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DJT's Fake News Awards (1 Viewer)

I love how the GOP sponsored this crap on their website. What a worthless sack of crap the modern day GOP is. They are happy that Trump signed their precious tax cuts for the wealthy, so they are willing to placate him with this drivel. And of course, the GOP base loves this nonsense. Anything to keep the Republican voters riled up and angry so they can continue voting Republican.

Works for me! :2wave:

Fake news is a left wing problem. You should clean them up..... Anger turns us out at the polls!
Again, fevered imagination coupled with mind reading. Creative, I'll give you that, but not much more than that.

Alright, I'll drop the completely innocent question of why you don't lie to everybody, since putting the spotlight on you clearly makes you so uncomfortable. Let's change it to the more neutral, Why is it bad to lie?
Works for me! :2wave:

Fake news is a left wing problem. You should clean them up..... Anger turns us out at the polls!

Huh? Trump's entire political career has been nothing but fake news. Who are you kidding?

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