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From cheeky selfie to antisemite in 1 week (1 Viewer)

It's all good. Contempt and hate for Jews is fine from Muslims. To believe otherwise is Islamaphobic.

No, just simply no. There is nothing good about hatred, you can have contempt for someone without hatred, best is to not have contempt at all but for some people that is difficult based on "stuff" like religion/location/sport club/nationality/etc.etc.etc.

And again no, to believe that hatred from Jews is not fine has nothing to do with Islamophobia/being Islamophobic.

I hate anti-semitism but also hate Islamophobia. Hating a whole group of people/faith is wrong with both Jewish and Islamic faiths.
Whew! Good save!

To us that's hilarious but for some it truly is a good save, after all as long as it involves the words "Israel" and "Zionists" it can be labeled "criticism of Israel" and thus not be antisemitism.

What should be appalling more than anything else is not her antisemitic statements on the internet - there are two things the internet is filled with and those are porn and antisemitism, and porn is usually limited to specific websites - but rather the way she was excusing those statements. The first time she says she's meant only to Zionist Jews as if it's fine to wish a Jew to die as long as he believes his people have a right to self determination.

Then she's given a long apology and in it she was saying how she only said that stuff because of Israel's "crimes" in Gaza and because she thought all Jews are supportive of Israel and she didn't know "real Jews" oppose Israel. That teaches on her dark and backwards mentality and how she views the general European public opinion towards Jews, Zionism and Israel - that she believes it would be legitimate for her in the public's eyes to voice opinions calling for the murder of people as long as they are Jews who do not oppose Israel's actions because it's the generally accepted opinion that being pro-Israeli means being supportive of terrible crimes.

"It's all one big misunderstanding, I'm talking about those pro-Israelis we all hate, so you should understand me better now". That's what she's 'learned' from her experience with European society on its public opinion, and to me that's not surprising at all.
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From the same article - unless by backlash you want some 12th century reaction or treatment for her?

It is interesting, isn't it? She said her (ironically hateful) comments were directed at "the zionist...that spread hate instead of love". So my question for her would be if she's had similarly strong statements directed at Islamic extremists who spread hate for pretty much everything, especially Jews.

To answer your question, it does appear her credibility has been pretty much decimated and that's good enough for me. I certainly don't wish any physical harm on her.
~.......................there are two things the internet is filled with and those are porn and antisemitism, ...........~
Let's extend that to three, in order to include Muslim bashing of the general (indiscriminate) kind.
~....................That's what she's 'learned' from her experience with European society on its public opinion, and to me that's not surprising at all.....................~
I wouldn't call her supposed learning to be overall reflective of what European society has taught her, nevertheless the confusion that causes and thus governs the conflation of critique of Israeli policy and anti-semitism is wide spread within said society.

Many are simply too ignorant to be able to draw finer lines and being unaware of actually spouting anti-semitism changes nothing in having done just that.

Talk is the order of the day, thinking a declining currency.
It is interesting, isn't it? She said her (ironically hateful) comments were directed at "the zionist...that spread hate instead of love". So my question for her would be if she's had similarly strong statements directed at Islamic extremists who spread hate for pretty much everything, especially Jews.

To answer your question, it does appear her credibility has been pretty much decimated and that's good enough for me. I certainly don't wish any physical harm on her.
She's a brainless twit as many just barely out of their teens tend to be.

I was never that young and it's too late now to either grumble about or take pride in it.
Here's the actual tweets in question if anyone wants to see them. There's some bad language, though, so I'm using the spoiler tags. To me, they're worse even than described.

It's all good. Contempt and hate for Jews is fine from Muslims. To believe otherwise is Islamaphobic.

What caused you to reach such a conclusion?
What caused you to reach such a conclusion?

Because he believes it's genuinely okay for Muslims to hate Jews? It's not the first time he's made that kind of comment, so I think that eventually we need to accept that that's his belief.
Here's the actual tweets in question if anyone wants to see them. There's some bad language, though, so I'm using the spoiler tags. To me, they're worse even than described.


Whoops, she forgot to make another correction: "Hitler didn't kill all the Zionists, he left some."

Another good save, courtesy of Cardinal.
To paraphrase a SJW, "...everything is antisemitic, everything is antisemitic, everything is antisemitic and you have to point it all out to everyone all the time...".
It's all good. Contempt and hate for Jews is fine from Muslims. To believe otherwise is Islamaphobic.

So what's it called when you condemn a huge group of people based on the actions of an individual?
Here's the actual tweets in question if anyone wants to see them. There's some bad language, though, so I'm using the spoiler tags. To me, they're worse even than described.


She is a dumb dingbat moron, simple, but simply saying that people are not allowed to criticize her because that would be Islamophobic and thus they would be attacked for criticizing a Muslim.

No, an Islamophobic individual attacks Muslims for no proper reason/hatred of Muslims. People who criticize an idiotic antisemitic poster are doing the right thing 100% of the time, there is no legitimate justification EVER for being an antisemitic.
I dislike Islam, and I am not phobic just because I dislike Islam.

I dislike Islam for very specific reasons.
Because he believes it's genuinely okay for Muslims to hate Jews? It's not the first time he's made that kind of comment, so I think that eventually we need to accept that that's his belief.

People keep correcting him that it's not ok for Muslims to be antisemites, and yet he continues to believe otherwise. He needs to accept reality. Islamophobia is unacceptable. Antisemitism is unacceptable.

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