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Fake News: Cite Your Evidence (1 Viewer)

If you believe media manufactures news, can you provide credible sources to back up your claim?

  • Yes (please do)

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • No

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 26.7%

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  • Poll closed .
I will posit that you can't because they don't. And I'm not talking about the odd story with the unstable or lying journalist here or there. I am talking about providing evidence of a conspiracy of the 343455445465676753454656 people who work in media creating fake stories to feed to the public.
Fake News.

Probably one of the worst and annoying phrases to enter the political lexicon since the post-fix "gate".
Is this good enough?

The 7 Worst Examples of Fake News From the Mainstream Media.

1) Newsweek’s Flushing The Koran Story. 2) Rathergate. 3) NBC And CNN Lying About The George Zimmerman Tape. 4) NBC’s Phony Exploding GM Truck. 5) The Jayson Blair Scandal At The New York Times. 6) The Rolling Stone Rape Story. 7) Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.

Now that was back in December 2016.

But maybe you are talking about the Trump campaign period?

That's a little more difficult, because in those cases the MSM examples would he where things were taken out of context in order to show something not quit true.

For example: "Trump made fun of a handicapped reporter by mimicking his handicap"...except that Trump was shown to have used those same gestures in prior speeches for non-handicapped targets, and the reporter's handicap was not represented (he is unable to make such gestures himself).

There were similar misrepresentations touted as showing he was racist, xenophobic, etc. with about the only one having any real merit on examination was the "grab them by the..." comment. Even that was misrepresented since he never said he did...he simply stated one could if they were a star.

This is easily researched (as I did in prior post during the campaign period and after) so forgive me if I don't repost. (I am trying to find a recent post where this came up so don't quote yet.)
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Yes, broadcast media manufactures news, kinda, sorta. Print media, less so.

Here is the very brief, short, incomplete version of why broadcast media manufactures news. And broadcast news leads the way.

People no longer read, for whatever reason. (That's another thread altogether.)

It all started to go to hell when Ted Turner went on the air in Atlanta back in the dark ages to beg for money to float his local channel. [A major skip forward] From that successful effort CNN was eventually born.

It was a grand start, but Turner literally and unknowingly at that time changed the world. Long story very short, following CNN local and network news programs began to restructure to become profit programs. Up to that point they were never intended to produce profit. They did not have the financial backing or support to be much more than a regurgitation of local news backed by UPI or AP feeds that were re-broadcast 3 times a day with a station sign off before midnight.

In time CNN became a 24 hour news network. Other news networks were created and followed the 24 hour format and thus due greatly to competition the creation of 24 hour news began.

In reality it isn't so much that news is actually created but rather news is emphasized and highlighted and manipulated based on market shares which are based on demographics, news cycle and yada feckin yada.

It is not so much about news as it is about profit. That most definitely is the bottomline.
You're citing a fake news/alt-right site as a reputable source? Priceless!

I'm sorry, were the seven incidents reported falsely?

Didn't Dan Rather lie, etc.?

I don't think you'll find an MSM site willing to list this kind of information themselves, who want's to point out there own faults? But each is easily researchable. Google is your friend. :)

I will posit that you can't because they don't...

Meanwhile...here is an example of what I was looking for before my time ran out (I don't think you actually get 20 minutes as advertised):

(Sigh) Here is the source of the "1318 Lies" story.


Peruse the article and you find:...

Stories that are more commentary that truth, propaganda to push a narrative rather than honest news reporting. The emphasis being on lack of HONEST reporting.

As another example posted by the NY Times about a Wall Street Journal Editor pointed out:

Yellow journalism is nothing new...


CNN is a prime example. Talking heads mixing personal commentary with news bites and creating news to project a narrative affecting public opinion...

Wall Street Journal Editor Admonishes Reporters Over Trump Coverage. “Could we please just stick to reporting what he said rather than packaging it in exegesis and selective criticism?”

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You're citing a fake news/alt-right site as a reputable source? Priceless!

He was simply linking an article that had compiled a few cases for the OP. Is there anything in the article you disagree with? Or are you just attacking the source since you don't know how to refute the statements within it?
I'm sorry, were the seven incidents reported falsely?

Didn't Dan Rather lie, etc.?

I don't think you'll find an MSM site willing to list this kind of information themselves, who want's to point out there own faults? But each is easily researchable. Google is your friend. :)

You couldn't speak the truth if it bit you on the bum.Quote from a reputable source and we'll talk. Until then, bye.
Salon? Got anything credible?

From the limited experience I have had with Salon, they are relatively credible. Heavy Left Bias but in the articles I have read they typically link to sources to show where the facts are coming from.
You couldn't speak the truth if it bit you on the bum.Quote from a reputable source and we'll talk. Until then, bye.

Out of curiosity, is there any site that is not Left of Center that you consider reputable?
Out of curiosity, is there any site that is not Left of Center that you consider reputable?

Let's start with WaPo, NYT. Excellent reporting.

When you google or bing Captain Adverse's claims it is an endless list of far right, CT references. The same for all of those who live in an alternate universe.
Let's start with WaPo, NYT. Excellent reporting.

When you google or bing Captain Adverse's claims it is an endless list of far right, CT references. The same for all of those who live in an alternate universe.

So in other words you don't consider any publication right of Center to be credible?
Is this good enough?


Now that was back in December 2016.

But maybe you are talking about the Trump campaign period?

That's a little more difficult, because in those cases the MSM examples would he where things were taken out of context in order to show something not quit true.

For example: "Trump made fun of a handicapped reporter by mimicking his handicap"...except that Trump was shown to have used those same gestures in prior speeches for non-handicapped targets, and the reporter's handicap was not represented (he is unable to make such gestures himself).

There were similar misrepresentations touted as showing he was racist, xenophobic, etc. with about the only one having any real merit on examination was the "grab them by the..." comment. Even that was misrepresented since he never said he did...he simply stated one could if they were a star.

This is easily researched (as I did in prior post during the campaign period and after) so forgive me if I don't repost. (I am trying to find a recent post where this came up so don't quote yet.)

This is the kinda stuff that sounds impressive, until you engage your brain. 7 wrong stories, over years? That would be less than 1% of stories wrong. Not bad at all...
Is this good enough?


Now that was back in December 2016.

But maybe you are talking about the Trump campaign period?

That's a little more difficult, because in those cases the MSM examples would he where things were taken out of context in order to show something not quit true.

For example: "Trump made fun of a handicapped reporter by mimicking his handicap"...except that Trump was shown to have used those same gestures in prior speeches for non-handicapped targets, and the reporter's handicap was not represented (he is unable to make such gestures himself).

There were similar misrepresentations touted as showing he was racist, xenophobic, etc. with about the only one having any real merit on examination was the "grab them by the..." comment. Even that was misrepresented since he never said he did...he simply stated one could if they were a star.

This is easily researched (as I did in prior post during the campaign period and after) so forgive me if I don't repost. (I am trying to find a recent post where this came up so don't quote yet.)

Wait seven stories??? I thought this fake news stuff was a widespread problem in the MSM, and you can only come up with seven stories? Four of which I've never even heard of.
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Here's almost a couple of decade's worth.

25 Fake News Stories From The Mainstream Media - IVN.us

If you bother to read it at all, please read to the conclusion.

What a ridiculous article... Still not seeing a major problem here even if all 25 of those are true. that's what 32 fake news stories over decades? Trump has lied or promoted 32 fake news stories just today

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