they get the results they want if they lose in Nov to Trump
I predict the Democrats will do exactly what they were poised to do in 2020 - they will not concede and they will fight until they get the results they want if they lose in Nov to Trump
For the most part it will fade from the public consciousness. However, the Evangelicals will continue to view him as some sort of savior or martyr after he dies.
You should look up what "deranged" means and then reflect on how Trump can say and do absolutely anything, and still command your loyalty and approval.

Derangement: the state of being completely unable to think clearly or behave in a controlled way, especially because of mental illness.

"TDS" was always more about the loyalists who bow in their desperate cult of personality.
LOL I dont vote Trump, so your talking points fail, as usual.


You can't. Thanks for clearing that up.
LOL its clear as day, but you cant see it. :ROFLMAO:
it wasn't - sorry
You are correct. The Jan 6th riot become insurrection was not an attempted coup. Some folks mischaracterize the sorry event by calling the violent disruption of Congress a "self-coup."

[A self-coup] is the term for efforts by sitting executives to enhance or retain power by overturning electoral outcomes or by unconstitutionally gutting the power of other branches of government. Trump’s measures to overturn the elections since November 3 constitute a “coup,” as they involve illegal usurpation of state power, even when it may not involve the use of force. Yet it is a “self”-coup because it is perpetrated by the head of government rather than military officers or others against that chief executive. --
No, it’s not a coup — It’s a failed ‘self-coup’ that will undermine US leadership and democracy worldwide, Charles T. Call, Brookings, Jan 8, 2021

And lest someone mistake me for a Trump supporter, I again announce that in the coming election I have already decided. I will vote for neither Biden nor Trump.
1. he's got kids and they are cast in the same mould.
2, Trump's isolationism and "America First" ideology has been around before - prior to WW2 if I recall correctly.

Thus - "Trumpism" isn't going away.
It will evolve. It always does. Silver Legion, America 1st, JBS etc... :rolleyes: ;)
The Jan 6th riot become insurrection was not an attempted coup. Some folks mischaracterize the sorry event by calling the violent disruption of Congress a "self-coup."

So, not a "self coup" either?

Wait, so, it is a "self-coup" just a few sentences later? Maybe if you stopped this game you wouldn't trip all over yourself. You reduce it to a "violent disruption of Congress," but what was that violent disruption of Congress meant to do? I mean, after they hung Mike Pence? Charles Call coined "self-coup" to define a lone Executive, as if that has ever happened in the history of the world. Every single dictator in the twentieth century, who wrecked their country's democracies, had assistance. This was in the form of military, or politicians, or loyalists, or outside influence (CIA), etc. But the results absolutely do not change the event. No, you are absolutely wrong...

Coup: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.

Insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

It does not require "arms" as defenders want to say. It does not have to involve participation by all the players in the planning (1953 Coup). <--- You think all those Iranians running around in a frenzy, because British and CIA-led headlines manipulated them, were in the rooms with Kermit Roosevelt and British Intel? You think the Shah let them all know what was really going on? Yet...it was a COUP.

Trump whipped his misfit toys into a frenzy after he discovered that Pence refused to be a part of his scheme. Aside from calling State officials to find votes and dismiss others, the traitor had created fake electors in various States. Their votes were to be sent to Congress, joining with the real Elector votes. From there, Pence was to act "confused" about the conflicting numbers and simply hand the election to Trump. Pence refused. This is why Trump told his cult that Pence wasn't brave enough to do "the right thing." And when his mob attacked the Capital, Trump watched with hop as this last ditch effort to steal the election unfolded. The fact that his idiots on Jan 6 were too stupid to see the role that they eagerly played (just like Iranians in 1953), does not excuse them. They are traitors too.

And lest someone mistake me for a Trump supporter, I again announce that in the coming election I have already decided. I will vote for neither Biden nor Trump.

That'll show 'em! Just like all those Democrats who abstained in 2016. They can be mad about Roe v Wade all they want, but they helped Trump get elected.
So, not a "self coup" either?

Wait, so, it is a "self-coup" just a few sentences later? Maybe if you stopped this game you wouldn't trip all over yourself. You reduce it to a "violent disruption of Congress," but what was that violent disruption of Congress meant to do? I mean, after they hung Mike Pence? Charles Call coined "self-coup" to define a lone Executive, as if that has ever happened in the history of the world. Every single dictator in the twentieth century, who wrecked their country's democracies, had assistance. This was in the form of military, or politicians, or loyalists, or outside influence (CIA), etc. But the results absolutely do not change the event. No, you are absolutely wrong...

Coup: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.

Insurrection: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

It does not require "arms" as defenders want to say. It does not have to involve participation by all the players in the planning (1953 Coup). <--- You think all those Iranians running around in a frenzy, because British and CIA-led headlines manipulated them, were in the rooms with Kermit Roosevelt and British Intel? You think the Shah let them all know what was really going on? Yet...it was a COUP.

Trump whipped his misfit toys into a frenzy after he discovered that Pence refused to be a part of his scheme. Aside from calling State officials to find votes and dismiss others, the traitor had created fake electors in various States. Their votes were to be sent to Congress, joining with the real Elector votes. From there, Pence was to act "confused" about the conflicting numbers and simply hand the election to Trump. Pence refused. This is why Trump told his cult that Pence wasn't brave enough to do "the right thing." And when his mob attacked the Capital, Trump watched with hop as this last ditch effort to steal the election unfolded. The fact that his idiots on Jan 6 were too stupid to see the role that they eagerly played (just like Iranians in 1953), does not excuse them. They are traitors too.

That'll show 'em! Just like all those Democrats who abstained in 2016. They can be mad about Roe v Wade all they want, but they helped Trump get elected.
semantics. some people love 'em.
semantics. some people love 'em.

It helps them avoid simple truth. But this guy is off. He even misused his own source, Charles T. Call (not a historian, I think he may have been a political scientist), who merely argued that there are different looks to a coup. A "self-coup" (ridiculous argument) is a coup. So is a "soft-coup." So is a "Palace coup." So is a "Putsch." So is a "military coup." All coups. Hey, know what an apple and a banana is? Fruit. NO! A...a...apple is round and red, whereas a banana looks...a...like a yellow dildo!

But for somebody who claims to not be a Trump supporter, this guy sure is desperate to pretend that it was just a simple "violent disruption of Congress." He wants to lighten the event. He clearly was a Trump supporter and probably voted for him twice. But after Jan 6, which was just a "violent disruption," he has decided not to vote for "neither Biden or Trump." He places Biden first and foremost, not Trump, the Republican who was scheming up a coup since November, with Staff accomplices, some State officials, and a handful of citizen fake electors. Trump even tried to stack the Pentagon in the months prior to the election! No, this a former blind Trump supporter who continues to pander to the right-wing training of hating a Democrat. But, meh, I could be way off.
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