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Facing the Kremlin. Stepan Banderas monument will be installed a hundred kilometers from Muscovite (1 Viewer)

stalinist, did your role model koba " exterminate millions of innocent people" many years before hitler has even started? just yes or no ?
Each year, on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine remembers the millions who died during the Holodomor, the Stalin-era famine that devastated the population in 1932-1933. Many countries consider it to have been genocide.

S Bandera was killing "millions of innocent people in the name of “anti communism”." from Nazi death camp (where 2 of his brothers were killed) right?
stalinist, did your role model koba " exterminate millions of innocent people" many years before hitler has even started? just yes or no ?

S Bandera was killing "millions of innocent people in the name of “anti communism”." from Nazi death camp (where 2 of his brothers were killed) right?

As I posted above....

“Hostility to both the Soviet central government and the Jewish minority were highlighted at the OUN-B's Conference in Kraków in May 1941, at which the leadership of Bandera's OUN faction adopted the program "Struggle and action of OUN during the war" (Ukrainian: "Боротьба й діяльність ОУН під час війни") which outlined the plans for activities at the onset of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union and the western territories of the Ukrainian SSR.[60] The program declared that:
The Jews in the USSR constitute the most faithful support of the ruling Bolshevik regime, and the vanguard of Muscovite imperialism in Ukraine. The Muscovite-Bolshevik government exploits the anti-Jewish sentiments of the Ukrainian masses to divert their attention from the true cause of their misfortune and to channel them in a time of frustration into pogroms on Jews. The OUN combats the Jews as the prop of the Muscovite-Bolshevik regime and simultaneously it renders the masses conscious of the fact that the principal foe is Moscow.[69]”

“ Section G of the program – "Directives for organizing the life of the state during the first days" (Ukrainian: "Вказівки на перші дні організації державного життя") outlined activity of the Bandera followers during mid-1941.[61] In a subsection on "Minority Policy", the leaders of OUN-B ordered:
Moskali [i.e. ethnic Russians], Poles, and Jews that are hostile to us are to be destroyed in struggle, particularly those opposing the regime, by means of: deporting them to their own lands, eradicating their intelligentsia, which is not to be admitted to any governmental positions, and overall preventing any creation of this intelligentsia (e.g. access to education etc)... Jews are to be isolated, removed from governmental positions in order to prevent sabotage... Those who are deemed necessary may only work under strict supervision and removed from their positions for slightest misconduct... Jewish assimilation is not possible.[70][71][72]
Later in June, Yaroslav Stetsko sent to Bandera a report in which he stated "We are creating a militia which will help to remove the Jews and protect the population."[73][74] Leaflets spread in the name of Bandera in the same year called for the "destruction" of "Moscow", Poles, Hungarians and Jewry.[75][76][77] In 1941–1942 while Bandera was cooperating with the Germans, OUN members did take part in anti-Jewish actions. German police at 1941 reported that "fanatic" Bandera followers, organised in small groups were "extraordinarily active" against Jews and communists.[78]””

Bandera continued happily collaborating with the Germans even after spending time in their camp. That speaks of strong ideological agreement.

His followers actively took part in the Holocaust, and as the Germans stated, were enthusiastic about slaughtering innocent people.

Hitler slaughtered his millions in a tiny fraction of the time it took Stalin. Had the allies not crushed your heroes he would have far exceeded Stalin.
stalinist, did your role model koba " exterminate millions of innocent people" many years before hitler has even started? just yes or no ?

S Bandera was killing "millions of innocent people in the name of “anti communism”." from Nazi death camp (where 2 of his brothers were killed) right?

Oh, and like I said before, Stalin isn’t my role model. ... not that I expect folks like you who perk up when you hear the Horst Wessel-Lied to comprehend that.
why you did not give the answer again? this is the topic question: did koba " exterminate millions of innocent people" many years before hitler has even started? just yes or no ?
why you did not give the answer again? this is the topic question: did koba " exterminate millions of innocent people" many years before hitler has even started? just yes or no ?

People who celebrate Nazi collaborators don’t get to cry “but anti communism”

The topic is Ukrainians celebrating a man whose followers actively participated in the Holocaust and who happily collaborated with the Nazis even after spending time in a camp.
“but anti communism

you are not only a stalinist you are the traitor , we are all here anti communism traitor !

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“but anti communism

you are not only a stalinist you are the traitor , we are all here anti communism traitor !


Reagan didn’t manage to kick anyone’s ass. He did manage to almost get himself and everyone else killed though.

Who exactly did I “betray”?

I do love how you manage to get “you are a commie” out of opposing Nazis and their collaborators. Way to prove my point :lamo

Being anti-communist is not an excuse to justify murdering millions of innocent people and working with Adolf Hitler, and the fact that you think it does is a pretty clear sign that we shouldn’t be sending aid or weaponry to any countries which think collaborators are heroes.
Reagan didn’t manage to kick anyone’s ass.

tell it to the dirty maskal Marxist - stalinist pigs :peace

Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.
tell it to the dirty maskal Marxist - stalinist pigs :peace

They don’t think he kicked anyone’s ass either. The Soviet system was inherently flawed from the beginning. It was always going to shatter.

On the other hand the Soviets did a great job of kicking the ass of the Nazis and their collaborators.

Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.

Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.

Russia's full of Nazis

Left: The German and Russian Nazis carving up Poland and the Baltic States in 1939.
Right: The Russian Nazi who wants to do so again today.

Left: The German and Russian Nazis carving up Poland and the Baltic States in 1939.
Right: The Russian Nazi who wants to do so again today.

Oh look, you still haven’t provided any evidence for Putin wanting to invade Poland.

“ The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) is today honored by many Ukrainian nationalists.[58] Since 2010 every year on April 28 a march is held to celebrate the foundation of the division.[59] In addition streets were named after the division in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukrains`koi Dyvizii Street) and Ternopil (Soldiers Division "Galicia" Street).[60]”

14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) - Wikipedia

Stalin wasn’t a fascist by the way.

Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.
I can, and will, engage in this "last post" game forever.


Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.
I can, and will, engage in this "last post" game forever.


Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.

Azov Division logo


The logo of the 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich”


Subtlety is apparently not their strong suit.

And yes, I’m sure you are more than willing to continue spewing garbage. Fanatics like you and Liitwin always are.

Ukraine president Volodmyr Zelenskyy and friends. They don't look like Nazis to me.

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