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Day Three Testimony and events.[W491] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2012
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This is for today's testimony and events.
Day 3 testimony

This thread is for discussing the testimony given during todays proceedings only.

Please try and keep things on topic.

Re: Day 3 testimony

This thread is for discussing the testimony given during todays proceedings only.

Please try and keep things on topic.


I don't think it hurts GZ that the judge ruled his previous calls to 911 can be played in court. If I were the defense, I would play every one of them...as well as give detailed reports on crimes committed there and by whom.
Re: Day 3 testimony

I don't think it hurts GZ that the judge ruled his previous calls to 911 can be played in court. If I were the defense, I would play every one of them...as well as give detailed reports on crimes committed there and by whom.

Yeah, let's highlight how Zimmerman profiled a poor black kid getting caught walking in the rain with a bag of Skittles.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Yeah, let's highlight how Zimmerman profiled a poor black kid getting caught walking in the rain with a bag of Skittles.

Why is everyone so quick to defend TM just because he is black? I mean really, I thought the Civil Rights issues were a thing of the past.....
Re: Day 3 testimony

Yeah, let's highlight how Zimmerman profiled a poor black kid getting caught walking in the rain with a bag of Skittles.

The defense will enter the 6th call (that the pros did not want to enter) showing that he called on non-blacks too. Big deal.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Yeah, let's highlight how Zimmerman profiled a poor black kid getting caught walking in the rain with a bag of Skittles.

Profiling by a private citizen is not against the law. Nice try.
Re: Day 3 testimony

This witness: An agressive voice and a higher pitched, less agressive, voice. Guess we'll have to see what else occurs.. but George has already been described by Wendy as meek and George has the "higher pitched" voice.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Why is everyone so quick to defend TM just because he is black? I mean really, I thought the Civil Rights issues were a thing of the past.....
I'm not defending him because he's black. I'm defending him because I believe Zimmermen went after him because he's black.
Re: Day 3 testimony

The defense will enter the 6th call (that the pros did not want to enter) showing that he called on non-blacks too. Big deal.
Not for "suspicious activity" and over the previous 2 years, he didn't.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Profiling by a private citizen is not against the law. Nice try.

It is against the law if it's deemed negligent or reckless.
Re: Day 3 testimony

I'm not defending him because he's black. I'm defending him because I believe Zimmermen went after him because he's black.

He didn't go after anyone. He kept on eye on him presumably until the LEOs arrived. We can't change the race of the suspicious person. The fact that he was black doesn't protect him from being deemed suspicious.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Thread was already started for Day 3 testimony.
Re: Day 3 testimony

I'm not defending him because he's black. I'm defending him because I believe Zimmermen went after him because he's black.

Fair enough, don't think there is evidence to support that, but fair enough.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Not for "suspicious activity" and over the previous 2 years, he didn't.

Yes, for suspicious activity. The 6th call (the one the state does not want to enter) was for suspcious activity and they were not black. You should watch the coverage on clickorlando.com. They have been talkign about it.
Re: Day 3 testimony

I don't think it hurts GZ that the judge ruled his previous calls to 911 can be played in court. If I were the defense, I would play every one of them...as well as give detailed reports on crimes committed there and by whom.

I ageee Maggie...
Re: Day 3 testimony

He didn't go after anyone. He kept on eye on him presumably until the LEOs arrived. We can't change the race of the suspicious person. The fact that he was black doesn't protect him from being deemed suspicious.

He went after him to make sure another "asshole" didn't "get away." And the fact that he was black is why Zimmerman profiled him.
Re: Day 3 testimony

This thread is for discussing the testimony given during todays proceedings only.

Please try and keep things on topic.


But how tall is TM again? ...Just kidding. :)
Re: Day 3 testimony

No. It is not. The mere act of "profiling" by a private citizen is not against the law.

This isn't about the "mere act" of profiling, but profiling someone he wrongly profiled who turned out not to be there to break into houses, as he wrongly assumed; and who had every right to be there. His irresponsible profiling led to a confrontation and ultimately, a death. If the prosecution can prove doing so was either negligent or reckless, then it's criminal.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Playing her 911 call seems to be an attempt to gain sympathy from the jury, because the information doesn't seem helpful in any other way.
Re: Day 3 testimony

This isn't about the "mere act" of profiling, but profiling someone he wrongly profiled who turned out not to be there to break into houses, as he wrongly assumed; and who had every right to be there. His irresponsible profiling led to a confrontation and ultimately, a death. If the prosecution can prove doing so was either negligent or reckless, then it's criminal.

Please keep you comments focused on todays testimony. You can discuss this on any one of the many other threads.
Re: Day 3 testimony

Playing her 911 call seems to be an attempt to gain sympathy from the jury, because the information doesn't seem helpful in any other way.

It also helps to show what she claimed during testimony to be accurate. I always foudn this lady a bit nutty (that's just me, though). Not sure how she can tell it was a "younger voice" and how the person with the higher voice (that was also screaming for help) could be anyone but Zimmerman, who had the higher voice... But, Omara will question about that I assume.

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