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Florida bill would allow schools to teach alternatives to climate change and evolution (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A new bill proposed in Florida would allow school districts to teach alternatives to “controversial theories” such as human-caused climate change and evolution.

State Sen. Dennis Baxley (R) sponsored the bill because he said that schools need to have the ability to teach “different worldviews,” according to the Tampa Bay Times.
The Repubs are still at it, trying to get the Bible & the Genesis account of Creation into public schools as 'alternative POVs.' This sort of thing has been struck down by the courts before as a violation of the separation of church & state.

Teaching climate change denial in a sea level state where the rising sea level from the melting glaciers & ice caps is already impacting coastal property is just silly.

This sort of thing will do more harm by confusing young students than in educating them to have open minds.

A new bill proposed in Florida would allow school districts to teach alternatives to “controversial theories” such as human-caused climate change and evolution.

State Sen. Dennis Baxley (R) sponsored the bill because he said that schools need to have the ability to teach “different worldviews,” according to the Tampa Bay Times.
The Repubs are still at it, trying to get the Bible & the Genesis account of Creation into public schools as 'alternative POVs.' This sort of thing has been struck down by the courts before as a violation of the separation of church & state.

Teaching climate change denial in a sea level state where the rising sea level from the melting glaciers & ice caps is already impacting coastal property is just silly.

This sort of thing will do more harm by confusing young students than in educating them to have open minds.

I don't see why they can't print a textbook that incorporates these things.

The Universe expands to this point and points near and far from it through various pasts.

Some pasts can be proven true, others false and still others cannot be proven at all.

The Myth of Creation is not actually far from the reality, as a rule can work for simple calculations and serve as a Divine lesson plan.

Abraham and Moses: fictional; Samuel, David, Solomon, Daniel, Christ: real.

A new bill proposed in Florida would allow school districts to teach alternatives to “controversial theories” such as human-caused climate change and evolution.

State Sen. Dennis Baxley (R) sponsored the bill because he said that schools need to have the ability to teach “different worldviews,” according to the Tampa Bay Times.
The Repubs are still at it, trying to get the Bible & the Genesis account of Creation into public schools as 'alternative POVs.' This sort of thing has been struck down by the courts before as a violation of the separation of church & state.

Teaching climate change denial in a sea level state where the rising sea level from the melting glaciers & ice caps is already impacting coastal property is just silly.

This sort of thing will do more harm by confusing young students than in educating them to have open minds.

yet you don't want students to have open minds.
that is pretty much right in line with every progressive out there.

indoctrination is the liberal motto.
yet you don't want students to have open minds.
that is pretty much right in line with every progressive out there.

indoctrination is the liberal motto.

Teaching claptrap about invisible gods doing impossible things is doing a disservice to young children with impressionable minds.
Teaching claptrap about invisible gods doing impossible things is doing a disservice to young children with impressionable minds.

Like it or not, it's culture. If I were to teach Social Studies, I would cover how the Catholic Church withstood Fidel Castro's unchecked power to try to extinguish it. And I'm not particularly fond of Catholicism. However, the strength of culture is amazing.
yet you don't want students to have open minds.
that is pretty much right in line with every progressive out there.

indoctrination is the liberal motto.

Teaching doltism does not open ones mind.
yet you don't want students to have open minds.
that is pretty much right in line with every progressive out there.

indoctrination is the liberal motto.

Do you want state-funded schools to teach the Old Testament?
For that matter, do you consider evolution to be controversial?
Teaching claptrap about invisible gods doing impossible things is doing a disservice to young children with impressionable minds.

teaching your claptrap views is doing a disservice to young children with impressionable minds.
i guess your argument didn't go as far as what you wanted it too.
that is the problem with indoctrination. it limits the thinking capability of the individual.
Do you want state-funded schools to teach the Old Testament?
For that matter, do you consider evolution to be controversial?

I have yet to see a monkey turn into a human.
i have yet to see a frog become a bird. so yea i would say evolution has a lot of issues.

the biggest issue with evolution is that if natural selection is true and that it only passes on the most
proper gene's then we wouldn't be seeing the break down that we do in DNA structures.

we would see people have less and less genetic mutations. yet that is not what we are seeing.

so yea evolution has some issues.
I have yet to see a monkey turn into a human.
i have yet to see a frog become a bird. so yea i would say evolution has a lot of issues.

the biggest issue with evolution is that if natural selection is true and that it only passes on the most
proper gene's then we wouldn't be seeing the break down that we do in DNA structures.

we would see people have less and less genetic mutations. yet that is not what we are seeing.

so yea evolution has some issues.

So now we have identified the problem: you do not understand anything about evolution. Ape-like creatures did give rise to humans but that was hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago. When you want to criticize a science, take the trouble of learning something about it first. (And frogs don't become birds).

Get back to us when you have learned something about what you criticize.
Conservatives are complete idiots and assholes. HOw much more of this do we have to take? **** these people
I have yet to see a monkey turn into a human.
i have yet to see a frog become a bird. so yea i would say evolution has a lot of issues.

the biggest issue with evolution is that if natural selection is true and that it only passes on the most
proper gene's then we wouldn't be seeing the break down that we do in DNA structures.

we would see people have less and less genetic mutations. yet that is not what we are seeing.

so yea evolution has some issues.

You do not understand the very basics of Evolution.
So now we have identified the problem: you do not understand anything about evolution. Ape-like creatures did give rise to humans but that was hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago. When you want to criticize a science, take the trouble of learning something about it first. (And frogs don't become birds).

Get back to us when you have learned something about what you criticize.

It kind of shows why it is dangerous to teach the "alternatives"

One comes away learning nothing.
I have yet to see a monkey turn into a human.
i have yet to see a frog become a bird. so yea i would say evolution has a lot of issues.

the biggest issue with evolution is that if natural selection is true and that it only passes on the most
proper gene's then we wouldn't be seeing the break down that we do in DNA structures.

we would see people have less and less genetic mutations. yet that is not what we are seeing.

so yea evolution has some issues.

You don't know what 'evolution' is. Evolution doesn't say that monkeys turn into men and the only people who say it does are ignorant fundamentalists. I don't knw what you're talking about when you say "breakdown in DNA structures" and I don't believe you do either but one, ONE of the things that drives evolution is genetic mutation that sometimes is successful and becomes a species. Want an example? On the coast north of me there's a population of black bears that's white due to a genetic mutation. It's not a species yet, a white sow can give birth to black cubs, but studies have shown that the white mutation is occasionally an advantage when the bear is fishing because from a fish's point of view the white is harder to see if the sky is the background. One day they might evolve into a new species.
What do you mean when you say we shoud see people with less and less genetic mutations? Do you say evolution must have stopped, must be a done deal? People are still evolving, that's sure. It's inevitable- the requirements for success are changing all the time and that will certainly mean that successful individuals will look different in ten thousand years from now than they did ten thousand years ago.

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