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Does the world owe you anything (1 Viewer)

Does the world owe you something for being born

  • World owes me nothing

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • World owes me at least the basics of life

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters
The gov has no right to do so except that might makes right. If you are born into an oppressive go you have to fight to overthrow it.

So you are saying that people have a right to take someone else's property, if they have the power to do so?
I was raised that the world does not owe you a thing so get out there and work for what you want. Others seem to have been raised to feel that they are owed something simply because they were born. This debate on health care is a good example of that. My feeling is that if you want health care then get a job and buy insurance while others think you deserve health care just because. I don't get it.

World owes you nothing but if you are fortunate enough to be born in a country where people have earned certain rights by the ballot or the sword you inherit those rights.

That's the problem I'm having with your argument right there.
That's the problem I'm having with your argument right there.

Being born entitles you to nothing beyond the laws of the land you are born in. You work within those parameters just like everyone else. You should not expect to be given a nice home or a nice car or take nice vacations unless you earn them.
Being born entitles you to nothing beyond the laws of the land you are born in. You work within those parameters just like everyone else. You should not expect to be given a nice home or a nice car or take nice vacations unless you earn them.

Right but you said you were owed nothing, but clearly you are owed something even if thats just your rights

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