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How come women sashay when they walk (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning
...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...
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...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...

here you you, maggie. a how-to video. enjoy the new prance
Woman have hips. Men don't.
...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...

here you you, maggie. a how-to video. enjoy the new prance
OK. After all the sexual harassment threads lately, you bring up one that involves men (and women), watching and evaluating a woman's lower body movement when she walks. Cool. I have personally evaluated thousands of sashay's over many years and consider myself an aficionado if not an expert. The proper sashay can only be achieved while wearing a skirt of between knee and ankle length. The fit should not be too snug. The fabric should be soft and have a flowing effect. Heels of at least two inches, preferably three.
I could go into detail if I gave it any real thought.
I'll even go deeper, and say that whatever biological differences there are, there's also a sexual attraction component.

Women often have that sachet that us men like, and many men have that "straight & tall" "power & in control" strut that I believe some women like.

Now whether our attractions propagate an accentuation of the opposite sex' physical attributes, or we become more highly attracted due to the physical attribute itself, is anyone's guess!
...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...

A combination of things. The comparative flexibility of the ligaments and the spine, the broader set of the hips, which dictates our legs usually curve inwards to re-center our weight beneath us, meaning we tend to overlap our legs a bit as we walk (a more toe-to-heel gait, whereas mens' tends to be side-by-side).

Try a little thing with a man sometime: lay back and put your legs straight up in the air, feet together, and then take a look. There's a dramatic difference in the way our legs are shaped. Men's are either straight or slightly bowed out, whereas women's thigh bones angle inwards, and then straighten to become parallel at the knees.
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A combination of things. The comparative flexibility of the ligaments and the spine, the broader set of the hips, which dictates our legs usually curve inwards to re-center our weight beneath us, meaning we tend to overlap our legs a bit as we walk (a more toe-to-heel gait, whereas mens' tends to be side-by-side).

Try a little thing with a man sometime: lay back and put your legs straight up in the air, feet together, and then take a look. There's a dramatic difference in the way our legs are shaped. Men's are either straight or slightly bowed out, whereas women's thigh bones angle inwards, and then straighten to become parallel at the knees.

Great way of explaining something puzzling in a rational way.
...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...

The wiggle when you walk?
A combination of things. The comparative flexibility of the ligaments and the spine, the broader set of the hips, which dictates our legs usually curve inwards to re-center our weight beneath us, meaning we tend to overlap our legs a bit as we walk (a more toe-to-heel gait, whereas mens' tends to be side-by-side).

Try a little thing with a man sometime: lay back and put your legs straight up in the air, feet together, and then take a look. There's a dramatic difference in the way our legs are shaped. Men's are either straight or slightly bowed out, whereas women's thigh bones angle inwards, and then straighten to become parallel at the knees.

Please stop with all the sciency stuff, this is about so much more than that. No woman ever said, oh look at him, his pelvis is blah blah and his spine is whatever.
Men. Stand up straight, put your shoulders back, no not that far back. Now walk like you have someplace to be and you know exactly how to get there. The projection of confidence is key. Ex: No cat ever fell off the back of the couch and acted like he didn't mean to do exactly that.
Women. Just learn to sashay. We really like that. But a confident looking sashay is hot too.
...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...

I don't sashay...I strut like I mean it!
A combination of things. The comparative flexibility of the ligaments and the spine, the broader set of the hips, which dictates our legs usually curve inwards to re-center our weight beneath us, meaning we tend to overlap our legs a bit as we walk (a more toe-to-heel gait, whereas mens' tends to be side-by-side).

Try a little thing with a man sometime: lay back and put your legs straight up in the air, feet together, and then take a look. There's a dramatic difference in the way our legs are shaped. Men's are either straight or slightly bowed out, whereas women's thigh bones angle inwards, and then straighten to become parallel at the knees.
At a party in my early twenties, someone once demonstrated how women could easily rise while picking-up a wooden chair laid against their chest in some odd specific manner, whereas men either couldn't rise with it or had much greater difficulty.

I don't remember the exact details (it was a great party!), but I remember it was indeed true because many of us tried this parlour trick that night to the same results; including yours truly!
Please stop with all the sciency stuff, this is about so much more than that. No woman ever said, oh look at him, his pelvis is blah blah and his spine is whatever.
Men. Stand up straight, put your shoulders back, no not that far back. Now walk like you have someplace to be and you know exactly how to get there. The projection of confidence is key. Ex: No cat ever fell off the back of the couch and acted like he didn't mean to do exactly that.
Women. Just learn to sashay. We really like that. But a confident looking sashay is hot too.

Um... no one cares what you like?

Maggie asked for an actual explanation. I gave an actual explanation.
At a party in my early twenties, someone once demonstrated how women could easily rise while picking-up a wooden chair laid against their chest in some odd specific manner, whereas men either couldn't rise with it or had much greater difficulty.

I don't remember the exact details (it was a great party!), but I remember it was indeed true because many of us tried this parlour trick that night to the same results; including yours truly!

I saw it done this way: dining room chair set close to a wall, man bends 90 degrees at the waist, rests top of head on wall. After drawing the chair up to the chest area, he is unable to return to upright. Women can perform this ‘trick.’
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I saw it done this way: dining room chair set close to a wall, man bends 90 degrees at the waist, rests top of head on wall. After drawing the chair up to the chest area, he is unable to return to upright. Woman can perform this ‘trick.’
Yeah, I think that may be it!

Was loads of fun at the party, even though by that time of night more than a few of us by then had some unrelated motor-control issues. They just added to the spectacle. :mrgreen:
...and men don’t? Anybody know?

You know, that little sashay the guys like... that most of us can’t help even if we try...

It's called genes.
Same reason as their child bearing hips are wider.
Jeez, the ignorance of the white boys is astounding
Um... no one cares what you like?

Maggie asked for an actual explanation. I gave an actual explanation.

I know it's much to do with physiology, but where is the fun in that? So, you don't care what I like. No problem smokey. I'll keep trying. All I got left is my sense of humor. I'll wear you down eventually.
I don't sashay...I strut like I mean it!

OK. I hadn't read this post. Strut is, like way different than sashay, which would explain your response to my other post. So how do we get sychn'ed from here? OK. I said something about a confident sashay right? You could call that a strut. If you do everything like you mean to do it, that is confidence and that is what I, (speaking only for myself) is what I find appealing.
There is so much more to being attractive than being "pretty".
Somehow, I think I am in so much trouble right now. But, it's in the name so let me have it.
It speaks to the subconscious. Just like when dating, don’t take a girl to Mc Donalds - it makes her ovulate! LOL.

I swear I learn something new every day.
OK. I hadn't read this post. Strut is, like way different than sashay, which would explain your response to my other post. So how do we get sychn'ed from here? OK. I said something about a confident sashay right? You could call that a strut. If you do everything like you mean to do it, that is confidence and that is what I, (speaking only for myself) is what I find appealing.
There is so much more to being attractive than being "pretty".
Somehow, I think I am in so much trouble right now. But, it's in the name so let me have it.

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