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Fox News Channel finished May as the most-watched network across all of basic cable (1 Viewer)

Common Sense 1

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Jul 8, 2016
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FOX news continues it's winning streak dominating basic cable..... CNN is still sinking!!

Fox News Channel finished May as the most-watched network across all of basic cable for the 35th straight month as CNN continued its downward spiral and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had her worst month of the Trump administration.

Fox News averaged 1.3 million total day viewers, while MSNBC finished second with an average of 909,000. TNT, ESPN and HGTV round out the top five while the liberal CNN finished eighth, averaging only 552,000.

“Hannity” averaged 3.1 million viewers to finish as the most-watched program on cable news, followed by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

As you can see Tucker is doing just fine even after media matters tried to knock him off the air!


Fox News, '''Hannity''' dominate May ratings as CNN'''s troubles continue | Fox News
FOX news continues it's winning streak dominating basic cable..... CNN is still sinking!!

Fox News Channel finished May as the most-watched network across all of basic cable for the 35th straight month as CNN continued its downward spiral and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had her worst month of the Trump administration.

Fox News averaged 1.3 million total day viewers, while MSNBC finished second with an average of 909,000. TNT, ESPN and HGTV round out the top five while the liberal CNN finished eighth, averaging only 552,000.

“Hannity” averaged 3.1 million viewers to finish as the most-watched program on cable news, followed by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

As you can see Tucker is doing just fine even after media matters tried to knock him off the air!

View attachment 67257303

Fox News, '''Hannity''' dominate May ratings as CNN'''s troubles continue | Fox News
Who gives a ****? Really.

Are you their PR department? Are you trying to sell commercial space?
FOX news continues it's winning streak dominating basic cable..... CNN is still sinking!!

Fox News Channel finished May as the most-watched network across all of basic cable for the 35th straight month as CNN continued its downward spiral and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had her worst month of the Trump administration.

Fox News averaged 1.3 million total day viewers, while MSNBC finished second with an average of 909,000. TNT, ESPN and HGTV round out the top five while the liberal CNN finished eighth, averaging only 552,000.

“Hannity” averaged 3.1 million viewers to finish as the most-watched program on cable news, followed by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

As you can see Tucker is doing just fine even after media matters tried to knock him off the air!

View attachment 67257303

Fox News, '''Hannity''' dominate May ratings as CNN'''s troubles continue | Fox News
I am sure the libs will point out that if you add up the ratings of all the biased liberal news networks(CNN,MSNBC, ABC,CBS,NBC,ABC,PBS and etc) they would surpass Fox news. The audience for liberal news networks are split among half a dozen or so networks while the audience for conservative leaning networks is only split between a few networks.
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Who gives a ****? Really.

Are you their PR department? Are you trying to sell commercial space?

Hmm... I would say that this thread has you quite triggered. Does any other TV or cable channel's or show's ratings have you "not caring" to such a profanity laced extent?
I am sure the libs will point out that if you add up the ratings of all the biased liberal news networks(CNN,MSNBC, ABC,CBS,NBC,ABC,PBS and etc) they would surpass Fox news. The audience for liberal news networks are split among half a dozen or so networks while the audience for conservative leaning networks is only split between a few networks.
None of those networks are liberal. Most are centrist, and a few might lean center-left occasionally.
Fox News averaged 1.3 million total day viewers, while MSNBC finished second with an average of 909,000. TNT, ESPN and HGTV round out the top five while the liberal CNN finished eighth, averaging only 552,000.

Prolly because Trumps rural white uneducated base doesn't work. They have plenty of "executive time", just like Trump.
None of those networks are liberal.

I am sure to far leftists they are not.And those are probably the same people who think Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are conservative.
Meh. What's the point really here? Lots of people watch Fox, it's true. But I think people who are more apt to also watch CNN or MSNBC would also watch Fox. I think most who watch Fox religiously aren't as likely to watch other media.

But it doesn't really mean all that much, Fox has been good for some time at generating ratings. Ratings don't necessarily mean truth in advertising, as it were.
Tucker Carlson? Only brain-dead people can watch him for more that a minute!
Hmm... I would say that this thread has you quite triggered. Does any other TV or cable channel's or show's ratings have you "not caring" to such a profanity laced extent?
I would say you're projecting your own mental state onto others, and you're the one triggered by a little cursing.
Hmm... I would say that this thread has you quite triggered. Does any other TV or cable channel's or show's ratings have you "not caring" to such a profanity laced extent?

Funny to watch the many melt downs....... They hate FOX almost as much as they hate president Trump!! :2razz:
I am sure to far leftists they are not.And those are probably the same people who think Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are conservative.
Pelosi and Clinton are center-right generally. I wouldn't go so far as to call them conservative, though.
Pelosi and Clinton are center-right generally. I wouldn't go so far as to call them conservative, though.
it just shows how far let you are if you think those two are center right.
We have talked about this time and time again, the further CNN goes left the more competition they have in the commentary space where as FoxNews can stay where they are and compete with almost no one. But it does not really matter to the overall pool of voters as the overwhelming majority do not watch CNN or FoxNews.

These repeated threads talking about FoxNews ratings illustrate that the right is hearing what they want to hear, and that makes them no different than those watching CNN hear what they want to hear.

Overall when it comes to voters Independents are way out front, the nation still leans slightly right but liberalism is still making gains even if they do not bother watching CNN.

As for the rest of this... hollow victory laps meaningless to much other than advertisers.
Funny to watch the many melt downs....... They hate FOX almost as much as they hate president Trump!! :2razz:

Many confuse editorial opinion with being news, for those types Fox News (especially Hannity and Pirro) can become like fingernails on a chalkboard. I must confess that I find those two to be completely unhinged and thus not worth watching - even while I fully understand that they are simply entertainers spewing opinion (confirmation bias?).
how many libs would love to censor Fox News like Facebook does to conservatives voices?
FOX news continues it's winning streak dominating basic cable..... CNN is still sinking!!

Fox News Channel finished May as the most-watched network across all of basic cable for the 35th straight month as CNN continued its downward spiral and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had her worst month of the Trump administration.

Fox News averaged 1.3 million total day viewers, while MSNBC finished second with an average of 909,000. TNT, ESPN and HGTV round out the top five while the liberal CNN finished eighth, averaging only 552,000.

“Hannity” averaged 3.1 million viewers to finish as the most-watched program on cable news, followed by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

As you can see Tucker is doing just fine even after media matters tried to knock him off the air!

View attachment 67257303

Fox News, '''Hannity''' dominate May ratings as CNN'''s troubles continue | Fox News

Only because they are the only far right channel. Sum up the market share of the rest of cable news and Faux is a minor player.

Funny to watch the many melt downs....... They hate FOX almost as much as they hate president Trump!! :2razz:

I don't understand why the right gets off thinking the left is upset about … whatever … but let me let you in on a secret … we really don't hate … .<-period.

If tRump wasn't pResident we would even think about him … at all. Hate no.
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Many confuse editorial opinion with being news, for those types Fox News (especially Hannity and Pirro) can become like fingernails on a chalkboard. I must confess that I find those two to be completely unhinged and thus not worth watching - even while I fully understand that they are simply entertainers spewing opinion (confirmation bias?).

Do the ratings distinguish between the commentator-type shows or the straighter news reporting shows on FOX or other channels?

I also think ratings reflect demographics, with older males being more cable news watchers, and in the case of FOX, more leg watchers. :) A conservative friend of mine's wife teased him about all the FOXy ladies.
Who gives a ****? Really.

Are you their PR department? Are you trying to sell commercial space?

You "slightly Liberals" apparently, since you try unsuccessfully to tout your liberal mouthpieces.
None of those networks are liberal. Most are centrist, and a few might lean center-left occasionally.

That is certainly newsworthy. Incorrect, but someone will think it's true.

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