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Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups [W:165] (1 Viewer)

Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits, human rights groups say - The Washington Post

"Two influential human rights groups say they have freshly documented dozens of civilian deaths in U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, contradicting assertions by the Obama administration that such casualties are rare.

In Yemen, Human Rights Watch investigated six selected airstrikes since 2009 and concluded that at least 57 of the 82 people killed were civilians, including a pregnant woman and three children who perished in a September 2012 attack. "

Is it time to stop the drone attacks?

Humans Right watch is a left wing think tank....Nuff said.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

And what? Send in the Marines? The B52's?

I like the drone attacks except I fear the day when terrorists get the technology and use it on us.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

I like the drone attacks except I fear the day when terrorists get the technology and use it on us.

When that day comes, Just don't hang around with those who the drones are attacking. And don't live in the same town. And don't eat in the same restaurant. And don't shop in the same mall. Don't drive on the same road either

That was your solution wasn't it?
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

When that day comes, Just don't hang around with those who the drones are attacking. And don't live in the same town. And don't eat in the same restaurant. And don't shop in the same mall. Don't drive on the same road either

That was your solution wasn't it?

Show me where I said I had a solution....Thanks
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

When that day comes, Just don't hang around with those who the drones are attacking. And don't live in the same town. And don't eat in the same restaurant. And don't shop in the same mall. Don't drive on the same road either

That was your solution wasn't it?

Is your solution to stay in your house 24/7? what a life you would have.........no thanks.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Since Terrorist don't meet the legal definition of a Combatant, they are all civilians.

As to the rest, if you are hanging around with know terrorist and a drone drops a bomb on him while you are nearby, oh, should of found better friends to handout with.

I know, how dare people try to live in towns and communities. Bastards!
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

I know, how dare people try to live in towns and communities. Bastards!

What people? We're talking terrorist, most of which are killed in their compounds not the middle of markets. They are not people. They are much more like coyotes or jackals than people.

Better them in their towns than us in our towns.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

It's funny how Democrats accept "drone strike" as a politically correct way to say "assassinate".

Political and community leaders are "assassinated", dangerous cur animals are just simply killed or put down.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Show me where I said I had a solution....Thanks

My mistake. DVSentinel said
"As to the rest, if you are hanging around with know terrorist and a drone drops a bomb on him while you are nearby, oh, should of found better friends to handout with.

You merely liked the post.

Rather than recheck the post, I relied on my superb memory :)

Maybe next time I will re-check.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Political and community leaders are "assassinated", dangerous cur animals are just simply killed or put down.

Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

What people? We're talking terrorist, most of which are killed in their compounds not the middle of markets. They are not people. They are much more like coyotes or jackals than people.

Ahh....so that's why we're killing so many civilians. Oh....wait.

Better them in their towns than us in our towns.

That's how you get them in both.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Ahh....so that's why we're killing so many civilians. Oh....wait.

Do you have specific examples where we attacked targets in populated areas with these drone strikes?

That's how you get them in both.

Right. What towns were we blowing up prior to Lockerby? The bombing of Discos in Germany in 80s? 9/11? The first bombings of the World Trade Centers? etc, etc.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

According to this article were 2,160 militants and 67 civilians killed in Drone attacks in Pakistan.

From this article:
The Pakistani government said Wednesday that 3 percent of 2,227 people killed in U.S. drone strikes since 2008 were civilians, a surprisingly low figure that sparked criticism from groups that have investigated deaths from the attacks.

The number, which was provided by the Ministry of Defense to the Senate, is much lower than past government calculations and estimates by independent organizations that have gone as high as 300.
The ministry said 317 drone strikes have killed 2,160 Islamic militants and 67 civilians since 2008.

Drone Deaths: 3 Percent Of People Killed By U.S. Strikes Since 2008 Were Civilians, Pakistan Reports
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits, human rights groups say - The Washington Post

"Two influential human rights groups say they have freshly documented dozens of civilian deaths in U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, contradicting assertions by the Obama administration that such casualties are rare.

In Yemen, Human Rights Watch investigated six selected airstrikes since 2009 and concluded that at least 57 of the 82 people killed were civilians, including a pregnant woman and three children who perished in a September 2012 attack. "

Is it time to stop the drone attacks?

Let's just assume for arguments sake that the strikes are justified and necessary. What would you propose as an alternative? B1s? Boots on the ground? Assassins?
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

"The bodies were charred like coal - I could not recognise the faces," Ahmad al-Sabooli, a 23 year-old Yemeni farmer, said.....

And you are proposing that it not be Ahmad in Yemen saying this but Sally of her friends in front of the Chicago drugstore. I see.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

And you are proposing that it not be Ahmad in Yemen saying this but Sally of her friends in front of the Chicago drugstore. I see.

and you are suggesting there is a difference? Innocent people being blown up is okay, as long as the person is not American? No one will accuse you of being Christian.

Perhaps there should be some clear U.S. policy. "We will not kill more than 30 innocent people at one time in pursuit of a suspected terrorist leader."
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Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Imagine if the Chinese or Russians sent a drone over Anycity, USofA and poofed up a secluded motel that housed a wanted "terrorist".
Imagine if in that hotel there was also a half dozen or more children on an overnight church retreat.

I wonder how many "supporters" of USofA drone strikes into countries we're supposedly not actively or officially at war with would support other countries doing the same thing on US soil?

My thoughts on this are simple.

The "war on terror" is much like the "war on drugs".

It's causing more problems than it's solving.
It's created an almost symbiotic relationship between the "aggressors" and the "defenders".

It's time to stop such nonsense.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

"But if just one child is saved..." - paraphrased from unknown author.


As long as it ain't your kid who dies, who cares right?

Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

and you are suggesting there is a difference? Innocent people being blown up is okay, as long as the person is not American? No one will accuse you of being Christian.

Perhaps there should be some clear U.S. policy. "We will not kill more than 30 innocent people at one time in pursuit of a suspected terrorist leader."

I do not know if you have ever been targeted. If you have, I have found, the view on terrorists hiding in populations changes some. When my cousin was bombed, a number of people in the vicinity died or lost limbs. That makes you think. Especially toward the populations that allow the terrorists to hide. Also you would probably have thought about why it is important to make the business of terror deadly for the terrorists and those who allow them to do their work from within the populations camouflage.

So yes. If it is me or my family or my friends? I would prefer 30 of them dead to one of mine. As a matter of fact, tell you children that you would prefer them dead to 30 in Yemen.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

Sad to report that the real terrorists are men in business suits with American flag lapel pins prominently displayed, figuratively wrapped in American flags. Scoundrels and terrorists.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

I do not know if you have ever been targeted. If you have, I have found, the view on terrorists hiding in populations changes some. When my cousin was bombed, a number of people in the vicinity died or lost limbs. That makes you think. Especially toward the populations that allow the terrorists to hide. Also you would probably have thought about why it is important to make the business of terror deadly for the terrorists and those who allow them to do their work from within the populations camouflage.

So yes. If it is me or my family or my friends? I would prefer 30 of them dead to one of mine. As a matter of fact, tell you children that you would prefer them dead to 30 in Yemen.

The "populations that allow them to hide"????

So many in Boston are guilty of that, and would have been little more than "expendable collateral damage" had the military bombed the house the Tsarnaev brothers were hiding in before they set off for the Boston marathon????

I didn't know terrorists wore special uniforms that made them stand out in crowds and alert others to their activities.
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

The "populations that allow them to hide"????

So many in Boston are guilty of that, and would have been little more than "expendable collateral damage" had the military bombed the house the Tsarnaev brothers were hiding in before they set off for the Boston marathon????

I didn't know terrorists wore special uniforms that made them stand out in crowds and alert others to their activities.

I think that probably the Bostonians would have done something, had they known. My people certainly would have. And you will also find a significant difference to Yemen in the fact that your government can send police officers to Boston without heavy weapons.
If the criminals hole up in Boston among the population, you can ring them off with police and wait. I mean, your argument is really hard to understand. There are so many differences in the situations....
Yes! War is unpleasant and it kills people that are not criminal. Does that mean you would prefer your own family dead or maimed?
Re: Drone strikes killing more civilians than U.S. admits - human rights groups say

I think that probably the Bostonians would have done something, had they known. My people certainly would have. And you will also find a significant difference to Yemen in the fact that your government can send police officers to Boston without heavy weapons.
If the criminals hole up in Boston among the population, you can ring them off with police and wait. I mean, your argument is really hard to understand. There are so many differences in the situations....
Yes! War is unpleasant and it kills people that are not criminal. Does that mean you would prefer your own family dead or maimed?

We are NOT at war with most of the places we're using drones.

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