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Everything You Know About Fat Is Wrong (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
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The Lone Star State.
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Everything You Know About Fat Is Wrong - The Daily Beast

Think a low fat diet is the key to health? Think again.

You can’t blame patients for being skeptical. After years of advocating low-fat diets, Dr. Oz recently declared that eating saturated fat might not actually be all that bad. And the month before that, the press hyped a new study that indicated there’s no good evidence that saturated fats cause heart disease. The American Heart Association, on the other hand, continues to promote low-fat diets. So what should physicians tell patients now?

Most practicing doctors are poorly equipped to make sense of it all. (Even the doctors on the 2013 cholesterol guideline committee hired other people to read the literature for them.) What should doctors advise—stick with low fat or start cooking with lard?

In the new book, The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet, science writer Nina Teicholz implies that we should do the latter. Like many people, Teicholz herself was once a disciple of low-fat diets—but after she took an assignment writing restaurant reviews, she found herself losing weight on a diet of heavy creams and fatty meats. Her curiosity was piqued, and she began a nearly decade-long critical review of the research on dietary fat. Her conclusion? Eating saturated fat can be the key to developing a healthy and lean body.

The sure fire way to lose or maintain the weight you want is moderation and exercise. I used to try every diet in the book from atkins to starvation and the only way I lost and kept it off was moderation and exercise. There was even a horrible week that I tried the bulimic method. Only thing that really worked was moderation and exercise.
I know fat tastes great.
The sure fire way to lose or maintain the weight you want is moderation and exercise. I used to try every diet in the book from atkins to starvation and the only way I lost and kept it off was moderation and exercise. There was even a horrible week that I tried the bulimic method. Only thing that really worked was moderation and exercise.

Bingo. Using a diet like Atkins as a primer to start a workout/moderation program is fine. Living on it (or any other) is baaad. I've lost 10lbs just telling my self "Don't" to eating urges. It's making a difference. Add in 20 min on the machine and some reps with the ab wheel thingy and all ready results are in. Now when it's time to eat I ask myself "Do I really want to pack it back on" and instead of the larger portions, I'm about 1/2 of what I used to eat. A candy bar once in a while, a burger... 2 slices of pizza. Not bad for you. Just not all in the same day or even week if your serious.

I personally cook with butter, it tastes better and my cholestrol is same levels as when I was 18
The sure fire way to lose or maintain the weight you want is moderation and exercise. I used to try every diet in the book from atkins to starvation and the only way I lost and kept it off was moderation and exercise. There was even a horrible week that I tried the bulimic method. Only thing that really worked was moderation and exercise.

I used a different method to lose weight. I abandoned any attachment to life's little pleasures and took on a bitter, resentful outlook.
I used a different method to lose weight. I abandoned any attachment to life's little pleasures and took on a bitter, resentful outlook.

I could see that working for a while, but then you either have to stay in that state of mind (depressing IMO) or you have to take that disciplined you learned from that to keep it off. Personally I like the exercise and food proportion method simply because I can eat the foods I like, every now and then, but just not nearly as frequently as I did.
The sure fire way to lose or maintain the weight you want is moderation and exercise. I used to try every diet in the book from atkins to starvation and the only way I lost and kept it off was moderation and exercise. There was even a horrible week that I tried the bulimic method. Only thing that really worked was moderation and exercise.
This is likely true although the over abundance of carbs seems to be the major culprit in weight gain..
Maybe all that fat just keep you lubed up and working smoothly?
But but but, there was a consensus among scientist that fat was bad for you. Everyone said so my entire life. Are you telling me "ALL the scientist" were wrong? OMG!:lol:

I used a different method to lose weight. I abandoned any attachment to life's little pleasures and took on a bitter, resentful outlook.

I use the extreme emotional stress method myself. The pounds just melt away, and you're so preoccupied with stress, that you don't even notice you can't eat. :lol:
The sure fire way to lose or maintain the weight you want is moderation and exercise. I used to try every diet in the book from atkins to starvation and the only way I lost and kept it off was moderation and exercise. There was even a horrible week that I tried the bulimic method. Only thing that really worked was moderation and exercise.

Let me see if I understand you. You're saying moderation and exercise right? Got it.
Everything You Know About Fat Is Wrong - The Daily Beast

Think a low fat diet is the key to health? Think again.

You can’t blame patients for being skeptical. After years of advocating low-fat diets, Dr. Oz recently declared that eating saturated fat might not actually be all that bad. And the month before that, the press hyped a new study that indicated there’s no good evidence that saturated fats cause heart disease. The American Heart Association, on the other hand, continues to promote low-fat diets. So what should physicians tell patients now?

Most practicing doctors are poorly equipped to make sense of it all. (Even the doctors on the 2013 cholesterol guideline committee hired other people to read the literature for them.) What should doctors advise—stick with low fat or start cooking with lard?

In the new book, The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet, science writer Nina Teicholz implies that we should do the latter. Like many people, Teicholz herself was once a disciple of low-fat diets—but after she took an assignment writing restaurant reviews, she found herself losing weight on a diet of heavy creams and fatty meats. Her curiosity was piqued, and she began a nearly decade-long critical review of the research on dietary fat. Her conclusion? Eating saturated fat can be the key to developing a healthy and lean body.


You do realize Dr. Oz's show is basically a commercial right? He invites people on who often have controversial points of view supporting the unconventional product they are peddling. He suggests this new angle might work better than the standard guidelines and lets the audience and viewers at home decide for themselves. This is his schtick that allows him to sell products day after day without endorsing bad science because its all done under the guise of "maybe" and "who knows it could work!".

The reason the AHA doesn't change every time some new study suggests something is because these things are a dime a dozen. They only change guidelines when there is an abundance of long standing evidence showing a particular issue is likely to be true. People have been making this argument about fats for decades, it is nothing new. They are discovering more and more that different types of fats within their subtypes are healthy and unhealthy, they don't have all the answers yet. However there is still abundant evidence that eating animal products overall most definitely contributes to heart disease.
You do realize Dr. Oz's show is basically a commercial right? He invites people on who often have controversial points of view supporting the unconventional product they are peddling. He suggests this new angle might work better than the standard guidelines and lets the audience and viewers at home decide for themselves. This is his schtick that allows him to sell products day after day without endorsing bad science because its all done under the guise of "maybe" and "who knows it could work!".

The reason the AHA doesn't change every time some new study suggests something is because these things are a dime a dozen. They only change guidelines when there is an abundance of long standing evidence showing a particular issue is likely to be true. People have been making this argument about fats for decades, it is nothing new. They are discovering more and more that different types of fats within their subtypes are healthy and unhealthy, they don't have all the answers yet. However there is still abundant evidence that eating animal products overall most definitely contributes to heart disease.

I'd more inclined to blame carbs and chemical additives.
I'd more inclined to blame carbs and chemical additives.

Excess and bad carbs absolutely also play a role as well. I read something not too long ago about how sugar may irritate the lining of arteries inducing a collection of... I forget what, some kind of response, but it could be contributing to clogging your circulatory system just the same as bad fats.

Not to mention diabetes, insulin resistance, blood sugar spikes causing increased hunger which leads to obesity.
Excess and bad carbs absolutely also play a role as well. I read something not too long ago about how sugar may irritate the lining of arteries inducing a collection of... I forget what, some kind of response, but it could be contributing to clogging your circulatory system just the same as bad fats.

Not to mention diabetes, insulin resistance, blood sugar spikes causing increased hunger which leads to obesity.

Anything that causes any sort of inflammation is highly damaging to the body.

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