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Hey those who think Covid is a hoax (1 Viewer)

Its always funny watching the people self identify that they are stupid enough to fall for the leftist talking points, even AFTER the reporter that made the "hoax" claim admitted she lied.

The DNC is counting on you.
This winter sucked. I mean, not "Chicago sucked" or "St Johns sucked", but it still sucked.

Water in a solid state should only occur in laboratories.

And a whiskey glass.
My friend had the greatest idea: how about if everyone who thinks this virus is a hoax gets together!

Have a big convention.

Stay together for several weeks, in fact. All together in one big stadium or something. Talk a lot and share the food you've brought in so that no one outside of your group needs to bother you.

It will be fun!

Nobody said it was a hoax. The only ones being tricked are the folks that think anyone said it was.
My daughter has the virus and so do other nurses at the same facility where she works. All staff members who have tested positive or who have symptons have already been sent home. My daughter, her husband, and her two youngest children are confined to their home for at least the next 3 weeks. There are also more than 2 dozen elderly patients at the facility with the virus. The chief cook there is in the hospital on a ventilator and not expected to live. That facility is one of the two worst hit facilities in the state of North Carolina.
I'm very sorry to hear this.

I have healthcare workers in my family, but none are doing physical in-person clinical work. But of their associates that are clinicians, many are not going home to their families when not working due to the danger of infecting them unknowingly.

It's the same deal for the police and other first responders. In fact, the city works with the hotels & universities to give them rooms at no cost, so they don't have to go home.
I'm very sorry to hear this.

I have healthcare workers in my family, but none are doing physical in-person clinical work. But of their associates that are clinicians, many are not going home to their families when not working due to the danger of infecting them unknowingly.

It's the same deal for the police and other first responders. In fact, the city works with the hotels & universities to give them rooms at no cost, so they don't have to go home.

My daughter was exposed several days before she developed symptoms and by then it is assumed she had already exposed her family. My wife and I are also at risk but so far show no signs of being infected.
I don't know one person who thinks this is a hoax! Overblown? Maybe?
You question whether tens of thousands of Americans is an overblown concern, Mongidig. Talk to the tens of thousands of family members and friends who have lost loved ones about how overblown it’s been.

Talk to the families of doctors and nurses who’ve been needlessly slaughtered due to trump’s catastrophic incompetence. The policemen and firemen and every other ‘essential’ worker. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Every single media contributor to FOX who dismissed the virus pandemic as overblown to cover for the asshole-in-Chief should be brought up on first-degree manslaughter charges. That especially includes anal cyst limpballs.
You question whether tens of thousands of Americans is an overblown concern, Mongidig. Talk to the tens of thousands of family members and friends who have lost loved ones about how overblown it’s been.

Talk to the families of doctors and nurses who’ve been needlessly slaughtered due to trump’s catastrophic incompetence. The policemen and firemen and every other ‘essential’ worker. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Every single media contributor to FOX who dismissed the virus pandemic as overblown to cover for the asshole-in-Chief should be brought up on first-degree manslaughter charges. That especially includes anal cyst limpballs.

Who you pandering too? Spare us your fake outrage.

This may very well be overblown when the dust settles. There is a lot of questions regarding if people have died of the virus or was it something else.

You're either ignorant or a hypocrite.
You question whether tens of thousands of Americans is an overblown concern, Mongidig. Talk to the tens of thousands of family members and friends who have lost loved ones about how overblown it’s been.

Talk to the families of doctors and nurses who’ve been needlessly slaughtered due to trump’s catastrophic incompetence. The policemen and firemen and every other ‘essential’ worker. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Every single media contributor to FOX who dismissed the virus pandemic as overblown to cover for the asshole-in-Chief should be brought up on first-degree manslaughter charges. That especially includes anal cyst limpballs.
Then was last years 2017-18 flu season under-blowen,45 million cases of the flu, 60,000 dead and hardly a word, but this is election year so anything anti-Trump must be used.
My daughter has the virus and so do other nurses at the same facility where she works. All staff members who have tested positive or who have symptons have already been sent home. My daughter, her husband, and her two youngest children are confined to their home for at least the next 3 weeks. There are also more than 2 dozen elderly patients at the facility with the virus. The chief cook there is in the hospital on a ventilator and not expected to live. That facility is one of the two worst hit facilities in the state of North Carolina.

Now you've ruined it for those who enjoy seeing others suffer. Sorry OP!

Those who say it is a hoax should suffer, yes; not those poor people in the facility.
You question whether tens of thousands of Americans is an overblown concern, Mongidig. Talk to the tens of thousands of family members and friends who have lost loved ones about how overblown it’s been.

Talk to the families of doctors and nurses who’ve been needlessly slaughtered due to trump’s catastrophic incompetence. The policemen and firemen and every other ‘essential’ worker. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Every single media contributor to FOX who dismissed the virus pandemic as overblown to cover for the asshole-in-Chief should be brought up on first-degree manslaughter charges. That especially includes anal cyst limpballs.

Who you pandering too? Spare us your fake outrage.

This may very well be overblown when the dust settles. There is a lot of questions regarding if people have died of the virus or was it something else.

You're either ignorant or a hypocrite.

JamesBYoung: It's not overblown if it ends tomorrow. Get in the rowboat. America does not have room for people who refuse to learn.
Then was last years 2017-18 flu season under-blowen,45 million cases of the flu, 60,000 dead and hardly a word, but this is election year so anything anti-Trump must be used.

If we have 45 million cases, we could have over 1.3 million dead with covid.

Your reasoning is not.
You question whether tens of thousands of Americans is an overblown concern, Mongidig. Talk to the tens of thousands of family members and friends who have lost loved ones about how overblown it’s been.

Talk to the families of doctors and nurses who’ve been needlessly slaughtered due to trump’s catastrophic incompetence. The policemen and firemen and every other ‘essential’ worker. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Every single media contributor to FOX who dismissed the virus pandemic as overblown to cover for the asshole-in-Chief should be brought up on first-degree manslaughter charges. That especially includes anal cyst limpballs.

JamesBYoung: It's not overblown if it ends tomorrow. Get in the rowboat. America does not have room for people who refuse to learn.

"It's all the Orange Man's fault!"

*Stomps Feet*

You question whether tens of thousands of Americans is an overblown concern, Mongidig. Talk to the tens of thousands of family members and friends who have lost loved ones about how overblown it’s been.

Talk to the families of doctors and nurses who’ve been needlessly slaughtered due to trump’s catastrophic incompetence. The policemen and firemen and every other ‘essential’ worker. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Every single media contributor to FOX who dismissed the virus pandemic as overblown to cover for the asshole-in-Chief should be brought up on first-degree manslaughter charges. That especially includes anal cyst limpballs.

And yet you want us to believe you wouldn’t round us all up on cattle cars. [emoji849]
Nobody said it was a hoax. The only ones being tricked are the folks that think anyone said it was.

Fox News Is Preparing to Be Sued Over Coronavirus Misinformation | Vanity Fair

Fox News Is Preparing to Be Sued Over Coronavirus Misinformation

Polls show that Trish Regan, Sean Hannity, and others successfully bamboozled viewers about coronavirus. Now, Fox is reportedly lawyering up for a potential legal backlash.

Fox insiders had expressed “real concern...that their early downplaying of the coronavirus actually exposes Fox News to potential legal action by viewers who maybe were misled and actually have died from this.” He went on to say that while the Murdochs are “privately taking coronavirus seriously”—Rupert Murdoch quietly cancelled his 89th birthday party on March 11—top hosts like Regan and Sean Hannity were actively “telling viewers that it’s a hoax...If it actually winds up being proved that people died because of it, this is a new terrain in terms of Fox being possibly held liable for their actions.”
Nobody said it was a hoax. The only ones being tricked are the folks that think anyone said it was.

Fox News Stars Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters Now Pretend They Never Said What They Said About the Coronavirus

Fox News Stars Now Pretend They Never Said What They Said About the Coronavirus

After spending weeks downplaying the deadly virus that now has nearly the entire U.S. under some form of lockdown, several Fox News stars are now attempting to gaslight viewers by claiming they sounded the alarms over the coronavirus all along while it was actually the media and Democrats who dismissed it.

The network’s most-viewed primetime host Sean Hannity has recently devoted much airtime to insisting he has “always taken the coronavirus seriously,” despite no less than a month ago suggesting the pandemic might be a “deep state” plot to hurt the economy or, at another point, claiming concerns over the novel virus was a “new hoax” designed to “bludgeon” Trump.
Fox News Stars Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters Now Pretend They Never Said What They Said About the Coronavirus

Fox News Stars Now Pretend They Never Said What They Said About the Coronavirus

After spending weeks downplaying the deadly virus that now has nearly the entire U.S. under some form of lockdown, several Fox News stars are now attempting to gaslight viewers by claiming they sounded the alarms over the coronavirus all along while it was actually the media and Democrats who dismissed it.

The network’s most-viewed primetime host Sean Hannity has recently devoted much airtime to insisting he has “always taken the coronavirus seriously,” despite no less than a month ago suggesting the pandemic might be a “deep state” plot to hurt the economy or, at another point, claiming concerns over the novel virus was a “new hoax” designed to “bludgeon” Trump.

First of all, you libs HAVE used this virus in an effort to bludgeon Trump so its laughable for you to pretend it isnt true. Second, if you are so gleeful at the idea that Fox might get sued over this, how about MSNBC and Deblasio for for saying exactly the same thing you are claiming was said on FOX. Here is Deblaison bragging how the schools in NY were still open, how New Yorkers should go on with their lives and that the virus was little more than the common cold or the flu and not one of the liberal morons on that show questioned a word he said. And this was on March 10. 5000 people have died in New York how much blood does Diblasio have on his hands?

First of all, you libs HAVE used this virus in an effort to bludgeon Trump so its laughable for you to pretend it isnt true. Second, if you are so gleeful at the idea that Fox might get sued over this, how about MSNBC and Deblasio for for saying exactly the same thing you are claiming was said on FOX. Here is Deblaison bragging how the schools in NY were still open, how New Yorkers should go on with their lives and that the virus was little more than the common cold or the flu and not one of the liberal morons on that show questioned a word he said. And this was on March 10. 5000 people have died in New York how much blood does Diblasio have on his hands?


I don't need to criticize Fox News and their hosts for downplaying this pandemic, their words are recorded for posterity, and they're self-incriminating.

If it comes from ignorance it's not really accurate to say they are deliberately doing anything. You want ignorant people to die.

I'd argue some of them are doing it deliberately. The people who downplay it, or think it's a hoax, almost always identify as "conservative" and voted for and currently Support Donald Trump. Make no mistake, political ideology has everything to do with it.
Ignorant is when you don't know things

Stupid is when you refuse to know things.

You think they're refusing to know things and that means they're not actually ignorant? You know you can be stupid and ignorant, right? There is no qualifier for why you don't know things if you go look up the definition of the word ignorance by the way. Do you also want these people to die?

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