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DHS Looks to Buy Men's Underwear, Some of it Very Big (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Behind the Orange Curtain
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
The Department of Homeland Security is looking to purchase a lot of men’s underwear.

:laughat: Obama Underwear

Free stuff. The Obama administration are giving away free underwear to all illegal aliens at the border.

When the word gets back to Central America, you watch the flood of more uneducated, unskilled illegal aliens rushing towards El Norte. Free underwear along with free Gringo burritos, free health care and a free education and free transportation into the American interior. Free stuff.

>" An Immigration and Customs Enforcement solicitation posted this month at Federal Business Opportunities seeks to fulfill an order for hundreds of pairs of men’s briefs from size medium to 6X-large.

The DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requires the following items, Purchase Description Determined by Line Item, to the following:

LI 001: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: Medium Per Dozen, 600, DZ;

LI 002: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: Large Per Dozen, 600, DZ;

LI 003: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: X-Large Per Dozen, 600, DZ;

LI 004: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: 2X-Large Per Dozen, 400, DZ;

LI 005: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: 3X-Large Per Dozen, 400, DZ;

LI 006: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: 4X-Large Per Dozen, 400, DZ;

LI 007: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: 5X-Large Per Dozen, 300, DZ;

LI 008: White 100% Cotton Men's Briefs Size: 6X-Large Per Dozen, 200, DZ;

While the bulk request for undies by a law enforcement agency appears odd and has been making the rounds in the blogosphere, according to ICE such orders are not unusual for ICE-owned detention facilities. "<

DHS Looks to Buy Men's Underwear, Some of it Very Big

Homeland Security Seeks Thousands Of Pairs Of Underwear For Detained Immigrants « CBS Houston
It's a sanitation issue, for Pete's sake.
There must be no new development in the IRS "scandal".
It's a sanitation issue, for Pete's sake.

If they were able to get by in their own home country owning just one pair of underwear, why start now teaching them personal hygiene ?

I've personally known dozens of Border Patrol Agents over the decades and all mentioned of the tens of thousands of illegal aliens that they have apprehended at the border, the vast majority (almost all) don't carry a change of underwear with them.
Then there's the U.S. Border Patrol who noticed of the millions of illegal aliens caught crossing illegally into the USA, rarely does the illegal alien has a change of underwear in their belongings.

Problem, problem solved.
Maybe the whitey tightys will scare them away.
There must be no new development in the IRS "scandal".

There was.

And watch, Obama's open border policies is going to be the next Obama scandal.

Not so much that you and I have to pay for some foreigners underwear but it was just discovered that the DHS back in January were looking for contract bids for the private sector to transports tens of thousands of illegal aliens deep into the American interior so they could be released into our society and get lost until amnesty time.

Obama knew exactly what was happening at the border six months ago. And he probably has approved of the invasion.
There was.

And watch, Obama's open border policies is going to be the next Obama scandal.

Not so much that you and I have to pay for some foreigners underwear but it was just discovered that the DHS back in January were looking for contract bids for the private sector to transports tens of thousands of illegal aliens deep into the American interior so they could be released into our society and get lost until amnesty time.

Obama knew exactly what was happening at the border six months ago. And he probably has approved of the invasion.

Hold on...


View attachment 67168749

Alright. Go on, I'm listening.
Dang, if we are buying 6x undies, the people crossing the border are obviously not starving to death down there. Jesus H Christ. :lamo
That's 42,000 pairs of mens underwear @ 4.00 a pair = 168,000 on the taxpayers for one minor item. What about the cost of all the diapers, formula and feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, laundry detergent, feeding them three squares a day etc.????? It is no secret that U.S. citizens have seen their wealth dwindle in the past 6 years. Guess Obama wants another little piece of it. I thought Democrats were staunch supporters of abortion to eliminate unwanted births.....then why is it they keep encouraging importing them?
Dang, if we are buying 6x undies, the people crossing the border are obviously not starving to death down there. Jesus H Christ. :lamo

How many of them have diabetes and high blood pressure? Better get them signed up for Obamacare ASAP! Oh wait - will we have to pay for that, too?

Greetings, lizzie. :2wave:

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